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Releases: mui/material-ui


25 Sep 16:10
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Breaking Changes
  • Theming has been re-done so that material-ui components can be used without having to worry about passing a theme (all components implement a default theme) (#1662)
    • There's now a concept of mui theme and raw theme, mui theme is produced from raw theme
    • ThemeManager has been changed, no longer needs new in call
    • ThemeManager produces mui theme from raw theme. Raw themes may be user-defined.
    • Functions in ThemeManager allow to modify theme variables. Component-level styles may be overriden in the mui theme.
    • See new documentation here
  • Function names in the context-pure mixin have been changed (#1711)
    • getContextProps() has been changed to getRelevantContextKeys()
  • Updated dependency of react-tap-event-plugin (#1714)
Component Fixes / Enhancements
  • Dialog component (#1717)
    • actions now has id property
    • Fixed a bug in dialog where a faulty check caused an error in console
    • Text field ipad scrolling in dialog


15 Sep 21:11
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Component Fixes / Enhancements
  • DatePicker - Updated to new design specs (#1266)
  • LeftNav - Fix sidebar position for browsers that don't support transform3d (#1269)
  • TextField - Added props to override underlineStyle when disabled (#1493)


24 Aug 21:32
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Breaking Changes
  • The Table component is now composable. (#1199)
    • JSON objects to create the table and the table component will no longer generate the table for you.
      The docs site provides a complete example of how a table might look: The example also includes a 'super header' and 'super footer' row.
    • Upgrade Path: Instead of passing in the raw JSON data, you'll need to generate the appropriate
      TableHeader/TableRow/TableHeaderColumn components and pass them in as children. The same should be applied
      to the rowData and the footer.
  • Tabs can now be controlled. In order to make this work we had to change the parameters being passed back to
    the onChange event to: onChange(value, e, tab). Where value is the value of the tab that it was changed
    to, e is the event, and tab is the actual tab component. (#1232, #1235)
  • Added a new static flag to the ThemeManager that defaults to true. If you're mutating your theme variables
    after the app initializes, set this flag to false. This will allow us to perform some optimizations to
    components that require theme variables. (#1397)
  • ListItem (#1438, #1105)
    • Nested list items should no longer be passed in as children. Use the nestedItems prop instead.
    • The open prop has been renamed to initiallyOpen.
  • Removed classable mixin
    • This mixin was no longer used in the library. Removing it allowed us to get rid of the classnames dependency. If you were using this mixin in your own projects, you'll need to pull the source and manually include it.
Component Fixes / Enhancements
  • Buttons - Fixed a bug that caused buttons to not gain keyboard focus in some cases (#1485, #1453, #1458)
  • Card
    • Properly merge CardAction and CardExpandable styles. (#1376)
    • Added Right-To-Left support to CardExpandable. To use this, set isRtl to true in the theme. (#1408)
  • DatePicker - Fixed an error that occurred when using valueLink (#1400)
  • DropDownMenu - Added disabled prop (#1406)
  • FlatButton - Added labelPosition prop. (#1286)
  • InkBar - Added color prop and inkBar.backgroundColor to theme variables. (#1244)
  • Ripple
    • Fixed display glitch on Safari (#1420)
    • Fixed an error when ripples were unMounted (#1416)
  • SelectField
  • Slider
    • Fixed a bug when setting the width attr (#1368)
    • Fixed a bug with disabled sliders (#1417)
    • Fixed a focus style glitch and other style problems (#1448, #1451, #1468)
  • Snackbar - Added onShow and onDismiss (#1390)
  • Table - Ensure that the table component properly keeps track of selected rows (#1325)
  • TextField
    • Added underlineFocusStyle prop (#1422, #1419)
    • hintText can now be a string or element (#1424, #1202)
  • TimePicker
    • Fixed a bug that caused the am/pm selector to switch (#1440)
    • Fixed a bug that caused defaultTime to not be set (#1466)
  • Tooltip - Probably center tooltips when tooltip text changes (#1205)
  • Theme - Added setContentFontFamily (#1405)


