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Slay the Spire

Reviews generated unconditionally

Updated at 12:02 a.m. ET If you're new to this genre: Deckbuilding roguelikes are great. You gain power as you progress up the spire by adding and removing cards from your deck, and then you use your deck to fight monsters, sometimes cycling through all the cards several times in a fight. You can try and build combo decks, once you have played a few times you'll be able to anticipate what cards you might find in shops or as monster loot in future and influence your deck in that way. The monster variety is good and the game is always a challenge. If you have played Dream Quest / Monster Slayers before: This game is not just a clone. It's new and different. You can have encounters where you fight multiple enemies, you can use consumable items during fights, you manage your resources differently in fights, and the monsters are fairer and have less RNG - you can see what they are going to do on their turn before they do it. I'm not even sure the monsters use a deck of cards to decide what to do. Also navigating the overworld is pretty simple, leaving you to focus on what matters. Either way, you will enjoy this game. I have owned this game for about 36 hours and have played it for 16 hours. I absolutely love this game. It's takes my love for tcg/ccg, and combines it with my love for rogue-likes. Theres some minor changes that need to be made, but those nerfs/buffs will come with time and a lot of playtesting. 100% worth every penny. Great game! Buy it! Play it! Yeah early access i know but so was Vagante. Not to mention frequent updates every friyay. Pros: You will want to invest a lot of time in this You will finally stop playing Hearthstone Can get frustrating at times The whale god Cons: Can get frustrating at times I picked this up out of boredom, expecting to fill a few lonely after work hours in the evening one day. I wasn't expecting much more than 10h total playtime. So after over 150 hours, I thought it would be fair to the devs to leave a review. This game for me was an unexpected love affair. So many things here that just feel right: The art design, the involvement the devs seek with their community, the weekly patches, the constant fine-tuning, the sense of humor that shows in events and game art, the catchy themes. I bet any new player, even at this point where developement is mostly finished, could tell this is a labour of love, without looking at all the continuous work that's been put in. And it's not even everything I said above that makes me come back to the game, it's the satisfying game mechanics, inherent replayability and progression. Although it's no real "RPG" persistent progression, nothing much changes except for difficulty modifiers, that's enough to greatly change the way you play between low and high Ascension (the game's way of progression through 20 difficulty levels). The game is really easy to just pick up and get into with zero prior cardgame experience. At the same time it demands a lot of trial and error to get your tactics and synergies right to achieve the higher Ascension levels. Sure, it's the same monsters, the same cards, the same rooms every run with a very overseeable number of enemy/boss types, but your route to victory or death will be different every time. The game is about thinking ahead and making risk-reward decisions with every card pickup, relic and room choice. Gamble picks in the hope of setting up a specific type of deck/synergy can end up being very rewarding or downright soul-crushing if you didn't pay attention to, for example, what will be your next Elite fight. It's much more about overall strategy than being "good" or "bad" in a specific room fight. Every class can be played in several general ways, I hate using the word archetypes: Even if your deck core is, let's say, Strengh stacking, that archetype can play very differently depending on the supplemental relic and card choices. Even if my winning strategy for Defect is simple Cold Orb stacking most of the time, the deck often still won't feel very close to my last runs. It just stays fresh. More features keeping the game fresh are the daily challenges, use of seeds, and the custom mode with many fun modifiers and an endless mode. So if you're frustrated with the wall you're hitting in your Ascension runs, just throw in a few challenges or stupid modifiers until you're fit for more self-punishment. TL;DR: A labour of love, easy to get into, challenging to master. Endless replayability that rewards thinking ahead and creative deck-building. [h1]I don’t even like deck

