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Releases: leondz/garak


10 May 13:41
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What's Changed

garak's 1st birthday! 🎂

Headlines in this birthday release:

  • Multimodal support! LLaVa + FigStep - HUGE thanks to @DavidLee528
  • LiteLLM generator support - thanks to @Tien-Cheng!
  • DoNotAnswer probe for prompts an LLM should decline - thanks to @AhsanAyub!
  • LangChain Serve generator support - thanks to @GustavFredrikson!
  • Support for NIM generators, NVIDIA Inference Microservices
  • OpenAI abstraction with parallelisation support
  • Windows compatibility enhanced, with optional testing in the workflow
  • Hugging Face speedup




New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.9.0.12...v0.9.0.13


20 Feb 16:12
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What's Changed


functionality improvements

  • support multiple buffs by @leondz in #497
  • wrap exception printing in repr by @leondz in #425
  • add generators.function docs & examples by @leondz in #437
  • update doc indices, add test to check them by @leondz in #450
  • fix & unify REST generator timeout param names; set default request timeout to 20s by @leondz in #451
  • add test to keep requirements in sync by @leondz in #465
  • docs for buffs by @leondz in #466
  • autosearch in the configs/ subdir for configs (no yaml extension should be given) by @leondz in #467
  • Update by @erickgalinkin in #500
  • add warning when using a lite/default profile by @leondz in #476
  • rename default output dir to garak_runs/; by @leondz in #488
  • update openai model list by @leondz in #494
  • make test_openai generation tests skip if no OAI API key set by @leondz in #491


New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.9.0.11...v0.9.0.12


26 Jan 14:02
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What's Changed

Full Changelog: v0.9.0.11...v0.9.0.11.post1


19 Jan 09:52
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What's Changed

  • Probe for repetition-based nudging into replay/spurious generation by @leondz in #404
  • Probe for invisible text prompt injections by @leondz in #397
  • Probe for the 'DAN in the wild' paper's library of jailbreak prompts by @leondz in #405
  • Probe for NYT & The Guardian content in training data by @leondz in #402
  • Add NVIDIA cloud functions generator by @leondz in #398
  • Add toxicity generation deep test config by @leondz in #413
  • Generator enhancements and minor improvements by @shubhobm in #391
  • Update HF inf api generator to match their current expectations by @leondz in #400
  • Invoke garak on the command line, with garak by @leondz in #410
  • Mitigate continuation probe oversensitivity by @leondz in #394
  • Handle nvcf container timeouts by @leondz in #399
  • Fixing Exception Cause By Type Error When Scanning LLMs Via Replicate by @DavidLee528 in #401
  • Make sure triggers attempt.note is saved in hitlog by @leondz in #403
  • Repeat replay now optionally overrides generator max len by @leondz in #408
  • Replay.Repeat now preserves attempt when restoring generator max_tokens by @leondz in #409
  • Gracefully handle NVCF request timeouts & other failures by @leondz in #411
  • Fix deprecated encoding by @leondz in #412
  • Better coverage in mitigation bypass detector

Full Changelog: v0.9.0.10...v0.9.0.11


20 Dec 13:35
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  • Probes can now be selected by MISP tag, e.g. owasp:llm01
  • garak now automatically creates an HTML report on completion
  • HTML reports can be grouped by module but also by probe tag category, so you can see e.g. top-level scores for prompt injection, hallucination, and so on
  • logs now go to a dedicated log dir by default, to keep things clean
  • new buffs: encoding.Base64, encoding.CharCode
  • new generator: NeMo guardrails
  • new probe: AutoDAN
  • RealToxicityProbes now only loads local lists, much faster
  • update OpenAI models list
  • fix attempt parameter stability
  • better logging of config params
  • atk is now atkgen

Contributions from @erickgalinkin , @drazvan . Enjoy & Happy holidays! 🎅🎄

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.9.0.9...v0.9.0.10


08 Dec 13:40
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garak v0.9.0.9

  • Added GCG jailbreak probe (probes.gcg.GCG_Probe)
  • Add support for NVIDIA Optimum (generators.huggingface.OptimumPipeline)
  • Add OWASP tags to probes
  • Add fast & slow paraphrase buffs (buffs.paraphrase.Fast, buffs.paraphrase.PegasusT5)
  • Support for config files: there's a core config, site config, and a CLI config, and all can be used to set system, run, and plugin parameters
  • Supply some sample config files for a few different styles of garak run
  • Progress bar for buffs
  • Added debugging REST server for dev
  • Move RealToxicityPrompts resources to their own subdir

Thanks to @erickgalinkin @drazvan @DavidLee528


14 Nov 16:17
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  • Rename ART to AG (Attack Generator)
  • Add generator support for NeMo LLM
  • Add generator support for OctoML
  • Add generic REST connector, with configs
  • Add option to parallelise requests
  • Add option to parallelise attempts
  • Include AutoDAN probe
  • Added "interactive mode", where you get a garak CLI 🎉
  • Fix continuation probe trigger alignment
  • Fix RTP prompts to be aggressive
  • Add support for langchain LLM interface
  • Upgrade in avidtools
  • Improve checking for detector names in probes
  • Turn-by-turn visual indicator on attack generator probe


27 Jul 18:25
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  • tests, tests, tests
  • docstrings in many classes, also in the documentation (
  • improved package hallucination probe prompts
  • speedup on package hallucination detector scan


25 Jul 03:57
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New in garak!

  • integrated vulnerability reporting: vulnerabilities found with garak can now be directly reported to AVID @shubhobm
  • package hallucination: added a probe for detecting package hallucination
  • docs are up: reference guide is here,
  • primary/extended detectors: it's now possible to designate a primary detector for a probe (when using the default probewise harness)
  • multiple payloads for encoding module: as well as the default option, there's slurs and xss injection attempts; access them with --probe_options '{"encoding.options": ["default", "slurs", "xss"]}' (adjust to taste)
  • fine-tune perspective api backoff for bandwidth: never wait sixty seconds, the window use to determine rate limit
  • doc fixes: @mkonxd
  • hitlog entries now more self-contained: store how many generations were targeted with that prompt
  • remove shortnames: from probes and detectors
  • move encoding injection module to use triggers: finer-grained detection, means fewer false positives


12 Jul 21:50
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New in garak

  • enable reporting of vulnerabilities into AVID
  • de-prefix prompt from LLM output by default
  • add a data leakage/replay attack probe
  • add a glitch token detection probe
  • enable narrow-format CLI output
  • extra payloads (secret level!) in encoding probe