09 Aug 03:30
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Component Fixes / Enhancements
  • TouchRipple - Fixed a bug that caused onClick to not fire on the first click (#1370)


08 Aug 22:52
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  • We've set up the project to perform automated tests - now we just need to increase our test coverage. :) (#1331)
  • The style auto-prefixer now caches browser test results so that it only has to perform them once.
New Components
  • RefreshIndicator (#1312)
Component Fixes / Enhancements
  • AppBar - showMenuIconButton now only affects the icon next to the title (#1295, #1182)
  • CardMedia - CardMedia children styles are now being properly merged (#1306)
  • Dialog - fixed a bug that caused the dialog height to be incorrect on window resize (#1305)
  • FloatingActionButton - Added backgroundColor and disabledColor props (#1329)
  • FocusRipples now only get rendered when needed.
  • IconMenu - Added isOpen() (#1288)
  • LeftNav
    • Added menuItemClassName, menuItemClassNameSubheader, menuItemClassNameLink props (#1318)
    • Fixed a display problem that cuased icons to not be the correct color (#1324)
  • ListItem - fixed incorrect styling on disabled list items (#1350)
  • SelectField
    • Fixed a bug that happened when select field was controlled and the value was undefined (#1227)
    • Fixed error text positioning (#1341, #1111)
    • Added errorStyle prop (#1341)
  • Snackbar - Clickaway is now properly bound when openOnMount is true (#1327)
  • Tabs - Added contentContainerClassName prop (#1285)
  • TextField - Added underlineStyle prop (#1343)
  • TimePicker - Added pedantic prop (#1275, #1173)


29 Jul 20:35
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Breaking Changes (This was missed in the original release notes.)
  • Changed date-picker/index.js to expose DatePicker and DatePickerDialog. Hence require('material-ui/lib/date-picker') no longer works. Use require('material-ui/lib/date-picker/date-picker') instead.
  • Replaced onMouseOver / onMouseOut with onMouseEnter / onMouseLeave to achieve hover affects.
    This prevented extra unnecessary renders from happening. (#1190)
  • All svg icons inside the /svg-icons folder now uses the PureRenderMixin.
Icon Builder
Component Fixes / Enhancements
  • AppBar - Fixed a styling bug in Safari (#1226)
  • Cards can now expand and collapse (#1060)
  • DatePicker
    • Allow using DatePicker as a controlled input (#1170)
    • Added valueLink support and openDialog() (#1213)
    • Fixed a bug that caused dates to get selected when switching months (#1243)
    • Avoid handling keyboard events when calendar is not active (#1245)
    • Fixed display glitch on Firefox (#1242, #1248)
  • Dialog
    • Hitting the ESC key no longer closes the window if modal is set to true (#1187, #1162)
    • The onShow event now called after all contents in the dialog have been rendered. (#1198)
  • DropDownMenu - Clicking away no longer triggers other click events to happen (#1177, #1174)
  • FocusRipples now only render when actually shown.
  • IconMenu
    • Fixed a bug that caused a scrollable menu to jump after selecting an item.
    • Fixed keyboard focus when user hits ESC.
  • LeftNav
    • Added some Perf improvements (#1184)
    • Fixed a bug that caused onNavOpen to sometimes not fire (#1225)
    • Added disableSwipeToOpen prop (#1279)
  • Menu
    • Performance improvements when opening a menu.
    • Added animated prop.
  • RaisedButton - Fixed a bug that caused rounded corners not to round (#1048)
  • SelectField - Now passes the index and payload back in the onChange callback (#1193, #1194)
  • Slider - Fixed a bug that caused value to not be set correctly (#1251)
  • Snackbar - Extra props are now being passed down to the root (#1260)
  • SvgIcon - Added code to remove some unnecessary renders on hover.
  • Toolbar - Fixed display glitch on Firefox (#839, #1248)