☑ Random ☑ Very good ☐ Beautiful ☐ Masterpiece ===[ $ Price/quality: ]=== ☑ Full price ☐ Wait for sale ☐ Average ☐ Refund it if you can ☐ Don't do it ===[ ☣ Requirments: ]=== ☐ 90' PC ☑ Minimum ☐ Medium ☐ Fast ☐ High end ☐ NASA computer ===[ ☼ Difficulty: ]=== ☐ You just need 2 arms ☐ Ez ☑ Easy to learn / Hard to master ☐ Hard (first few hours) ☐ Dark Souls ===[ ۞ Game time/length ]=== ☐ Really short ( 0 - 2 hours) ☐ Short ( 2 - 8 hours) ☐ Few hours ( 8 - 12 hours) ☐ Long ( 12+ hours) ☑ Endless ===[ ♬ Story] === ☑ It doesn't have ☑ Still better than Twilight ☐ Average ☐ Good ☐ Fantastic ===[ § Bugs ]=== ☐ Game itself is one big BUG ☐ Bugs destroying the game ☐ Lot of bugs ☐ Few Bugs ☐ You can use them for speedrun ☑ Nothing ===[ ✦ Others: ]=== Multiplayer: NO Singleplayer: YES Really easy game to pick up, especially coming from Hearthstone. Combos and synergy are hard to learn at first, but after 1 or 2 runs, you can pretty much build OP decks as you go. The only problem right now is that there are only 2 out of 3 characters out and that the game gets a little repetitive after beating it 3 or 4 times. I'm really looking forward to seeing it come out of early access! Edit: New update is looking really good! Roadmap also looks very promising! An excellent and addictive rogue-lite with upgradable cards. It scratches a specific itch I have. Don't let the Early Access fool you -- it feels like it's complete. (Looking forward to more content though!) I have finally 'beaten' the game on all three characters and while there is further things to do in the game (like higher difficulty and such), that's enough hours put into the game to write a bit of review about it: This game is absurdly fun! I never really expected much from a card game other than endless grinding or pay to win mechanics to achieve the state where it will be 'easy' to beat it but this game doesn't have those normal card elements at all. You just need knowledge, skills and a bit of luck and you're good to go! I highly recommend it to any fan of card games and anyone that likes a bit of casual fun. You can save and quit whenever you want, making it great for those that needs to turn off the game for any reason at any time. P.S. This game needs a versus mode so I can go slay my friends too :P I've been playing this game since February (so, 11-ish months?) and I absolute L O V E it. I lost a lot of sleep binge-playing it, even before the third character was out of beta and much of it was different from what it is now. I'm pretty inexperienced with video games -- I don't really have a quick grasp of what is and isn't a tactical card game. I'm still learning all the lingo folks use about what counts as a deck-building move and what isn't. But if you're into deck-building or rogue-likes you will not be disappointed. This game is incredible! I'm a huge turn-based strategy fan, and I's current favorite way to play is as a sort of mid-boss battle, delivering some incredible damage over time. Unfortunately the strategy you select is primarily up to you (damage and speed modifiers, timers) and the game is still in early access. You might find yourself spending a few hours playing just like that, only you not so sure about this one. Pros- Wonderful art style by Christian Vos (Hearthstone, Magic the Gathering, Artifact) Wonderful art style by (Hearthstone,,, good job, cc'ed you) Cons ( Can get frustrating at times) Would love to see a fully fleshed-out deck-building game with all the necessary cards and strategies. Would love to see a real-time, uncluttered deck-builder with all the necessary cards and strategies. Would love to see a persistent, emergent style of play (board and play), allowing for both card-based games and long-term strategies. Would love the cards to grow in number as a community adds new content, and new play styles. It's also a card collecting game (

Also, this game is the perfect companion to "Murk: The Design of Mummy" I had when I was a kid, and it's equally if not, more incredible than that. It's a completely different type of game to those titles. There are no cards/relics or monsters. You just use cards in your hand. There is a bit of randomness involved, but it doesn't feel unfair. There is a bit of card-gain in the way you could build up a deck and not worry about what cards you didn't get -- you'd be more likely to find something more satisfying. There's also a bit of rogue-like randomness tossed in, but that's beside the point. The game is about thinking ahead and making risk-reward decisions with every card pickup, relic and room choice. Winning a combat will give you some insight into what your deck is missing, and what strategies will be available to you during those runs. It'll also give you ideas as to what to do about missing cards, bushes and other things that can make a successful run more satisfying. Slay the Spire is a fantastic game, and I’d recommend it to everybody, even if you don’t play a lot of card games. I think Slay The Spire is easy to understand, but challenging to master, and there’s plenty of content to justify a full price purchase. There's a very appealing flow to Slay the Spire with lots of meaningful decisions and no downtime. Play card, do damage, expand your deck as you go and see satisfying combos play out exactly as you imagine. The game is about thinking ahead and making risk-reward decisions with every card pickup, relic and room choice. It's also a card collecting game for those who don't like building a deck. Collecting happens from very discrete choices, primarily as rewards from combat and adding them to your current deck. Slay the Spire is very tactile with a super-satisfying feel of weight associated with playing a card, not especially taxing (unless you like to over think things) so works well as a casual game while evolving enough to keep things interesting. There's enough procedural generation to ensure that evey run feels a bit different. The main claim of the game, however, is how nearly all information is completely displayed to the player with very little rng. This may sound like a chore, in the way that chess can be a chore, but it isn't as the decisions are largely all discrete and easily intelligible. Slay the Spire is a classic in every imaginable way. [i]comments enabled[/i] Watching egg daddy play this game frustrated me so much that I bought it just so I could ease my frustrations. I made the right choice chat, you should too. ===[ ❤ Audience: ]=== ☑ Kids ☑ Everyone ☑ Casual players ☑ Pro players ☑ Tryhard players ===[ ☼ Graphics: ]=== ☐ Potato ☐ Really bad ☐ Bad ☐ OK ☑ Good ☐ Beautiful ☐ Masterpiece ===[ $ Price/quality: ]=== ☑ Full price ☐ Wait for sale ☐ Average ☐ Refund it if you can ☐ Don't do it ===[ ☣ Requirments: ]=== ☐ 90' PC ☑ Minimum ☐ Medium ☐ Fast ☐ High end ☐ NASA computer ===[ ☼ Difficulty: ]=== ☐ You just need 2 arms ☐ Ez ☑ Easy to learn / Hard to master ☐ Hard (first few hours) ☐ Dark Souls ===[ ۞ Game time/length ]=== ☐ Really short ( 0 - 2 hours) ☐ Short ( 2 - 8 hours) ☐ Few hours ( 8 - 12 hours) ☐ Long ( 12+ hours) ☑ Endless ===[ ♬ Story] === ☑ It doesn't have ☑ Still better than Twilight ☐ Average ☐ Good ☐ Fantastic ===[ § Bugs ]=== ☐ Game itself is one big BUG ☐ Bugs destroying the game ☐ Lot of bugs ☐ Few Bugs ☐ You can use them for speedrun ☑ Nothing ===[ ✦ Others: ]=== Multiplayer: NO Singleplayer: YES This game fuckin' rules. It's like if Dominion and a gritty roguelike had an amazing baby. Ugly as all hell but sometimes the best things in life are. This game is fast paced and challenging. It can be frustrating if you are trying to make a particular combo and don't get the right cards or artifacts, but not making it all the way

