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Permissions (Pre v3)

xZise edited this page Sep 20, 2011 · 1 revision

All these permissions are only valid for xWarp before version 3.

Info: General information about Permissions.

Permissions nodes


If using Permissions a user need a set of permissions to warp himself/somebody.

  • A permission to warp to this specific warp. This will be done by a… or… permission.
  • A permission to warp within/to the world of the warp. Read the section “Warp into/within worlds”. To warp within the same world the user need<world> and into another world<world>.

If one of both permissions isn't granted it will say, that the user hasn't the permission to use the warp.

Warping via chat/console

  • – Allows the player to warp to his own warps.
  • – Allows the player to warp to warps where the player is invited.
  • – Allows the player to warp to public warps of others.
  • – Allows the player to warp to global warps.

Warping via signs

  • – Allows to use the warp signs which points to his own warps.
  • – Allows the player to use warp signs to warp to invited warps.
  • – Allows the player to warp to public warps of others via warp signs.
  • – Allows to warp to global warps via warp signs.

Warp into/within worlds

With version 2.9.5 it is possible to limit into/within which worlds the player could warp:

  •<world> – Allows the player to warp into the given world.
  •<world> – Allows the player to warp within the given world.


To allow the players to warp within all worlds simply set the permission to*. To allow the player only to warp into the world named “foo” the player has to be the permission

Creating a warp

  • warp.create.private – Allows the player to create private warps or make his warps private.
  • warp.create.public – Allows the player to create public warps or make his warps public.
  • – Allows the player to create global warps or make his warps global.

Create/Place warp signs

With 2.10.0 the player need a special permission to place a warp sign. Note that these permissions won't create a new warp.

  • warp.sign.create.private – To a private warp
  • warp.sign.create.public – To a public warp
  • – To a global warp
  • warp.sign.create.unknown – To a warp which doesn't exists

Edit permissions

With 2.9.2 it is possible to allow users/groups to limit what a user can change.

  • warp.edit.delete – To delete own warps.
  • warp.edit.invite.add – To invite to own warps.
  • warp.edit.invite.delete – To uninvite from own warps. By default it is better to only grant warp.edit.invite.delete or grant both (warp.edit.invite.*).
  • warp.edit.message – To change the welcome message of a warp.
  • warp.edit.update – To change the location of a warp.
  • warp.edit.rename – To rename the warps name.
  • warp.edit.editors.add – To add editors. The editor itself also need the corresponding edit permission to perform the changes.
  • warp.edit.editors.remove – To remove editors. By default it is better to only grant warp.edit.editors.remove or grant both (warp.edit.editors.*).
  • warp.edit.owner – To change the owner with the give-command.
  • warp.edit.creator – To change the creator of the warp. Warning: If you have limits other users could change the creator to raise the number of warps this user could create.
  • warp.edit.price.set – To change the price. (2.11.0)
  • – Allows to set the price to free. No default permission! (2.11.0)
  • warp.edit.list.change – Allows to change the the listed status. (2.11.0)

Special note to the creator permission

The permission warp.edit.creator is the only permission which also changes other users abilities in a bad way. If the users have a creation limit, the users could change the creator to create more warps than expected. A simple example: You have the users A and B which only could create 1 warps and both haven't any warps. After user A created a warp this user could gain a advantage, by change the creator to user B. Now user B had one warp created and couldn't create one warp anymore. Also the user A now could create one warp again. The main problem here is, that the creator has no rights, so the creator (= B) couldn't delete the warp.

To prevent this don't give the users access to this permission.

Special command permissions

With 2.10.1 it is possible to allow following commands:

  • warp.command.list – The warp list command.
  • – The warp search command.
  • – The warp info command.

Administrative permissions

Those permissions allow to use the commands on warps which the player doesn't own and where the player isn't on the editors list.

  • warp.admin.give – Allows the give command
  • warp.admin.invite – Allows the invite command
  • warp.admin.uninvite – Allows the uninvite command
  • warp.admin.delete – Allows the delete command
  • warp.admin.message – Allows the message command
  • warp.admin.update – Allows the update command
  • – Allows to warp to all warps.
  • warp.admin.private – Allows the private command.
  • warp.admin.public – Allows the public command.
  • – Allows the global command.
  • warp.admin.reload – Allows the reload command.
  • warp.admin.convert – Allows the convert command.
  • warp.admin.export – Allows to exports all warps.
  • warp.admin.editors.remove – Allows to remove editors.
  • warp.admin.editors.add – Allows to add editors.
  • warp.admin.warp.others – Allows to warp others players.
  • warp.admin.price.set – Allows to set the price (≥ 0) to warp others players. (2.11.0)
  • – Allows to set a warp of others players free. (2.11.0)
  • warp.admin.list.change – Allows to change the the listed status of others players. (2.11.0)
  • warp.admin.list.view – Allows to list also unlisted warps. (2.11.0)

Permissions values

Warmup and cooldown

The values are by default set to 0.

  • Time in seconds when the next warp is possible.
    • warp.timers.cooldown.private – To private warp
    • warp.timers.cooldown.public – To public warp
    • – To global warp
  • Time in seconds between executing the warp command and requesting it.
    • warp.timers.warmup.private – To a private warp
    • warp.timers.warmup.public – To a public warp
    • – To a global warp

Creation limits

By default all values are -1, meaning infinite.

  • warp.limit.private – Limit the amount of private warps.
  • warp.limit.public – Limit the amount of public warps.
  • – Limit the amount of global warps.
  • – Limit the total amount of warps.


All these values are default set to 0.

  • The price to create a warp the different visibilities:
    • warp.prices.create.private – Private warp
    • warp.prices.create.public – Public warp
    • – Global warp
  • The basic price to teleport to a warp:
    • – Private warp
    • – Public warp
    • – Global warp