13 Jul 21:40
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Component Fixes / Enhancements
  • CircularProgress - Fixed animation bug in Safari (#1093, #863)
  • Dialog
    • contentClassName is now being passed down to the appropriate child (#1122)
    • Fixed max height on vertically scrollable dialogs (#1153, #1100)
  • DropDownMenu
    • Fixed display height (#1123)
    • Fixed display height when menu items change (#1145)
  • IconMenu - Added closeOnItemTouchTap prop (#1156)
  • LeftNav - Performance improvements during show/hide (#1137)
  • SelectField - errorText is now being passed down to underlying textField (#1131)
  • Table - Added static width to checkbox columns (#1128)
  • Tabs - Added inkBarStyle prop (#1154)
  • TextField - errorStyle prop is now being properly merged (#1116)


10 Jul 01:36
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Breaking Changes
  • Removed input.jsx file. This component was deprecated long ago, but was never removed from the project.
  • Buttons now default to a type of button instead of the browser's default of submit. We found that
    most of the buttons in our apps were not submit buttons and it was more intuitive to default to button.
    If you need a submit button, be sure to pass in a type of submit. (#1017)
  • The DialogWindow component was refactored into Dialog. DialogWindow was never documented and was just
    a lower level component that was used by Dialog. It was, however, exposed on the main index.js and has
    since been removed. If you were using DialogWindow before, you should be able to safely use
    Dialog instead.
New Components
  • SvgIcons & Icon Builder
    • We've created SvgIcon versions of all the
      material-design-icons. These SvgIcon
      components can be found in the /lib/svg-icons directory and were not added to the main index.js
      file. To use these icons, require them directly: require('material-ui/lib/svg-icons/action/face').
      These icons were created using a script that crawls the icon repo and generates the
      appropriate js and jsx files and can be found in the /icon-builder directory.
  • Menu, MenuItem, MenuDivider
    • This is a new implementation of menus and menu items. With it comes:
      • better composability
      • scrollable menus
      • better transitions
      • better keyboard access
      • selectable with value and valueLink
    • We're working on migrating some of our other components to use this new implementation. Until that's
      thats done, require these components directly if you'd like to use them:
  • IconMenu
    • This component replaces DropDownIcon and has all of the new menu features mentioned above.
Component Fixes / Enhancements
  • AppBar
    • IconButton styles are now being properly merged (#967)
    • FlatButtons are now being properly styled (#967)
  • AppCanvas - AppBar child styles can now be overridable (#903)
  • Avatar - Added size prop (#945)
  • CardMedia - Styles are now being properly merged using the mediaStyle prop (#1004)
  • CircularProgress - Added color and innerStyle prop (#928)
  • DatePicker
    • Prevent root styles from propagating to child input (#991)
    • Fixed DatePicker year/month navigation buttons (#1081, #1075)
  • Dialog
    • Window scrolling is now enabled on unmount as well (#946)
    • Allow dialog window to scroll for long content (#1045, #525)
    • Drastically improved dialog performance (#1059)
    • Dialogs now honor modal property. (#1092)
    • Fixed vertical centering on smaller screen sizes (#1095)
  • FloatingActionButton - Now accepts FontIcon and SvgIcon as children (#967, #894)
  • FontIcon - Now supports material-icon ligatures (#952, #1007)
  • IconButton
    • Added tooltipPosition prop (#921)
    • Added tooltipStyles prop (#1010, #1005)
    • Pass iconStyle props to every children (#967)
    • Now supports material-icon ligatures (#1024, #1013)
  • LeftNav - Fixed swipe gesture to open / close (#868, #848, #998, #997)
  • List - Added zDepth prop.
  • ListItem
    • Fixed display glitch on touch devices (#858)
    • List items can now be keyboard focused
    • Allow drop downs to be displayed inside a list item (#978)
    • Fixed a bug that caused rightIconButton events to not propagate (#1055)
    • List Items can now be nested (#918)
    • Added primaryText prop (#1073)
  • Menu
    • Fixed a bug that caused closed menu to be selectable (#913)
    • Fixed menu height and width when menu items change (#1012, #805, #1014)
    • Subheader styles are now being properly merged (#950)
  • MenuItems now properly renders icons (#956)
  • Overlay
    • Added to main index.js (#955)
    • Fix issue where Overlay can prevent the body from scrolling (#1058, #897)
  • RaisedButton
    • Fixed a display glitch when changing the button's height (#937, #765)
    • Added backgroundColor, labelColor, disabledBackgroundColor, disabledLabelColor props (#965)
    • Added fullWidth prop (#989)
  • SelectField
    • Fixed menu and error text display glitches (#922)
    • Added hint text functionality (#966)
    • Fixed display problem when floatingLabelText is set (#976)
    • Fixed font size (#1027)
  • Slider
  • Snackbar
    • Root styles are not being merged properly (#925)
    • Added autoHideDuration prop (#1050, #958)
    • Clicking slider track advances the slider knob. (#1089, #1074)
  • Table
    • Fixed displayRowCheckbox prop (#935)
    • Table rows can be selected in the rowData configuration (#1023)
    • Removed duplicate table calls and support multiple tables (#954, #1087, #1084)
  • Tab - Added contentContainerStyle prop (#953)
  • Tabs - Fixed a bug that caused inkbar to not display properly (#1015, #940)
  • TextField
    • Fix error when setting the value of the textfield input. (#959)
    • Style fixes for floating label (#980)
    • Fixed display glitch for long hint text and error text (#987, #438, #439)
    • Fixed display problem when value is 0 (#1090)
    • Added errorStyle prop (#1079)
  • TimePicker - Fixed key warnings (#1018)
  • Toolbar
    • Fixed display glitch with DropDownIcons (#917, #904)
    • Styles are now being properly merged for DropDownMenu, DropDownIcon, RaisedButton, FontIcon (#965)