Reviews starting with I love

I love this game so much that I'm going to miss it so much. Slay the Spire is one of those games you rarely encounter. It plays similarly to a Rogue Like in that way, a genre that I've always been fascinated by, but never got very deep into, but Slay the Spire got its hooks into me very hard. It took me quite the force of will to say "No" to another game so I could take the time to write this review. I can't wait until its over so I can try out the latest patch. Then I can start looking forward to the artwork and combatant detail, which is always a pleasure. The game is just excellent in its pollished form. Each character feels unique and each run feels unique. Endless hours of entertainment. But mostly, I'm impressed by the developers work ethics here. [h1] TL:DR [/h1] Slay the Spire is a truly enjoyable mix of rogue-like and card games. It blends naturally with graphics, gameplay, and music. There are currently 2 (out of a planned 3) characters to choose from each time you try with unique cards exclusive to each. Each run has different paths, events, enemies, bosses, and opportunities in order to keep the game fresh and fun. Overall Slay the Spire is a great game to play that truly feels unique. Although labeled as early access this game does not feel like most other early access games. Tons of cards already available with loads of replayability. This game is great as is and only going to get better with the additions of a new class and features. Highly recommended if you are into deck builder board games and rogue like games. Would love to see a Co-Op mode in the future! It's like Hearthstone except single player, and it's good, and it's actually nothing like Hearthstone. Buy this instead of Hearthstone packs, it's much more fun. [i]Edit: Thanks for the comments everyone! I very much appreciate all of you. Although, to be clear, I have moved on to other games, so I will not be responding to everyone individually. Thanks again.[/i] [b]Ever play the IRL card game [i]Dominion[/i]? Well [i]Slay the Spire[/i] is the video game analog.[/b] And that's a great thing. For those not in the know - this is a card game with the core mechanic of hand-management. What this means is that strategy is largely focused on how many cards you keep in your deck. For instance you may prune your deck to have few cards, but all of them are heavy hitters. Another strategy may be to have a ton of cards and you focus on increasing the number of turns you are taking (energy). It's cool. [b]The only thing you really need to know is that while this has a 'dungeon crawling' skin - it is a card game, period.[/b] There is not really any dungeon crawling here as far as I am concerned. This is fine, but again you should know. [b]Pros:[/b] +This is the digital version of [i]Dominion[/i] the IRL card game. +Very balanced and fun; if you are good at hand-management I would even dare to say this game is easy. +Unlockables are great. [b]Cons:[/b] -Eh, I'd say that the 'roguelite' deck management game market here on Steam is becoming quite crowded - and while [i]Slay the Spire[/i] is cool - so are the others. I guess what I am saying is that unless you've exhausted the other ones in your library, you may want to think twice before getting yet another one. [b]Yeah, [i]Slay the Spire[/i] is great addicting fun.[/b] Updated review after another 400+ hours of gameplay: And this isn't even out of early access yet. New stuff gets added every week. I've just started on some end game content, but even playing on normal mode allows for dozens of different strategies. This is a very fair game in the sense that a highly skilled player can win almost every time despite the fact that the cards you draw and the rewards you get after every fight depend on RNG, and yet the game does not feel too easy either. GOTY 2017-2018 Original review: If you're new to this genre: Deckbuilding roguelikes are great. You gain power as you progress up the spire by adding and removing cards from your deck, and then you use your deck to fight monsters, sometimes cycling through all the cards several times in a fight. You can try and build combo decks, once you have played a few times you'll be able to anticipate

