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Releases: stnolting/neorv32


17 Oct 07:17
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This list shows the main core changes since the last release. See the project's changelog for more information.

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • fixed signal and generic propagation in rtl/system_integration and setups/radiant/UPduino_v3

💡 Updates and New Features

  • ⚠️ changes handling of software makefile's MARCH and MABI variables (see #184): omitting -march and -mabi flags for these variables
  • ⚠️ reworked fast interrupt request (FIRQ) CPU system: FIRQs are now high-level-triggered and have to stay asserted until explicitly acknowledged (see #176)
  • ⚠️ removed mstatus.TW (timeout wait) CSR bit: wfi instruction is now always allowed to execute in less-privileged modes
  • ⚠️ removed sleep_i signal of custom functions subsystem (CFS)
  • 🔒 CPU now ensures that all illegal instructions do not commit any potential architecture state changes
  • on-chip debugger: wfi now executes as nop when in debug-mode (also during single-stepping)
  • NEOLED: added new control register bit to configure interrupt condition
  • SLINK: added fine-grained per-link interrupt configuration (see #182)
  • UART0, UART1: added optional and configurable RX and TX FIFOs, added fine-grained IRQ configuration (see #183)
  • CPU logic, timing and area optimizations

✔️ Pull Requests and Issues

Merged pull requests:

  • #170 🐛 [rtl/system_integration] fix uart1 rx/tx signals
  • #173 Add argument to makefile to simplify Continuous Integration flow
  • #174 [setups/vivado] Mention the XHub Stores menu item for installing board support
  • #175 [setups/vivado] Fix fileset paths
  • #176 [rtl/core] make FIRQs level-triggered
  • #177 [docs/datasheet] Fix neoled register bits documentation
  • #178 [rtl/system_integration] add NEOLED FIFO depth generic to AXI4 wrapper
  • #180 [docs/datasheet] fix neoled register table formatting
  • #182 [SLINK] add fine-grained IRQ configuration
  • #183 [UARTs] add RX & TX FIFOs
  • #184 ⚠️ [makefile] modify handling of MARCH and MABI variables

Closed issues:

  • #171 Make Check Fails (riscv32-unknown-elf-gcc is not found)
  • #181 neorv32/docs/userguide/content.adoc en dash / em dash


28 Sep 14:33
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This list shows the main core changes since the last release. See the project's changelog for more information.

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • fixed bug in MTIME comparator logic (interrupt condition mtime >= mtimecmp was not always evaluated correctly)
  • fixed CPU's IRQ prioritization: (re-)enter debug mode interrupts have to be evaluated before all other interrupts
  • fixed missing IRQ signal assignments (MSW and XIRQ) in AXI4-lite top wrapper

💡 Updates and New Features

  • ⚠️ split processor-internal memory VHDL sources (IMEM and DMEM) into separated files (PR #151):
    • entity-only (rtl/core/neorv32_*mem.entity.vhd) and default architecture-only (rtl/core/mem/neorv32_*mem.default.vhd)
  • ⚠️ Zifencei extension is now required for the on-chip debugger; executing fence.i without having the Zifencei extension enabled will now cause an illegal instruction exception
  • ⚠️ major change of low-level hardware access (memory-mapped registers) PR #158:
    • now using struct-based access concept (IO module = struct, interface registers = members of struct) instead of #define single-pointers, format: NEORV32_<module_name>.<register_name>
    • renamed all control registers and bits from *CT* to *CTRL*
    • added sw/lib/include/neorv32_legacy.h compatibility layer (maps deprecated "defines" to according structs, provides old control register/bit names)
  • ⚠️ reworked CPU trap/exception system (in order to comply with RISC-V specs.):
    • removed non-maskable interrupt (NMI, top signal nm_irq_i)
    • reworked CPU trap prioritization (sync exceptions before debug mode enter exceptions before async exceptions)
    • RISC-V interrupts (MTI, MSI, MEI) are now high-level-triggered and require to stay asserted until they are explicitly acknowledged
  • started porting the task management system to PyDoit PR #110
  • misa, mip and mtval CSRs are read-only; however, write accesses to these CSRs do not raise an illegal instruction exception (anymore)
  • added menvcfg[h] CSRs (only available if U ISA extension is enabled; not used yet - hardwired to zero, but required by RISC-V spec.)
  • reworked CPU/software handshake of external interrupt controller XIRQ to avoid "external IRQ -> CPU IRQ" race conditions
  • if CPU_CNT_WIDTH generic (actual width of [m]cycle and [m]instret counters) is less than 64 the remaining bits are now just hardwired to zero ignoring any write access instead of causing an exception

✔️ Pull Requests and Issues

Merged pull requests:

  • #150 [sim] create subdir 'simple', avoid making a local copy of 'sw' and 'sim'
  • #151 [rtl/core] split dmem/imem entities and architectures to separated files
  • #152 Adding NEORV32 Qsys/Platform Designer component and AvalonMM Master Interface wrapper
  • #154 fix typo wb_mem_a.cyc on sim example
  • #156 [docs/userguide] update section 'Simulating the Processor'
  • #158 rework low-level hardware access
  • #159 [setups/osflow/filesets] do not provide default NEORV32_MEM_SRC, require it to be explicitly set
  • #160 add pydoit to custom dockerfiles
  • #161 [containers] update from Debian Buster to Debian Bullseye
  • #162 [doit] add initial doit file; add task DeployToGitHubPages
  • #163 [doit] add task Documentation
  • #164 [doit] add task RunRISCVArchitectureTests
  • #165 [doit] add task BuildAndInstallSoftwareFrameworkTests
  • #166 docs: datasheet: soc_sysinfo: fix NEORV32_SYSINFO.SOC bits description

Closed issues:

  • #153 simulation cycle signal of instruction memory


11 Sep 17:21
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This list shows the main core changes since the last release. See the project's changelog for more information.

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • fixed bug in mret instruction (caused an exception if user mode was not implemented)
  • fixed missing flash_sdi_i in Radiant-related example setups and processor wrappers

💡 Updates and New Features

  • ⚠️ removed USER_CODE generic and according SYSINFO register
  • ⚠️ removed custom mzext CSR; moved all information flags to new SYSINFO_CPU register in SYSINFO module
  • ⚠️ removed mstatus.SD and mstatus.FS CSR flags
  • added new designated test setups: rtl/test_setups, 📚 UG: General Hardware Setup
  • fixed Zifencei test of riscv-arch-test port
  • added flags to SYSINFO module to check FAST_SHIFT_EN and FAST_MUL_EN generics by software
  • ✨ added support for RISC-V Zbb extension (basic bit-manipulation operations); support via intrinsic library

✔️ Pull Requests and Issues

Merged pull requests:

  • #136 [proposal] add rtl/test_setups
  • #137 Move osflow examples
  • #139 Added AlhambraII and ULX3S boards
  • #142 split rtl/templates folder
  • #143 SYSINFO documentation fixups
  • #144 [setups] add terasic cyclone v starter kit
  • #149 [setup/osflow/boards/] do not set GHDL_PLUGIN_MODULE unconditionally

Closed issues:

  • #128 Do we really need wrappers for the top entity?
  • #132 Cannot fit on XC6SLX9
  • #135 Missing documentation and Makefiles for iCE40 and ECP5 Lattice FPGAs
  • #138 common/ : 144 main.elf Error 1
  • #148 Windows workflow keeps failing


13 Aug 12:54
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This list shows the main core changes since the last release. See the project's changelog for more information.

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • ⚠️ fixed major bug in CPU interrupt system: interrupts during memory accesses broke those memory accesses leading to undefined behavior
  • fixed bug in E ISA extension that prevented the extension to be actually enabled
  • fixed bug in linker script (#134): missing constant data section
  • fixed bug in AXI4-Lite wrapper (#133) that caused failure of Vivado packaging
  • fixed bug in execution of xRET instructions (trapping of MRET and DRET when not in according mode was missing)

💡 Updates and New Features

  • ⚠️ top entity machine-level interrupts now trigger on rising edges (mext_irq_i, msw_irq_i, mtime_irq_i, nm_irq_i)
  • exposed advanced external bus interface configuration options as new top entity generics (moved from package constants): MEM_EXT_PIPE_MODE, MEM_EXT_BIG_ENDIAN, MEM_EXT_ASYNC_RX
  • added mstatus.TW CSR flag (to allow execution of wfi in user machine mode)
  • added mstatus.FS and mstatus.SD CSR bits to control the state of the FPU (Zfinx extension)
  • added mconfigptr CSR (not actually used yet, read-only, always zero)
  • reworked CPU register file ("implementation" of zero register)
  • clean-up of processor top's generic and signals default values

✔️ Pull Requests and Issues

Merged pull requests:

  • none

Closed issues:

  • #133 Problems generating a Vivado-Block Design
  • #134 Missing memory section for .rodata in neorv32.ld


22 Jul 10:11
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This list shows the main core changes since the last release. See the project's changelog for more information.

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • fixed bug in custom functions subsystem CFS: address map layout overlapping
  • fixed minor bug in FIFO component (setups with FIFO_DEPTH = 1 caused mapping issues)

💡 Updates and New Features

  • added RISC-V Zmmul ISA extension (subset of M extension: integer HW multiplier, but no HW divider; intended for area-constrained setups)
  • bootloader is more independent of HW configuration (no need for UART, MTIME, GPIO anymore); added several options to customize default bootloader
  • ⚠️ removed top's fast IRQ (FIRQ) inputs soc_firq_i
  • ⚠️ removed numerically-controller oscillator module (NCO)
  • added new processor module stream link interface (SLINK) providing up to 8 independent RX and TX links
  • increased GPIO port size from 32-bit to 64-bit
  • added new processor module external interrupt controller (XIRQ) providing up to 32 processor-external interrupt request lines
  • new performance-vs-ares configuration generic: CPU_IPB_ENTRIES defines size of CPU's instruction prefetch buffer
  • reworked NEOLED module: IRQ now uses fifo half-full fill level; added option to send LED RESET command as explicit FIFO command
  • (re-)added mstatush CSR (hardwired to zero)
  • minor logic optimizations to reduce area requirements and switching activity and to shorten critical path

