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trejder edited this page Mar 27, 2024 · 2 revisions

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The Legend

Somewhere deep in the vast and rugged Superstition Mountains of Arizona, there lies hidden a gold mine of immense richness. It was allegedly discovered by a prospector named Jacob Waltz, an old German immigrant who wandered the Superstitions during the early 1880's. He claimed the mine was so rich that the gold could be removed with only a knife.

Waltz died on October 25, 1891, but he left behind many clues as to the location of his fabulous mine. One clue was to look for a pointed peek. Many people believe this peak is the landmark known today as Weaver's Needle. He also claimed his mine was located where no miner would ever look. Many old maps have a surfaced purporting to show the location of Waltz's treasure, but none have proven genuine.

Today the Superstition Mountains continue to draw those who seek the fabled wealth of the King of precious metals. And Weaver's Needle still stands guard over Jacob Waltz's tantalising secret... the LOST DUTCHMAN MINE.

The Story

The hot sun beats down on you and the dust from the stagecoach ride still coats your throat as you look around at the new surroundings. You are in Goldfield, a mining town nestled in the foothills of the legendary Superstition Mountains of Arizona. It's 1896, and gold fever has struck you, as it has thousands of others who have dreamed of riches and set out to seek their fortune in the West. Some have continued on to California but you have decided to travel to the Superstitions because of the legends that have reached your ears of the fabulous LOST DUTCHMAN MINE.

Your throat parched from the long, dusty ride, you decide that the first stop should be the Saloon. You amble in through the swinging doors and walk over to the well-stocked bar.

— What'll it be, old-timer? — the burly bartender asks. — Old-timer, indeed — you retort angrily, but as you stroke your white beard you have to admit that perhaps better days are behind you.

But age has also brought with it experience and a toughness that belies the whiteness of your hair. Countless younger men have searched in vain for the LOST DUTCHMAN MINE, but you are convinced that you will succeed where all others have failed. You order a drink and savor the cool liquid as it quenches the fires in your throat and brings a smile to your lips. Yes, you will succeed!

Suddenly there is a commotion behind you. You turn to see a tall, elegantly dressed man pull a gun from his coat and point it across the table at a man seated opposite him.

— You accuse me of cheating? — he shouts loudly for all to hear. — Other men who have said that are no longer drawing breath — he continues ominously.

The other gentleman quickly gets to his feet and flees out the doorway, while the gambler smiles and gathers the pile of coins and bills into his bag.

— Thats Dapper Dan — explains the bartender under his breath. — He's a card shark, but don't ever call him a cheat. He's fast with a gun and he's not afraid to use it.

You eye him cautiously as you sip your drink. You know that one day soon you'll have to try your luck. And hopefully live to tell about it.

With the excitement over, the bartender now turns his attention back to you.

— Stranger in town? — he asks as he pours you another drink.

You reply with your story of arriving by stage to do a little prospecting.

— Prospecting, huh — he replies with an indifferent shrug. — Well, you may want to talk to Old Ned down at the Assay Office before you head out to the mountains. He'll give you some good advice on what you need to survive out there. He's also the one who'll assay your gold, so you might as well get to know him.

You thank him, slap down a couple of coins for the drinks, and head out to find Old Ned.

You find the Assay Office easily (there's only one street in Goldfield), and pushing the door open, you enter the small building. You find yourself in a dusty room with what appears to be a ton of rocks of various sizes strewn about the floor. At the back of the room you spy a bearded man chipping away at a rock with a small hammer. He turns as the door closes behind you.

— Who's there? — he asks gruffly, squinting through old spectacles perched precariously on the end of his long nose.

As you explain the purpose of your visit his manner softens and he wades through the piles of rock to great you.

— If you're going to prospect, you've come to the right place — he says.

There's gold out there, plenty of it, but it will take lots of work, lots of sweat and lots of luck. First you'll have to together a grubstake. That's your supplies. You'll be spending weeks, maybe even a month at a time out there in the desert and what you take with you will greatly determine whether you come back.

— First off, you're gonna need a gun. You'll be traveling along in the desert and you'll find it will come in mighty handy when you're up against rattlers, Indians or robbers — he moved along.

Of course, you'll need a pick and shovel, and a pan for panning in the river. And you're gonna need food and lots of water. The hotter the temperature, the more water you'll need so always keep your canteens full.

— They're expensive — he continued — but as soon as you can, you'll want to buy yourself a burro.

They can double your load carrying which means you can carry more food and supplies which in turn means you'll be able to travel farther out into the mountains. The burro you can buy at the Livery Stable. The rest of your food and supplies can be had at the General Store. It's the green building down the street called the Mercantile. You might want to carry some fish hooks. In an emergency you can catch a few fish in the river. They'll tide you over if you run out of food and you can make it back to town.

Old Ned paused and scratched his scruffy beard.

— Let me see what else I can tell you.

Oh yeah, carry some anti-venom with you. You're bound to get bit by a rattler but if you drink the anti- venom it will counteract the effects of the poison. If you get bit and you haven't got any anti-venom, then get to the Doc as fast as you can! He's got an office at the end of town and he'll fix you u if you get bit or shot. He's a nice guy. He'll even extend credit in case you don't have enough to pay him.

— Watch out for Indians and bandits. The Indians will be after your burros, the bandits after your gold and cash.

You can usually scare off the Indians if you put up a little fight, but the robbers you'll have to wound or kill before they'll give up. If you do capture a robber, you can sometimes collect a reward at the jail.

— One more thing. There are lots of old mines and caves out there. Be careful if you go exploring. And if you do find the 'motherlode', come back here to stake your claim.

— Good luck, partner. Oh, and here's one more piece of advice. Stay away from Dapper Dan. He's a real card shark and a dangerous man. Although I have heard rumors that he carries with him a piece of an old map showing the location of the LOST DUTCHMAN MINE.

With Old Ned's words ringing in your ears, you head down to the Mercantile to begin your adventure.







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