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Season4 Preparation Meeting 1 2020 12 17

Hoseock Choi edited this page Dec 18, 2020 · 2 revisions

Host: Hoseock

Meeting Minutes

  • Decide who will be "regular host" - Hoseock, Yongil, Sunny, BigEye
  • We will try to get more regular host until next week
  • BigEye and Sunny, Yongil will join as Regular Host of Season 4
  • Nare needs more time to think about joining as regular host.
  • Yongil - What will happen if I can not show up on time of the show as host?
    • Hoseock - as we all know, in Toastmasters, we never blame anyone who say they can't make to come to the meeting if they have certain reason. I think it's same here, as long as I am doing Talk Matters, I think I can backup or others will support you, just like toastmasters. So don't worry about it.
  • Nare - How do we get reporters or session masters before the show date?
    • Hoseock - The host of the week before can support mainly but if the host want something different than original format, then they need to coordinate before the meeting with other hosts
  • Nare - It's hard to think about new format as host.
    • Hoseock - It's ok to adjust the format and contents of the show if host want but, it's also good to keep original format.
  • Sunny - it will be good if guests and participants can have more chances to talk about their opinion
    • Dom - there is panel discussion that can gives more opportunity to the people who participate by the coordination of the host
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