I love it! Would be glad to update my review if I could. I don't see why there's a huge hype on this game. I really don't. I'm guessing fans of deck building card games are the ones that like this game so much. I think it's really over rated. An example to all those stuck in Early Access. These developers set realistic goals. Listened to feedback. Gave weekly updates. and released the game in less than a year with MAJOR improvements. They always responded to comments and made the users feel listened too. The game is just excellent in its pollished form. Each character feels unique and each run feels unique. Endless hours of entertainment. But mostly, I'm impressed by the developers work ethics here. Slay the Spire is a rogue-like card-like game that puts you at the bottom of a spire. As you climb it floor by floor you'll be met with enemies and allies, to defeat the former you'll have to find attacks, defenses, skills and powers in the form of cards that work together or you'll be met with a swift end. The combat in Slay the Spire is turn-based, but it is also fast-paced. There's not a whole lot to think about when you're playing your cards and except for doing some quick math while playing the ultimate combo you really don't have to think too hard about about what you're doing. Everything is simple and straightforward. Being a rogue-like, as good as everything is randomized though. You'll never know which cards show up and you can't build a deck hoping for one in particular. The one thing that's not randomized is the way the enemies behave though. The hard mode changes things up a little bit, but throughout the game every enemy will have a specific pattern it follows. Some won't attack on their first turn, after will have a big attack as their fifth turn. You might struggle with luck at the beginning, but once you know the game the first of three acts will be like child's play to you. Outside of the combat floors, the game offers shops, rest places and random events. The latter can be good or bad, and the game also offers a lot of items to combat bad luck. Throughout the game you will find self-explanatory potions and so-called relics. Relics give you a certain boost, through there are also event relics that'll give you something bad permanently. They can either give you strength or weakness, you can start every combat with 10 block or you can start them with a specific card in your hand. While cards are the main focus of the game, relics offer support for any deck. It's really hard to explain the appeal of Slay the Spire. I've never played a card game before. I will never play a card game in the future. Slay the Spire is just different, in a good way. It's just so much fun to play it over and over again. Be warned though, getting into the game will take some serious dedication. With over 50 enemies and over 250 cards there's a lot to learn and understand. I barely understand one of the three characters myself. But I absolutely enjoyed my time. After 800 hours I can say that I'm done with the game for myself... until a mobile version is released. But I'm not sure if I would recommend it. It's the worst kind of rogue-like game out there, a highly addictive one. Not only has it many different modes, characters and deck possibilites, it also offers more unique challenges through achievements that'll make you keep on playing. If your time is valuable to you, don't get this game. If not, slay the spire. I love card games of all types. I grew up playing traditional card games like Crazy Eights, Solitaire and Uno. I later got into Bridge, Rummy and Poker until Magic the Gathering (MtG) consumed my life for years. These days though its hard to find people to play traditional card games anymore and Magic the Gathering and other CCG's are way too expensive to keep up to date with. A few years ago I discovered physical deck building games like Dominion, Thunderstone, Race for the Galaxy and many more. I had a ton of fun playing these, but again it is hard to get a group together on a consistent basis so I turned to the PC. Several of these games have pretty good PC versions, but they are still restricted by the fact that they are based on physical games. There are often clunky mechanics that really slow things down. That's fine when playing with friends at home, but over the Internet or alone against an AI it tends to get old pretty fast. There have been quite a few digital card games recent years that are great, but most of them are based on card collecting and those can rival even Magic the Gathering in cost if you want to stay up to date with the best cards

I love the idea that the game would be more fun to play with less cards. The game is simple to learn, but effective, and offers many different strategies depending on the variety of cards you choose. I personally found the music and sound effect lacking impact and was a real pain to explain to those who aren't used to hearing music and sound effects. After 800 hours of gameplay, I am still finding new card synergies and deckbuilding possibilities. The game is also a joy to play, and can be frustrating at times if you are trying to make a particular combo and don't get the right cards or artifacts, you just end up having to improvise. Slay the Spire is a fantastic game, and I cannot wait to see what else MegaCrit decides to shell out with future updates and up to its full release! For an Early Access game, it seriously feels like it's a full title as it is and I cannot stop thinking about it! Well worth the $16 (again, as of this review and all throughout Early Access) and will provide you with hours upon hours of entertainment! Thank you, MegaCrit, for providing an excellent game! This game is so smooth and easy to play. It is great to play when you are trying to make a decision and don't have any real tools at your disposal to breakdown the decision into manageable chunks. It takes away from the fun and enjoyment and it is something I personally greatly appreciate. The game is great as is and I cannot stop thinking about it! I must say that the animations and sound effect is on point and looks good. The classes are convenient and easy to learn - you do not have to be a genius to master them. And there are many other unique challenges that will surprise you! I have had runs that end in I want to pick up the pace and jump from place to place but I am really only 11 years old and have played on and off for hours. So even if the game made me nervous, nervous I was willing to deal with it. It doesn't feel like it. The game is great as is and I cannot wait to see what new characters and challenges await as the game gets further into development. It takes my love for tcg/ccg, and combines it with my love for rogue-likes. Theres some minor changes that need to be made, but those nerfs/buffs will come with time and a lot of playtesting. 100% worth every penny. Great game! Buy it! Play it!

