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Town. General

Mr. Fat Guy edited this page Mar 28, 2024 · 6 revisions

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Buildings List

Implemented in: #4 and #12.

Goldfield town consists of nine buildings:

Of which only Laundry is decorative and the rest eight has a key function in game.


Implemented in: #4 and #26.

Here is city panorama given as one wide PNG image:

Town Panorama

This is the standard view panorama -- it is captured during a full day and during and during office hours. Thus all building images are in standard palette (no dusk, down or night filter) and all doors are open.


Here you have city passage form end (Livery Stable) to the beginning (Doctor's Office) -- as MP4 video:


And as a serie of frames in PNG format.

As in above case, this is the standard view passage -- it is captured during a full day and during and during office hours. Thus all building images are in standard palette (no dusk, down or night filter) and all doors are open.







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