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Releases: mui/material-ui


24 May 20:14
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Breaking Changes
  • Refactored all CSS into Javascript (#30, #316)
    • All Material-UI components now have their styles defined inline. This solves
      many problems with CSS as mentions in @vjeux's presentation
      such as polluting the global namespace with classes that really should be
      component specific. In addition to the benefits mentioned in the
      presentation, inline styles allow Material-UI to become CSS preprocessor
      agnostic and make Themeing much more dynamic and simple.
      Read our CSS in JS discussion
    • Upgrade path:
      • If you are overriding component CSS classes: Redefine your overrides as
        an object following React's inline styles format,
        then pass it into the material-ui component via the style prop. These
        changes are applied to the root element of the component. If you are
        overriding a nested element of the component, check the component's
        documentation and see if there is a style prop available for that nested
        element. If a style prop does not exist for the component's nested element
        that you are trying to override, submit an issue
        requesting to have it added.
      • If you are using any of Material-UI's Less files: These files have been
        refactored into their own javascript files
        and can be accessed like so var FILENAME = require('material-ui').Styles.FILENAME;.
        Material-UI has moved away from being a CSS Framework to being simply a
        set of React components.
  • Paper component no longer generates nested divs (#601)
    • This allowed us to simplify styling of paper containers. As a result, styling the inner div is no longer necessary.
  • Themes have been added (#202)
  • Requiring individual components is now supported (#363)
    • An example would be: var SvgIcon = require('material-ui/lib/svg-icon);
    • The /lib folder in Material-UI contains the file structure needed when referencing individual components.
  • Date Picker
    • Added AutoOK Prop (#658)
    • Added ability to specify min and max dates (#658)
    • Added Year Selector (#658)
  • Dialog now repositions on screen resize (#597)
  • Left Nav will now close with a swipe gesture (#614)
  • Linear and Circular Progress Indicators - NEW (#632)
  • TimePicker - NEW (#589)


27 Apr 19:18
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  • Removed deprecation warnings by replacing this.getDOMNode() with React.findDOMNode() (#558)
  • Replaced process.NODE_ENV with process.env.NODE_ENV (#573)
  • DropDownMenu
    • Fixed props is not defined error when onChange is invoked (#556)
  • Floating Action Button
    • Fixed alignment bug on Chrome when using FAB as a link (#574)


21 Apr 18:15
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  • Updated to react v0.13
  • AppBar
    • Fixed IE toString.Call() issue (#518, #468)
  • Buttons
    • Button events now do not fire on disabled buttons (#512)
    • Fixed rapid keyboard tabbing issue (#528)
  • DatePicker
    • Added autoOk, minDate, and maxDate props (#538)
  • Dialog
    • Fixed IE toString.Call() issue (#518, #468)
    • Added modal prop (#523)
    • Fixed warnings caused by overwriting props (#500)
    • Added ability to give an action button autofocus (#552)
  • DropDownMenu
    • Handle selectIndex less than 0 (#480)
    • Fixed issue of using this component outside strict mode (#533)
  • LeftNav
    • Added onNavOpen & onNavClose events (#495)
  • Switches
    • Fixed errors on disabled switches on mobile (#476)


01 Apr 15:23
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  • Updated mui to use peer dependency changes (#471)
  • Replaced DOMIdable with UniqueId (#490)
  • Dialog
    • Changed title prop to accept node types instead of just strings (#474)
  • Link Menu Item
    • Fixed anchor attribute name (#493)
  • Menu
    • Nested menus expand when hovered (#475)


25 Mar 23:47
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  • Updated react-draggable2 dependency (#391)
  • Updated react and peer dependecies to React v0.13 (#452)
  • Date Picker
    • Added onShow and onDismiss props (#399)
  • Dialog
    • Fixed scrolling issue when opened immediately (#406)
    • onShow is now called when opened immediately (#453)
  • Flat Button
    • Disabled primary buttons use disabled styling over primary (#432)
  • Floating Action Button
    • Fixed zdepth to update when disabled prop changes (#390)
    • Disabled secondary buttons use disabled styling over secondary (#432)
  • Left Nav
    • Scrolling is prevented when displayed (#406)
  • Menu
    • Menu and menu-related components have been moved into js/menu/* (#402)
    • Added LinkMenuItem component (#402)
  • Menu Item
    • Added disable prop (#402)
  • Overlay
    • Now control scroll un/locking. (#406)
  • Paper
    • Added innerStyle prop (#418)
  • Raised Button
    • Disabled primary buttons use disabled styling over primary (#432)
  • Tabs
    • Added initialSelectedIndex prop (#389)