Reviews starting with I hate

I hate the pun. I don't think it's appropriate. But it is a well-known fact that my favourite card games are the one sincere endorsement. Although labeled as "early access" games, this is not a reason to wait anymore. They already provide exactly what you need. They just need to pick up where you left off. (There are already achiarcs and a hentai queen) The game is about thinking ahead and making risk-reward decisions with every card pickup. And planning ahead to make that future more likely. The game takes advantage of being digital and allows for quite a variety of cards. There are already achiarcs that are great and some truly unique cards, but for the most part they add to the immersion of the game. The backdrops are fab, the monsters punch well, the Card Quest experience is just different every time. The software cursor is super laggy. The sound effect is crisp, informative, gently immersive and unobtrusive. The animations are fast and quick, not making you wait for turns. The choice of cards for your action packed deck control is always there, making you pick up and play in the future. The choice of cards for an action packed deck challenge is always there, and you can always upgrade consumable cards if you so desire. The art style is beautiful, full of understated details. I don't want to spoil anything for anyone as discovering just what this game was all about was part of the enjoyment. I will say that the developers have done an excellent job at creating something new & entertaining. This is not the type of game you will play for a bit & grow bored of! My daddy Northenlion convinced me this was a good game. His constant misplays, bad damage, no knowledge of deck building and bad calculations have made me purchase this game just to ease my mind, knowing that I can, or anyone, could do better. I love you egg, and you've pointed me in the right direction but goddamn it you bald prick. This game is symbiote of card game and dungeon crawler. Very cool idea and realisation. Pretty chill and fun game that doesnt make you rage like you played "hearthstone" Try it, and you will like it. First I'd like to point out that I have never thought that I'd like a card game, I always thought they were boring and slow until I played Slay The Spire and now I am reconsidering my preferences on that genre. I'm sure you already read so many positive reviews about why this game in particular is so great but I want to give my thoughts as well and will keep it simple with points.

  • I love how fast and basic the game is, it is all out there, the status effects the buffs and everything is explained easily, it takes about less than 1 hour to understand almost everything in the game but it takes a lot of time to master all the mechanics, the old "easy to understand, hard to master" stuff going on here.
  • Fast mode being an option in game is something I love, it makes all the animation and everything faster which made me much more motivated to start new runs if I lose.
  • The characters are very unique on their own and each have their own mechanics and this is something I really admire, this design method was splendid.
  • First time I looked at the artwork of this game I wasn't impressed at all I thought it looked dull but after playing it I realized it is actually perfect for this game
  • RNG has a LOT to do with this game but also strategic planning and understanding of your surroundings is needed , I love the "mystery" Rooms which gives you choices and dialogues that ends up with you getting rewards or the opposite.
  • With this huge amount of relics, cards and events ? I see myself getting over 100+ in this game eventually, even though its currently on early access I can feel that they spent a murderous amount of time on this and patiently waiting for full release
  • The more you play the more cards/relics you unlock, the more experience you get and more fun you have, they are perfecting the roguelike method in this card game in a way I haven't expected at all. Overall this is one of my current favorite roguelike games and its absolutely my favorite card game "considering I haven't played much card games lol" Neither of these things apply to this game I ♥°Appreciate It! I'm an old wargamer with way too many games for my health and must have picked this one up on sale at some point. It has been rated "overwhelmingly positive" for good reason, though I never would have believed it upon purchase. There is a bit of game-balancing genius in the code somewhere and you keep coming back. It's also a finished product, imo. The dev just

I hate this game. It's a fucking THRILL. I'm guessing fans of deck building card games are the ones that like this game so much. It's my favorite card game party game party game ever. Seriously. Yeah early access. Buy it. Play it. Yeah Early Access. Play it. Thanks for watching. Please like comment and subscribe. I like card games and I love rogue-likes. But I also see a lot of duplication of good games. And there are quite a few that are worth my time. I think Slay The Spire is a great game to play. It's simple to learn, doesn't have massive strategic benefits, and it's great fun. I wouldn't recommend it to anyone, but it's a great game to play. I've played a lot of Roguelikes, and a fair share of single-player card games. This game is different, in a good way. It's fun, it looks good, it's easy to learn, and it's super replayable. It looks at your back (beaten if you don't play a lot of card games), and your deck cuts the game as you play it. It looks good, looks good, and looks good. It's the reason I love card games today as much as I did as a kid. I think Slay the Spire is a game we will be talking about for years to come as a genre defining game. It has my back, and my soul. It has the ability to change my life. I'm pretty sure this is the first time I've ever written a review on Steam in the 10+ years I've been active here and there's a reason why I've chosen to now: Slay The Spire is simply a wonderful game. If you have the money and are considering it, you wont regret it Having just beaten my first victory run, I can say without a doubt that this is the most addicting and satisfying game I have ever played. I cannot wait to see what else MegaCrit decides to shell out with future updates and up to its full release! I feel like I need to start this review by stating that I don't normally enjoy RPGs, turn based games, or deckbuilders. I am a total FPS fan girl. And if you are like me and love card games, this is the game for you! So if you are even remotely interested in this game, you can rest easy. You will not be disappointed. This is one of those games you can play for hours and hours and everything just works perfectly. I can't find any thing I'd not enjoyed. It's a pleasure. The graphics are unique to the game as it is. They are visually appealing, with various cool art styles, characters and cards. There are cards that let you gain more energy, gold to spend, and other ways. The game is great for discovering new places, or improving your deck. The experience is unique enough that I am willing to give it a try if I feel that it is worth my time. It is what it is. The game is about thinking ahead and making risk-reward decisions with every card pickup, relic and room choice. You can't afford to not take it, and it is a pleasure. The deck selection is good, and there are a lot of different types of decks you can build. You can build AP characters, and you can build massive AP armies. These are character-specific decks, but they are important components of gameplay to consider. The deck choices are good, and you can do a lot of stuff with just one character. Some build quite a few different things, and some just add variety. Some build massive decks, and some just add card synergy. Some build single-player or as a group a lot of them. Some of them are great, and some are not. The game is about thinking ahead and making risk-reward decisions with every card pickup, relic and room choice. You can't afford to not take it, and it is a pleasure. At this time I have 213 hours. I'm pretty sure I over-analyzed it. I'd like to see even less hours. I'm guessing about that. In any case, the graphics are good, and the gameplay appealing. The music is memorable enough, and it's pleasing that the game lacks too much. I'd love to say it can be played in short bursts, but not unless you've exhausted the other ones I've played. And that is a compliment, not a con. You do battle with them, and they are kind and forgiving. You do not need to start them all. I'm too tired to get real specific about why I think the game is so good. I do not