✔️ Pull Requests and Issues

Merged pull requests:

  • #89 Make uart_rx a verification component
  • #90 Make uart_rx a VUnit verification component. Step 4.
  • #92 sim: update readme
  • #93 [setups/vivado] arty-a7-test-setup: define multiple filesets, set board, set language
  • #95 Add loopback test for SLINK
  • #98 OrangeCrab
  • #99 osflow rework
  • #100 [docs] move Makefile from project root to subdir 'docs'
  • #104 [setups/osflow] cleanup
  • #107 [setups/osflow] update OrangeCrab constraints file
  • #109 riscv-arch-test script cleanup
  • #114 use RISCV_PREFIX instead of RISCV_TOOLCHAIN
  • #116 [ci] add workflow 'Containers'
  • #117 mv riscv-arch-test sw/sig-arch-test
  • #118 [sw/example] add
  • #119 [riscv-arch-test] measure execution time of each test
  • #120 [sim/ghdl] use --workdir=build
  • #123 [docs] update references to isa-test
  • #124 Split ISA test suites in multiple jobs and rework makefiles
  • #125 Fix source/sink mixup in SLINK docs
  • #127 [ci/windows] fix RISCV_PREFIX

Closed issues:

  • #77 Use ProcessorTop templates in non osflow examples
  • #97 Having trouble building the iCESugar example
  • #106 Constraints file for OrangeCrab r0.2
  • #108 question: Is the prebuilt build support rv32IMAC ISA extension or just rv32imc?
  • #122 Add halfway interrupts for SLINK interface


23 Jun 15:52
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This list shows the main changes since the last release. See the project's changelog for more information.

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • fixed bug in instruction cache flush/re-sync logic (via fence.i instruction) - cache might have missed a re-sync request in some cases
  • fixed bug in debugger park loop: instruction cache re-sync (fence.i) was missing - caused debugger to execute obsolete code from program buffer

💡 Updates and New Features

  • fixed endiannes inconsistencies: processor/CPU is little-endian
  • ⚠️ removed TINY_SHIFT_EN generic; CPU shifter is implemented as iterative single-bit shift by default
  • ⚠️ reworked boot configuration
    • removed MEM_INT_IMEM_ROM generic; processor-internal IMEM is implemented as ROM if internal IMEM is enabled (MEM_INT_IMEM_EN = true) and internal bootloader is disabled (INT_BOOTLOADER_EN = false)
  • ⚠️ removed option to grant user-level access to HPM counters (removed according mcounteren CSR bits)
  • increased processor-internal IO size (from 256 bytes to 512 bytes)
    • relocated base address of CFS module
  • number of PWM channels is now configured via IO_PWM_NUM_CH generic (0=none at all, max 60)
  • ⚠️ CPU B extension has been (temporarily) removed from the core
  • CPU_CNT_WIDTH and HPM_CNT_WIDTH generics can now also be zero to exclude CPU core counters (cycle & instret) and HPM counters
  • minor logic optimizations to reduce area requirements and switching activity and to shorten critical path

✔️ Pull Requests and Issues

Merged pull requests:

  • #47 Update CI to use VUnit for running VHDL testbenches
  • #48 Introduce VUnit logging and checking
  • #53 docs: split User Guide
  • #54 [ci] cleanup
  • #59 Add examples
  • #60 [docs] add attrs.adoc and attrs.main.adoc
  • #61 Reorganise setups
  • #63 Add Fomu
  • #64 [sim] split UART logging component, make self-checking
  • #65 Add VUnit
  • #66 [sim/VUnit] support CLI argument for selecting the expected UART responses
  • #67 rename logical library 'iCE40UP' to 'iCE40'
  • #69 VUnit checking
  • #71 Add MSYS2 jobs to continuous integration workflows
  • #72 [ci/riscv-arch-test] make test script executable
  • #73 [sim] make executable
  • #74 [ci/generate-job-matrix] fix UPduino_v3 artifact (bitstream) extension
  • #75 iCESugar
  • #76 [setups/examples] add iCESugar Minimal
  • #79 add mailmap
  • #80 Added option to print a selected subset of information from processor…
  • #82 [sim] use custom VUnit loggers for better verbosity control
  • #83 [setups/osflow] support optionally using Verilog sources and add Fomu MixedLanguage example
  • #84 [setups/osflow/iCESugar] update PCF

Closed issues:

  • #50 Endianness inconsistency
  • #58 mtime_o could be instable
  • #62 Processor Boot Concept
  • #70 Passing argument to - bug?

📚 Documentation