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Releases: ihmcrobotics/ihmc-build

0.18.0 Release Notes

18 Sep 16:13
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  • Support build.gradle.kts in composite build setups
  • Extract CI properties
  • Support Gradle 5.6.1
  • Extract LogTools to avoid logger boilerplate
  • Refactors and cleanup

0.16.6 Release Notes

04 Aug 19:27
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Bug fix

  • Fix casing bug when using title property

0.16.5 Release Notes

23 Jul 16:04
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Bug fix

  • Increase hardcoded minimum required Gradle version to 5.3.1

0.16.3 Release Notes

15 Jul 04:18
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Major Features

  • Switch to Gradle Java Library plugin [1]
  • Gradle Kotlin script support
  • Support title property
  • Support Java 11+ and Gradle 5.5+


Minor Enhancements

  • Relax publishUrl keyword strictness
  • Declaring publishUrl is no longer required (default value is "local")
  • bintrayUsername and bintrayApiKey are now accepted (bintay_user and bintray_key
    are now deprecated)

Deprecation Removal

  • hyphenatedName is no longer acknowledged
  • Remove old IHMCSettingsConfigurator method signatures


title property

You can now use title instead of kebabCasedName and pascalCasedName.

title = IHMC Commons   // kebab: ihmc-commons, pascal: IHMCCommons

In build.gradle and build.gradle.kts files you can make use of the api and implementation
dependency types. api is a direct replacement for compile. implementation blocks consuming libraries
from accessing that library transitively.

mainDependencies {

0.15.8 Release Notes

08 Jul 18:43
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Bug Fix

  • Fix Gradle version parsing bug when Gradle version on system is something like 5.5-20190701220625+0000

0.15.7 Release Notes

05 Mar 20:33
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  • Apply HelpTasksPlugin to all projects to fix compositeTask for those tasks in Gradle 5.

0.15.6 Release Notes

05 Mar 20:32
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  • Add support for composite building on projects that use settings.gradle.kts files.

0.15.5 Release Notes

12 Dec 20:39
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Bug Fix

  • Fix bug where snapshots would roll back to older versions without warning in child builds on Bamboo. Additionally, add log message for when that happens.

0.15.4 Release Notes

26 Nov 17:06
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Bug Fix

  • Remove overlap between java source and resources directories which broke IntelliJ 2018.3

0.15.3 Release Notes

26 Oct 22:28
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UX Improvement

  • Using only -PsnapshotMode=true will declare Artifactory repos
  • More output during property loading
  • groupDependencyVersion no longer needed, never pass SNAPSHOT as version. source will work
  • Remove empty task log messages


  • Require Gradle 4.9 or higher