I hate this game because it's so easy to lose 50%+ of your health at the first opportunity. Do you play it?[/h1] [/tr] [tr] [td][b]Genre: Straight forward deck building roguelike Familiarity to both card games and deck-builders, but not too much. Can be frustrating if you are new to the genre, but provide depth and strategy just like [i]Dominion[/i] games. [b]Cons:[/b] -Eh, I'd say that theres a lot of replayability here for just 1 or 2 hours, but if you are into deck-building card games you will not be disappointed. [b]Just one more turn...:[/b] I am also a huge turn based strategy fan, Civilization being my favorite game of the genre. That genre has the ability to captivate me in a way that makes me just play on and on, one more turn at a time, even though I know I should have stopped hours ago. Slay the Spire is a truly enjoyable mix of card game and card collecting. It blends naturally with story, nature, and the ability of players to work together to achieve something great. The game is more polished and actively developed than any other "early access" I've laid my hands on, hell, even many "officially released" games. There is a weekly patch in the stable game and an almost daily patch on the beta branch adding new content, improving and balancing the game. From my personal experience everything I have reported has been fixed/changed in the next patch. The developers are active and communicative and the game deserves every dime! I feel like I need to start this review by stating that I don't normally enjoy RPGs, turn based games, or deckbuilders. I am a total FPS fan girl. With that being said, when asked to review this game my initial thought was 'Alright, so I'll stream it for about a half hour. People can see what it is about & then I can uninstall it and never play it again.' 30 hours of gameplay & 19% achievements unlocked later and I can't put this game down! There is this odd, hard to explain appeal to it. As you progress through the floors and sometimes narrowly escape permadeath, the euphoria you feel after slaying a boss with just 1hp left to your name blends perfectly with the fear & anxiety as you realize you must face your next challenger with minimal hp to depend on. Slay the Spire's aesthetics help transport you into this magically, terrifiying battle. The background music is pleasing, while not overbearing. Sometimes you almost forget it is there. The character "lines" are these adorable sound bites that you can't help but begin to anticipate joyfully. The art style is beautiful, full of understated details. I don't want to spoil anything for anyone as discovering just what this game was all about was part of the enjoyment. I will say that the developers have done an excellent job at creating something new & entertaining. This is not the type of game you will play for a bit & grow bored of! My daddy Northenlion convinced me this was a good game. His constant misplays, bad damage, no knowledge of deck building and bad calculations have made me purchase this game just to ease my mind, knowing that I can, or anyone, could do better. I love you egg, and you've pointed me in the right direction but goddamn it you bald prick. This game is symbiote of card game and dungeon crawler. Very cool idea and realisation. Pretty chill and fun game that doesnt make you rage like you played "hearthstone" Try it, and you will like it. First I'd like to point out that I have never thought that I'd like a card game, I always thought they were boring and slow until I played Slay The Spire and now I am reconsidering my preferences on that genre. I'm sure you already read so many positive reviews about why this game in particular is so great but I want to give my thoughts as well and will keep it simple with points.

  • I love how fast and basic the game is, it is all out there, the status effects the buffs and everything is explained easily, it takes about less than 1 hour to understand almost everything in the game but it takes a lot of time to master all the mechanics, the old "easy to understand, hard to master" stuff going on here.
  • Fast mode being an option in game is something I love, it makes all the animation and everything faster which made me much more motivated to start new runs if I lose.
  • The characters are very unique on their own and each have their own mechanics and this is something I really admire, this design method was splendid.
  • First time I looked at the artwork of this game I wasn't impressed

