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Johnsd11 edited this page Jun 22, 2023 · 1 revision

$\textcolor{gray}{\textsf{// }}$
$\textcolor{gray}{\textsf{// The following are parameters that can be set for use by the JdbcNotesReader. }}$
$\textcolor{gray}{\textsf{// The settings below are examples and should be changed. }}$
$\textcolor{gray}{\textsf{// To use the JdbcNotesReader and your own settings, }}$
$\textcolor{gray}{\textsf{// copy this file, edit to your details, and add two lines to the top of your piper file: }}$
$\textcolor{gray}{\textsf{// load /my/dir/MyJdbcSettings.piper }}$
$\textcolor{gray}{\textsf{// reader jdbc.JdbcNotesReader }}$
$\textcolor{gray}{\textsf{// }}$

$\textcolor{gray}{\textsf{////////// Mandatory ////////// }}$

$\textcolor{gray}{\textsf{// JDBC driver ClassName. }}$

$\textcolor{gray}{\textsf{// JDBC URL that specifies database network location and name. }}$
$\textcolor{violet}{\textsf{set}}$ DbUrl=jdbc:db2://localhost:0000/changeme

$\textcolor{gray}{\textsf{// Username for database authentication. }}$
$\textcolor{violet}{\textsf{set}}$ DbUser=changeme

$\textcolor{gray}{\textsf{// Password for database authentication. }}$
$\textcolor{violet}{\textsf{set}}$ DbPass=changeme

$\textcolor{gray}{\textsf{// SQL statement to retrieve the document. }}$
$\textcolor{violet}{\textsf{set}}$ SqlStatement=SELECT * FROM MY_TABLE

$\textcolor{gray}{\textsf{// Name of column that contains the document text. }}$
$\textcolor{violet}{\textsf{set}}$ DocColumn=NOTE_TEXT

$\textcolor{gray}{\textsf{////////// Optional ////////// }}$

$\textcolor{gray}{\textsf{// Flag that determines whether to keep JDBC connection open no matter what. }}$
$\textcolor{gray}{\textsf{// set KeepAlive=true }}$

$\textcolor{gray}{\textsf{// JDBC decryptor ClassName. This must be an implementation of }}$
$\textcolor{gray}{\textsf{// set }}$

$\textcolor{gray}{\textsf{// Password for text decryption. }}$
$\textcolor{gray}{\textsf{// set DecryptPass= }}$

$\textcolor{gray}{\textsf{// Specifies column names that will be used to form a document ID. }}$
$\textcolor{gray}{\textsf{// set IdColumns=PATIENT_ID,NOTE_ID }}$

$\textcolor{gray}{\textsf{// Specifies delimiter used when document ID is built. }}$
$\textcolor{gray}{\textsf{// set IdDelimiter=_ }}$

$\textcolor{gray}{\textsf{// Name of column that contains the patient identifier. }}$
$\textcolor{gray}{\textsf{// set PatientColumn=PATIENT_ID }}$

$\textcolor{gray}{\textsf{// Name of column that contains the patient id. This column should contain longs. }}$
$\textcolor{gray}{\textsf{// set PatientIdColumn=PATIENT_NUM }}$

$\textcolor{gray}{\textsf{// Name of column that contains the note type. }}$
$\textcolor{gray}{\textsf{// set NoteTypeColumn= }}$

$\textcolor{gray}{\textsf{// Name of column that contains the note subtype. }}$
$\textcolor{gray}{\textsf{// set NoteSubtypeColumn= }}$

$\textcolor{gray}{\textsf{// Name of column that contains the author specialty. }}$
$\textcolor{gray}{\textsf{// set SpecialtyColumn= }}$

$\textcolor{gray}{\textsf{// Name of column that contains the document standard. }}$
$\textcolor{gray}{\textsf{// set StandardColumn= }}$

$\textcolor{gray}{\textsf{// Name of column that contains the document instance id. This column should contain longs. }}$
$\textcolor{gray}{\textsf{// set InstanceIdColumn= }}$

$\textcolor{gray}{\textsf{// Name of column that contains the document revision number. This column should contain integers. }}$
$\textcolor{gray}{\textsf{// set RevisionColumn= }}$

$\textcolor{gray}{\textsf{// Name of column that contains the document revision date. This column should contain dates. }}$
$\textcolor{gray}{\textsf{// set RevisionDateColumn= }}$

$\textcolor{gray}{\textsf{// Name of column that contains the document original date. }}$
$\textcolor{gray}{\textsf{// set DateColumn= }}$

$\textcolor{gray}{\textsf{// Name of column that contains the source institution. }}$
$\textcolor{gray}{\textsf{// set InstituteColumn= }}$

$\textcolor{gray}{\textsf{// Name of column that contains the encounter id. }}$
$\textcolor{gray}{\textsf{// set EncounterIdColumn= }}$

$\textcolor{gray}{\textsf{// Name of column that contains the patient birth date. This column should contain dates. }}$
$\textcolor{gray}{\textsf{// set BirthColumn= }}$

$\textcolor{gray}{\textsf{// Name of column that contains the patient death date. This column should contain dates. }}$
$\textcolor{gray}{\textsf{// set DeathColumn= }}$

$\textcolor{gray}{\textsf{// Name of column that contains the patient gender. }}$
$\textcolor{gray}{\textsf{// set GenderColumn= }}$

$\textcolor{gray}{\textsf{// Name of column that contains the patient first name. }}$
$\textcolor{gray}{\textsf{// set FirstNameColumn= }}$

$\textcolor{gray}{\textsf{// Name of column that contains the patient middle name. }}$
$\textcolor{gray}{\textsf{// set MiddleNameColumn= }}$

$\textcolor{gray}{\textsf{// Name of column that contains the patient last name. }}$
$\textcolor{gray}{\textsf{// set LastNameColumn= }}$

$\textcolor{gray}{\textsf{// Name of column that contains the patient first name soundex. }}$
$\textcolor{gray}{\textsf{// set FirstSoundexColumn= }}$

$\textcolor{gray}{\textsf{// Name of column that contains the patient last name soundex. }}$
$\textcolor{gray}{\textsf{// set LastSoundexColumn= }}$

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