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Talk matters 10th meeting 2020 09 24 Agenda

Hoseock Choi edited this page Sep 24, 2020 · 12 revisions




There was No Hand shaking or kissing in the "Super ball of global diplomacy" - 57th anniversary of UN general assembly. And there was the speech by the Moon jae in, the president of south Korea. He appeared on US assembly 4 consecutive times until yesterday, and emphasized the global solidarity in order to overcome the global pandemic as well as the peace movement between North and South Korea. Especially, he mentioned that global support for the both Korea to move forward to the peace because it's critical for the future of south Korea. and one another news that cached my eye was about the Exchange Rate or conversion rate of the Korean currency vs US dollar. It said that people who want to get the Korean won from dollar, they need to extra money for it. If you are interested in this economic news, you can look for it, but What's important is, South Korea seems to arise among the OECD country as a global leadership and not only politically but economically as well. Which is good news for us maybe Hello Everyone, This is Lovely Educational Talk show Talk matter 10th meeting, and I'm your host, Hoseock.

Host: Hoseock

News Briefing, Domestic issue - Jinyong (16 min)

World News - Nare (16 min)

Featured Topic - Yongil (23 min)

Evaluation Session - Sunny (5 min)

  • over all evaluation of the meeting


  • senior population
  • OECD - Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
  • steepest - 가파른
  • over the corresponding period - 해당 기간 동안
  • lagging behind - 뒤로 쳐지는
  • Among those lagging behind the OECD average - OECD 평균보다 뒤쳐지는 국가들로는,
  • portion of the population aged over-65
  • was still behind the OECD average of 17.2 percent in 2018
  • outstrip - 능가하다 앞서다
  • Ministry of Interior and Safety - 행정안전부
  • Data held by A - A의 보유자료인
  • is projected to make up A - A가 될 것이라고 예상된다.
  • fertility rates - 출산율
  • life expectancy - 기대수명
  • relegated - 좌천시키다, 밀쳐내다
  • clinched - 이루어내다.
  • industry tracker Counterpoint Research
  • compatriot - 동포
  • budget phones
  • complications of metastatic pancreas cancer - 췌장암 합병증
  • divisive social issues
  • affirmative action - 긍정적 차별, 소수우대 정책
  • fervent - 열렬한
  • relentless - 끈질긴
  • litigator - 소송자, 기소자
  • incisive- 기민한
  • unwavering faith - 흔들리지 않는 신념
  • fiery dissents -불꽃
  • jurist - 법률전문가
  • historic stature - 역사적 위상
  • resolute - 단호한, 확고한
  • biopsy - 생체조직검사
  • lesions - 병련 병소
  • astray - 길을 잃고 방황하는
  • roared disapproval - 불찬성을 외치다
  • recuse - 기피하다
  • advocate for the American Civil Liberties Union
  • commencement - 졸업식
  • sad irony of today - 오늘의 슬픈 아이러니
  • utter - 완전한
  • racial discrimination
  • vile infection - 비열성 감염
  • dissent - 반대의견
  • zeal - 열의 열성
  • aside countervailing rights - 상계권
  • lamented - 몹시 애석한[아쉬운]
  • "I would just like people to think of me as a judge who did the best she could with whatever limited talent I had,"
  • rehabilitation - 재활
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