Reviews starting with Please

Please, I ABSOLUTELY recommend this if you like either of those genres, 10/10 worth every penny I spent on it. ===[ ❤ Audience: ]=== ☑ Kids ☑ Everyone ☑ Casual players ☑ Pro players ☑ Tryhard players ===[ ☼ Graphics: ]=== ☐ Potato ☐ Really bad ☐ Bad ☐ OK ☑ Good ☐ Beautiful ☐ Masterpiece ===[ $ Price/quality: ]=== ☑ Full price ☐ Wait for sale ☐ Average ☐ Refund it if you can ☐ Don't do it ===[ ☣ Requirments: ]=== ☐ 90' PC ☑ Minimum ☐ Medium ☐ Fast ☐ High end ☐ NASA computer ===[ ☼ Difficulty: ]=== ☐ You just need 2 arms ☐ Ez ☑ Easy to learn / Hard to master ☐ Hard (first few hours) ☐ Dark Souls ===[ ۞ Game time/length ]=== ☐ Really short ( 0 - 2 hours) ☐ Short ( 2 - 8 hours) ☐ Few hours ( 8 - 12 hours) ☐ Long ( 12+ hours) ☑ Endless ===[ ♬ Story] === ☑ It doesn't have ☑ Still better than Twilight ☐ Average ☐ Good ☐ Fantastic ===[ § Bugs ]=== ☐ Game itself is one big BUG ☐ Bugs destroying the game ☐ Lot of bugs ☐ Few Bugs ☐ You can use them for speedrun ☑ Nothing ===[ ✦ Others: ]=== Multiplayer: NO Singleplayer: YES Really easy game to pick up, especially coming from Hearthstone. Combos and synergy are hard to learn at first, but after 1 or 2 runs, you can pretty much build OP decks as you go. The only problem right now is that there are only 2 out of 3 characters out and that the game gets a little repetitive after beating it 3 or 4 times. I'm really looking forward to seeing it come out of early access! Edit: New update is looking really good! Roadmap also looks very promising! An excellent and addictive rogue-lite with upgradable cards. It scratches a specific itch I have. Don't let the Early Access fool you -- it feels like it's complete. (Looking forward to more content though!) I have finally 'beaten' the game on all three characters and while there is further things to do in the game (like higher difficulty and such), that's enough hours put into the game to write a bit of review about it: This game is absurdly fun! I never really expected much from a card game other than endless grinding or pay to win mechanics to achieve the state where it will be 'easy' to beat it but this game doesn't have those normal card elements at all. You just need knowledge, skills and a bit of luck and you're good to go! I highly recommend it to any fan of card games and anyone that likes a bit of casual fun. You can save and quit whenever you want, making it great for those that needs to turn off the game for any reason at any time. P.S. This game needs a versus mode so I can go slay my friends too :P I've been playing this game since February (so, 11-ish months?) and I absolute L O V E it. I lost a lot of sleep binge-playing it, even before the third character was out of beta and much of it was different from what it is now. I'm pretty inexperienced with video games -- I'm still learning all the lingo folks use. But if you're into uhh (reads index card) rogue-like uhhh turn-based uhhhhhh deck-building strategy games, this is for you. The art is fab, the music haunts my dreams (but in a good way), and getting a deck so good that you absolutely demolish enemies is extremely satisfying. IMO the devs are also ike incredibly wonderful, responsive people who care most about players' enjoyment of the game. It's got the perfect ratio of runs that are game-breaking vs. frustrating down to 1HP. If you don't own the game, you're wasting your time. This game is incredible! Ultra deep, tight card synergy, amazing items/relics and some of the best replayability I've ever seen in any single player game, no joke. If you are even remotely interested in this game give it a try you will not be disappointed. One of my favorites so far this year (even though it came out late 2017). I'm an old wargamer with way too many games for my health and must have

Please choose "Yes" in the dialog ☑ No dialog ☐ Dark Souls ===[ ۞ Game time/length ]=== ☐ Short ( 0 - 2 hours) ☐ Few hours ( 2 - 8 hours) ☐ Long ( 8+ hours) ☑ Endless ===[ ♬ Story] === ☑ It doesn't have ☑ Still better than Twilight ☐ Average ☐ Good ☐ Fantastic ===[ § Bugs ]=== ☐ Game itself is one big BUG ☐ Bugs destroying the game ☐ Lot of bugs ☐ Few Bugs ☐ You can use them for speedrun ☑ Nothing ===[ ✦ Others: ]=== Multiplayer: NO Singleplayer: YES Really easy game to pick up, especially coming from Hearthstone. Combos and synergy are hard to learn at first, but after 1 or 2 runs, you can pretty much build OP decks as you go. The only problem right now is that there are only 2 out of 3 characters out and that the game gets a little repetitive after beating it 3 or 4 times. I'm really looking forward to seeing it come out of early access! Edit: New update is looking really good! Roadmap also looks very promising! An excellent and addictive rogue-lite with upgradable cards. It scratches a specific itch I have. Don't let the Early Access fool you -- it feels like it's complete. (Looking forward to more content though!) I have finally 'beaten' the game on all three characters and while there is further things to do in the game (like higher difficulty and such), that's enough hours put into the game to write a bit of review about it: This game is absurdly fun! I never really expected much from a card game other than endless grinding or pay to win mechanics to achieve the state where it will be 'easy' to beat it but this game doesn't have those normal card elements at all. You just need knowledge, skills and a bit of luck and you're good to go! I highly recommend it to any fan of card games and anyone that likes a bit of casual fun. You can save and quit whenever you want, making it great for those that needs to turn off the game for any reason at any time. P.S. This game needs a versus mode so I can go slay my friends too :P I've been playing this game since February (so, 11-ish months?) and I absolute L O V E it. I lost a lot of sleep binge-playing it, even before the third character was out of beta and much of it was different from what it is now. I'm pretty inexperienced with video games -- I'm still learning all the lingo folks use. But if you're into uhh (reads index card) rogue-like uhhh turn-based uhhhhhh deck-building strategy games, this is for you. The art is fab, the music haunts my dreams (but in a good way), and getting a deck so good that you absolutely demolish enemies is extremely satisfying. IMO the devs are also ike incredibly wonderful, responsive people who care most about players' enjoyment of the game. It's got the perfect ratio of runs that are game-breaking vs. frustrating down to 1HP. If you don't own the game, you're wasting your time. This game is incredible! Ultra deep, tight card synergy, amazing items/relics and some of the best replayability I've ever seen in any single player game, no joke. If you are even remotely interested in this game give it a try you will not be disappointed. One of my favorites so far this year (even though it came out late 2017). I'm an old wargamer with way too many games for my health and must have picked this one up on sale at some point. It has been rated "overwhelmingly positive" for good reason, though I never would have believed it upon purchase. There is a bit of game-balancing genius in the code somewhere and you keep coming back. It's also a finished product, imo. The dev just keeps adding to it. It's laughable with all the Steam and non-Steam games I have that I am a lousy player at nearly every one. So I admit cheating a bit on this one to avoid rage-quit. Yet it has recently been the game I look forward to playing most before retiring at night. I quit drinking years ago, but I imagine the game would be even more enjoyable with a couple of brews. I'm too tired to get real specific about why I think the game is so good. My apologies. It's the balancing I guess. Also just discovered there are mods, although so far have only been able to successfully install the base mod. Some of the others are not recognizing the .jar file, maybe cause