04 Mar 21:42
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  • Allow removal of debug code in production builds (#349)
  • AppBar
    • Fixed a styling bug that caused icons not to show (#336)
    • Title prop can now be an element (#361)
    • Added iconClassNameLeft, iconElementLeft, iconElementRight props (#367)
  • Date Picker
    • Fixed a bug that caused the date picker dialog window to ghost on small screen widths (#342)
  • Dialog Window
    • Window no longer loses scroll position after opening a dialog window. (#386)
  • DropDown Icon
    • Added closeOnMenuItemClick prop (#376)
  • Flat Buttons
    • Fixed a styling bug with touch ripples.
  • Icon Buttons
    • Fixed a styling bug with touch ripples. (#341)
  • Menu Item
    • Link targets can now be set on menu items. (#350)
  • Slider
    • Fixed percentage calculation in getInitialState (#382)
  • Tabs
    • The onChange event now passed in the tabIndex, and tab to the callBack (#384)
  • Text Field
    • Added onEnterKeyDown prop. (#328)
    • Fixed a bug with setting multiLine values (#356, #357)


13 Feb 21:08
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Breaking Changes
  • Removed Icon component - Replaced with FontIcon and SvgIcon (#318, #125, #148)
    • The main motivation here is to give developers more control over which font icons to include
      in their project. Instead of automatically including all material design icons in material-ui,
      developers can now create their own custom icon font file and just pass the icon className into
      the FontIcon component. Read more about FontIcons.
    • Upgrade path:
      • If you were using the Icon component before, you'll need switch to either using FontIcon or SvgIcon.
        For FontIcon, create a custom font file and include it in your project and just pass the Icon
        className into the FontIcon component. For SvgIcon, create a new React component that represents
        that particular icon. This will allow you to package your icons inside your js files. Examples
        can be found here.
      • Additionally, all components that had an icon prop now take an iconClassName prop instead. These
        include FloatingActionButton, IconButton, Menu, MenuItem, and DropDownIcon.
  • All jsx files are now being compiled before publishing to npm. (#179, #215)
  • Buttons
    • Fixed a bug that cause onClick to not fire in Safari (#307)
    • You can now pass down children into all buttons. This allows you to add icons to flat and raised buttons
      or to add a file input element. (#323, #189)
  • Menu Item
    • Fixed toggle display bug (#298)
    • Toggle props can now be passed in (#299)
  • Slider
  • Switches
    • Switches now support focusability and can be focused/changed via keyboard inputs. (#292)
    • Added focus and touch ripple animations.
    • All switches use the labelPosition prop (as opposed to labelPositionRight), including RadioButtonGroup.
    • Added innerClassName prop. (#309)
  • Tabs
    • Fixes width transition for ink bar (#280)
  • Text Field
    • Fixed a bug with using valueLink with a multiline Text Field (#311)
    • Fixed a bug with multiline defaultValues in a multiline Text Field (#296)


27 Jan 00:43
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  • Checkbox & Toggle
    • Fixed a bug that caused checkboxes and toggles to not uncheck.


26 Jan 23:08
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  • Fixed dependencies to prevent multiple versions of React getting loaded on the docs site (#194)
  • Input - Please use TextField instead.
  • Radio Button Group
    • This component was created to make it easier to work with groups of radio buttons (#151)
  • Tabs
    • Added new Tabs component.
  • TextField
    • This component replaces Input. It extends the native input element and will support all of
      its props and events. It also supports valueLink and can be controlled or uncontrolled.
    • MultiLine text fields now grow and shrink as the user inputs data.
    • Allow for both floating labels and hint text in the same input.
    • Floating labels now generate a label element.
  • AppBar
    • Added icon prop. (#250)
  • Checkbox
    • Checkbox styling now matches material design specs
    • This component has been revamped and can now be controlled or uncontrolled.
  • Date Picker
    • Fixed a bug with getDate() (#196)
    • Added onChange prop (#198)
  • Dialog
    • Actions can now be passed in as an array of react elements. (#241)
  • Menu Item
    • Menu Items now respond to onTouchTap
  • Radio Button
    • Radio Button styling now matches material design specs
    • This component has been revamped and can now be controlled or uncontrolled.
  • Slider
    • Fixed a css bug with slider handles (#225)
    • Added onDragStart and onDragStop props (#217)
  • Snackbar
    • Fixed Ghost hidden snackbar (#235)
  • Toggle
    • This component now extends a native input checkbox.
    • It can now be controlled or uncontrolled.
  • Toolbar
    • Fixed FlatButton positioning inside toolbar (#224)


04 Jan 00:00
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Breaking Changes
  • Removed lesshat dependency. Be sure to change your build process to include an
  • Buttons
    • Ripple animations are much faster now. The animation starts onMouseDown or onTouchStart
      and completes onMouseUp or onTouchEnd. Now we can spam buttons all day long. :)
    • Spacebar key up triggers button clicks. (#155)
  • Slider
    • Changed slider cursor (#187)
  • Snackbar (New)
    • Added a snackbar component.