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Lieven Hollevoet edited this page Sep 22, 2014 · 1 revision

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Quick hints and tips about the Web interface

You get to the web interface using http://localhost:8080/ if your Misterhouse server has a gui. Or http://yourserversip:8080 is your server is running headless (without a monitor or gui).

#Timer Timer

The Timers option on the Events Calendar Clock page may seem to be playing up at first but you just have to understand its operation. First put something in the Timer Text box and hit return, it will say 'no operation from this command' or somesuch. Then put in a time amount and hit return. This sets it going. If you later on want the same text for a timer just re-enter a new time, or use the existing time, and hit return which sets it again. If you change the text but don't hit return it ignores your entry and remembers the previous text. This can look like a fault if you don't understand it.

#Custom Buttons Custom Buttons (for IA5 interface - Main page)

The image height is 34

The font used is

  • Font-Arial
  • Type of Font (Regular-Bold-etc)-Regular
  • Size-14 pt
  • Anti-alias---Strong
To give the button the effect of being pressed when selected, do the following:

Create 2 buttons: Button1.gif should be the button on the page that appears by default. Button2.gif should be the button that appears when the button is selected.

Modify menu.shtml and look for the preloadImages section and add 'images/YourButton2.gif' to the end.

<body bgcolor="#ffffff" onLoad="MM_preloadImages('images/lights2.gif','images/outside2.gif','images/phone2.gif','images/entertain2.g&#10;if','images/pictures2.gif','images/ShoppingList2.gif','images/YourButton2.gif')"></body>

This part goes wherever you place the link to your target page. The Image# should be any number which is not already used by another image

The following is all on one line:

  1. </a></td>

#Custom Buttons Custom Buttons (for IA5 interface - subpages with smaller icons)

The image height is 28

The font used is Font-Arial Type of Font (Regular-Bold-etc)-Regular Size-10 pt Anti-alias---Strong

Tips For Creating Custom Buttons Using GIMP on Ubuntu 13.04

This procedure was tested on Ubuntu 13.04 using GIMP 2.8.4.

1. Install the **msttcorefonts** package (sudo aptitude install msttcorefonts)

2. Open the image blank_textbutton.png in GIMP. This image is shipped with MisterHouse in the web/graphics/ directory.

3. Select the Text Tool and configure these parameters:

Font: Arial Size: 10 px Antialiasing: checked Hinting: None

4. Click on the blank button approximately where you want the button text

5. Click on the icon for Bold (the instructions above say to use regular, but in my case using bold made the text look better and more similar to the text in buttons shipped with MisterHouse; feel free to experiment)

6. Type the button text

7. Make adjustments if necessary (move the text to a better location, etc.)

8. Once you are satisfied with the result, export the image: File -> Export

9. Put the resulting file in your aliased graphics directory (it is not recommended to put the custom button in the web/graphics directory of the MisterHouse source because if you upgrade to another version then you have to remember to move the customizations; it's better to use aliased directories).

This is the resulting button (the icon itself was also added using GIMP): image:category-house.gif

Compare the previous button to this button, which shipped with MisterHouse (in the web/graphics/ directory): image:category-misterhouse.gif

The button text does not look quite the same but it is close enough.

Custom Pages (for IA5 interface)

If you want to replace a certain page from the web interface with a customized version of it, the recommended workflow is documented here.

Passing RUN and SET through the http://.../RUN; commands

You can pass these commands to misterhouse through you web browser


returnTypes : referrer response from command to the referring page no_response don't send anything back web_item any defined web accessible page or code you want to run this can be a function also be a perl function invoked using the std syntax &function_name last_response last_displayed
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