Please draw your attention to some strange snake web appearing between the pages of one of those sites. I've never heard of it, but it's happening. I'm pretty sure this is the first time I've ever needed to deal with it. Slay the Spire is a single-player card game done right. Rather than playing a card-game against an inferior AI where you're both using decks of cards, it plays out like a typical RPG battle where the cards are your abilities. Enemies intents (their next move) are shown during your turn, so you can properly respond to each thing the AI does. You'll know when enemies are attacking, and exactly how much damage they're about to do, allowing you to properly respond to it. You'll know when enemies are going to use a spell so you can attack without worrying about defending yourself that round. This manages to make decisions against the AI meaningful, and not just a guessing game. To use a simple example: let's say the enemy is about to deal 10 damage on their next attack. That means you'll need to accumulate 10 points worth of Block that turn to ensure you don't take damage, since ideally you'll want to finish each battle without being hurt. After securing your defenses, you're free to use offensive or utility cards. The goal of the game is to beat the final boss, and your success depends primarily on how well-built your deck is, as well as not taking too much damage along the way. Each run starts fresh, with a basic starter deck, and gradually you'll add cards to your deck by winning battles or buying them from stores. You'll also be able to find relics that provide passive bonuses, such as Pen Nib (every 10th attack deals double damage) or Runic Cube (draw 1 card whenever you lose HP). There are dozens of different relics to find, most are just very helpful, but some are build-enablers thanks to their unique effects such as one of my favorites: Mummified Hand (when you play a 'Power' card, another card in your hand costs 0 mana that turn). Getting Mummified Hand early may encourage you to pick up more Power Cards than you normally would, even some of the weaker ones, just because the relic's effect is so useful. You'll find that just after a few playthroughs, there is a surprising amount of depth in the way you build your decks. Replayability is quite high for obvious reasons: it's a roguelite (perma-death, procedural-generation, etc.), there are 3 character types each with their own card lists, you can customize your run and change the rules with modifiers for a challenge or different play-style, you can do a card-draft instead of using the starter deck, there's a decent amount of unlockable content, and it's early access so I'm sure they'll continue to add more content for a while. Personally I think the game is under-priced at $16, but I also think it's better to make your game cheap than to price it so highly that nobody's willing to give it a chance. I would say that my only harsh criticism so far is the bland music and even blander visuals, but obviously that's not a huge concern for a game like this. I've had runs that end in chaos. I've had runs where the stars seem to align. I've shot myself in the foot with decisions that destroyed an otherwise incredible deck, and I've chosen things that have made my character a god. Do I rest at the bonfire, recovering precious health? Do I upgrade one of my cards that may become a key component of my deck? Or do I skip the camp and take on an Elite, risking death for the chance at attaining a powerful relic that could define my progress? Three characters and three totally different play styles keep this game fresh. Each has vastly different play styles, from the slow-burning poison build, to the staccato of magic attacks, to the massive crushing force, annihilating even the toughest of enemies in a few solid strikes. The rogue-like elements may seem to hinder you, but if you learn to go with the flow and use what you're given, rather than try to build something that isn't likely to happen, you'd be surprised at how much of the Spire you slay. This game takes skill, strategy, and luck, and missing any of those 3 components is surely to lead you to an early grave. Hearthstone dungeon runs, but far better. Also mobile version please. Please. I NEED IT EDIT: Also thanks dev's for the constant updates, I swear this game is worth way more than it is priced at. Well-balanced, fast-paced, fun, and addictive, [I]Slay the Spire[/i] is everything you want from a rogue-like with card-based fights... but not more, mostly due to how little content the Early