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GregGTH edited this page Dec 26, 2014 · 2 revisions

I made this newclock which is just a compile of different Javascripts I've found. I'd like to re-write this in Perl and clean up at a later date. Anyone have a simple perl clock? The temp is retrieved from get_weather The Alarm is triggered with a generic_item variable, making it so easy to trigger from other code files. image:Easton_House.02.JPG I added a simple alarm set menu for the Audrey, which then I call in a perl file that launches Mr. House to tell me about the weather and the stocks I'm losing money on. image:Easton_House.04.JPG If it night ($Dark), I want to display a darker image on the audrey by the bed, so as to not wake my wife. Remember, Mr. House needs to be Wife-approved. image:Easton_House.03.JPG

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