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Lieven Hollevoet edited this page Sep 22, 2014 · 1 revision

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Download & Install Support Packages

There are several software modules that have to be downloaded for misterhouse to have full fucntionality. In this step, you will be installing each of these modules.

__Install Perl__

//**root@mh_server:/#**// sudo apt-get install perl perl-doc

Install Build Essential Package (CPAN won't work without this)

//**root@mh_server:/#**// sudo apt-get install build-essential

__Install Festival (text to speech)__

//**root@mh_server:/#**// sudo apt-get install festival

__Install rcconf (used to set up scripts to run at boot time)__

    • root@mh_server:/#** sudo apt-get install rcconf

__Install Perl Modules__

//**root@mh_server:/#**// sudo apt-get install libdb3 <--- this module may no longer be in the repo, use the -dev below instead //**root@mh_server:/#**// sudo apt-get install libdb3-dev

//**root@mh_server:/#**// sudo apt-get install libdb-file-lock-perl //**root@mh_server:/#**// sudo apt-get install libberkeleydb-perl //**root@mh_server:/#**// sudo apt-get install libterm-readkey-perl //**root@mh_server:/#**// sudo apt-get install libtime-hires-perl //**root@mh_server:/#**// sudo apt-get install libaudio-mixer-perl //**root@mh_server:/#**// sudo apt-get install libtext-levenshteinxs-perl //**root@mh_server:/#**// sudo apt-get install libdbi-perl

__Install GD__

//**root@mh_server:/#**// sudo apt-get install libgd-gd2-perl

You should now have all of the essential Perl modules and packages installed.

Next: Download & Install Misterhouse Back: Getting Extra Serial Ports Working Return to Index

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