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Warp commands

xZise edited this page Nov 1, 2011 · 9 revisions

All these commands allow the user to handle the warps managed by xWarp. These commands are valid since xWarp 3.0.0.

It is possible to use different commands in xWarp. Each of them will be interpreted with the Parser so everything after the command can be escaped/quoted etc.

Info: Required parameters are placed in angle brackets and optional parameters in square brackets.


Instead of warp it is possible to use xw or w. Prior to 3.0.0 it was possible to use xwarp, but this command has now another purpose.

Command to warp

Warp safely

/warp <name> [owner]


  • /go <name> [owner] [warped]
  • /warp to <name> [owner] [warped]
  • /go to <name> [owner] [warped]

Warps the user. If the warp isn't save, it won't allow the user to warp. To ignore this it is possible to use the force-to command. To warp somebody else it is required to define owner and warped.

If the warped user isn't defined, the command is only ingame available.


  • /warp to Castle – Warps to a warp named Castle. If there are more than one warp named Castle, it will select the warp owned by the executor. If this use has no warp named so, it will print an error message, that the warp doesn't exist.
  • /warp Castle xZise Someone – Warps Someone to xZise's warp named Castle.

Warp without safety tests

/warp force-to <name> [owner]

Alias: /warp >-t <name> [owner]

Forces the warp and ignoring the safety test before.

Information commands

Warp List

/warp list [options] [#page]

Alias: /warp ls [options] [#page]

Views all accessible warps. To show another page than the first set the page. It is possible, to add options, to filter warps. Some options expands the name. This means, if the value of an option is ‘x’ and an user with the name ‘xZise’ is on the server, it will set the option's value internally to ‘xZise’.

To define specific options which skips warps, add a minus sign in front of it. For the columns it will remove the column.


  • o:<owner> – The warp is owned by the owner. This option ‘expands’ the name.
  • oo:<owner> – Like o:<owner> but doesn't ‘expand’ the name.
  • c:<creator> – The warp was by the creator created.
  • oc:<creator> – Like c:<creator> but doesn't ‘expand’ the name.
  • w:<world> – Defines in which world the warp has to be.
  • v:<visibility> – The warp has the defined visibility.
  • private, public, global
  • col:<column name> – Adds specific columns (if the weren't already added by the default columns)
  • owner – Adds the column owner from the list.
  • world – Adds the world from the location in the list.
  • loc – Adds the x/y/z coordinates from the location in the list.


  • /warp list o:xZise – Shows the first page of the warps owned by “xZise”
  • /warp list oo:Alice oo:Bob 6 – Shows the sixth page of all warps owned by “Alice” or “Bob”.
  • /warp list 3 – Shows the third page of all accessible warps.
  • /warp list -col:owner 3 – Shows the third page of all accessible warps but hides the owner column.
  • /warp list w:portal -o:xZise – Shows the first page of all warps in the world “portal” but which aren't owned by “xZise”.

Warp list color legend

/warp list legend

Shows a legend of all colors used in the warp lists.

Warp Search

/warp search <query> [#page]

Search for warps using query. If the warps don't fit on the first page, it is possible to view later pages.

Warp info

/warp info <name> [owner]

Shows the information about a warp, like position, owner.

Show the welcome message

/warp show-message <name> [owner]

Alias: /warp shmsg <name> [owner]

Shows the welcome message of the warp. It is also possible to check if the warp uses the default message.

Help command

/warp help [#page/command]

Alias: /warp ? [#page/command]

Shows the warps help page #page or command.


  • /warp help – Shows the first page of the help.
  • /warp help add-editor – Shows detailed help for the “add-editor” command.

Creating commands

These commands are not available in the console.


/warp create <name>


  • /warp + <name>
  • /warp add <name>

Creates a new public warp.


/warp createp <name>


  • /warp +p <name>
  • /warp addp <name>

Creates a new private warp.


/warp createg <name>


  • /warp +g <name>
  • /warp addg <name>

Creates a new global warp.


/warp create

Aliases: All create commands without any name.

See how many warps this user could create and has created.

Editing commands

Relocate the warp

/warp update <name> [owner]

Alias: /warp * <name> [owner]

Updates the position of a warp. This command is not available in the console.

Changing the owner

/warp give <name> [owner] 

Alias: /warp chown <name> [owner] <new owner>

Changes the owner of the warp to the new owner.

Changing the welcome message

/warp message <name> [owner] 

Alias: /warp msg <name> [owner] <message>

Changes the welcome message of the warp. If the message is default it will use the default message, which can be changed in the settings. By default it will be Welcome to <name>! and it will always uses the current name, so renaming the warp does also update the welcome message. To remove the message completely set it to none and it won't show up any welcome message on warping to the warp.

Removing warp

/warp delete <name> [owner]

Alias: /warp - <name> [owner]

Deletes the warp.

Rename warp

/warp rename <name> [owner] <new name>

Alias: /warp mv <name> [owner] <new name>

Renames the warp to the new name.

Change price

/warp price <name> [owner] <new price>

Sets the new price of the warp. If the price is negative, this warp is for everybody free.

Change warmup

/warp warmup <name> [owner] <new wamrup>

Alias: /warp chwu <name> [owner] <new warmup>

Sets the new warmup of the warp. The new warmup is the time in seconds or could be set to default. If the warmup is negative or default, this warp uses the default warmup.

Change cooldown

/warp cooldown <name> [owner] <new cooldown>

Alias: /warp chcd <name> [owner] <new cooldown>

Sets the new cooldown of the warp. The new cooldown is the time in seconds or could be set to default. If the cooldown is negative or default, this warp uses the default cooldown.

Check warp safety

/warp safety-check <name> [owner]

Checks the safety of the warp and prints additional information. If a warp is stated as unsafe by xWarp but in fact are safe, it is possible to detect why by using this command.

  • /warp invite <name> [owner] <invitee> – Invites the invitee to using the warp. Is only useful with private warps.
  • /warp uninvite <name> [owner] <ex-invitee> – Revokes the invitation to using the warp. Is only useful with private warps.
  • /warp add-editor <name> [owner] <editor> <permissions> – Adds an editor with the given permissions.
  • /warp remove-editor <name> [owner] <ex-editor> – Removes an editor.
  • /warp private <name> [owner] – Changes the visibility to private.
  • /warp public <name> [owner] – Changes the visibility to public.
  • /warp global <name> [owner] – Changes the visibility to global.

Change creator

/warp change-creator  [owner] 

Alias: /warp chcre <name> [owner] <new creator>

Changes the creator to the new creator. Handle this command with care, as the creator has no special rights and may limit the number of warps the new creator could create.

Change the world of all warps in one world

/warp change-world  

Alias: /warp chwrld <old world> <new world>

Changes the world of all warps in the old world to the new world. So it is possible to rename a world, and updating all warps in the renamed world with one command.