20 Jun 17:49
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New Components
  • SelectField (#846)
  • Card, CardActions, CardHeader, CardMedia, CardText, CardTitle (#857)
  • Table (#890)
  • AppBar - Long AppBar titles now render ellipses (#875)
  • Buttons
    • Added containerElement prop (#850)
    • Fixed styling for disabled link buttons
  • DropDownMenu - Added keyboard functionality (#846)
  • FontIcon - Added color and hoverColor props
  • ListItem
    • Fixed display problem with Single line checkboxes (#854)
    • Added rightIconButton prop
  • Slider - Added step functionality (#860)
  • Switches - Added labelStyle prop (#871)
  • SvgIcon - Added color and hoverColor props
  • TextField - Made element styles overridable (#864)
  • TimePicker
    • Fixed clock functionality for various browsers (#840)
    • Fixed clock numbers positioning for Safari (#870)
    • Fixed clock handles on Android Chrome (#873)
  • Toggle
    • Made element styles overridable (#855)
    • Fixed style bug on IE 10, 11 (#885)
  • Toolbar - Fixed error when a child element is null (#847)
  • Theme spacing can now be overriden (#879)


15 Jun 01:48
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The following components have been modified to allow for style overrides:
Radio Button Group, Radio Button, Enhanced Switch Label, Text Field, Toggle, Checkbox (#807)

New Components
  • List, ListItem, ListDivider, Avatar (#836)
  • Checkbox - Added checkedIcon and unCheckedIcon props. This is useful to create icon toggles.
  • Dialog - Fixed a bug with the open immediately flag (#810)
  • DropDownIcon - Added support for icon ligature (#806)
  • Menu - Fixed a style problem (#843)
  • RadioButtonGroup - Fixed a bug with mapping Radio children (#820)
  • Slider - Fixed a glitch that happened when click on the slider handle (#833)
  • TextField - Added fullWidth prop (#827)
  • TimePicker
    • Fixed a bug with the defaultTime setting (#822)
    • Fixed clock handles on Firefox (#825)