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Rick Steeves edited this page Jan 18, 2021 · 4 revisions

Some examples of 1-wire devices usage in MisterHouse

There are several methods available in MisterHouse for talking to 1-wire devices. These are::

  • [AnalogSensor_Item, oxc, and digitemp or owfs](1-wire temperature)
  • i Button items
  • Owfs_Item, owfs
  • RF_Item, W800, RFXSensor
  • weather_iB_OWW_client script, oww
  • xPL_Sensor_Item, xpl-owfs, and owfs
  • Using Tasmota as a data collector

1-wire primer

1-wire can be a bit daunting at first, there are lots of interfaces, sensors and multiple ways to read them. The following page from Marc gives an example of what can be done, where to buy some of this, and what is recommended for use. Example and walk through of temperature and HVAC activation graphing with misterhouse and cacti more specifically, refer to the 1 wire setup and details section.

Software comparison

Here is a comparison of the various methods of using 1-wire devices in MisterHouse:

Module, Program, or Script Names Adaptors Hubs Temperature Sensors Other Sensors Digital Output Notes
AnalogSensor_Item, oxc, digitemp DS2490, DS9790, DS9790U Yes DS18S20, DS1820, DS18B20, DS1822, DS2438, DS28EA00 DS2438 used as humidity sensor No digitemp supports counters used in rain sensors but oxc does not
AnalogSensor_Item, oxc, owfs see list Yes see list see list Note that oxc only supports temperature and humidity sensors No oxc broadcasts xAP packets so sensors can be on remote machines
iButton item Yes See the Misterhouse documention for more about iButton_Item
Owfs_Item, owfs see list see list see list Yes See the Misterhouse documention for more about Owfs_Item
RF_Item, W800, RFXSensor W800 No DS2438,
DS18B20 DS2438 used as humidity, pressure, or low voltage sensor No The current RFXSensor supports up to 8 1-wire sensors
weather_iB_OWW_client script, oww see list Yes see list see list No
xPL_Sensor_Item, xpl-owfs, and owfs see list Yes see list see list Note that xpl-owfs supports temperature, humidity, counters (rain). and current (solar) sensors Yes See the xpl-owfs man page for information on using digital outputs.

Tasmota and 1-wire

Tasmota is a firmware that can be downloaded to most EST8266 based wifi modules and comes with drivers that support the DS18B20 temperature sensor. The standard build supports up to 8 sensors connected to each of its GPIO pins. MisterHouse can then receive these readings via HTTP or MQTT as described here.

1- Wire Reliability

1-Wire Reliability

Other contributions and Examples

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