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Wok edited this page May 7, 2019 · 1 revision



Reviews generated unconditionally

It's hard to believe that this game had such a successful beta period, but it did. It's been almost two months and it hasn't changed a bit. The game is dead and Valve killed it since start. There is rumors out there that it will become free to play "in a few months", i will not talk about this rumor because is a rumor, i don't want rumors from a 4Chan user, i want an official statement from Valve. The game is dead and Valve killed it. (ok, ok, there is other 99 wrong things but who cares, the game is dead and Valve killed it.)<|endoftext|> <|startoftext|>This game is dead and Valve killed it. (ok, ok, there is other 99 wrong things but who cares, the game is dead and Valve killed it.)<|endoftext|> <|startoftext|>Dead on Arrival game. Don't buy it. It's a dead game. Do yourself a favor and pick up Slay the Spire to fill the last vestiges of nostalgia.<|endoftext|> <|startoftext|>This game is dead and Valve killed it. (ok, ok, there is other 99 wrong things but who cares, the game is dead and Valve killed it.)<|endoftext|> <|startoftext|>This game is dead and Valve killed it. (ok, ok, there is other 99 wrong things but who cares, the game is dead and Valve killed it.)<|endoftext|> <|startoftext|>The game was dead stable and bug free until recently. Then, while playing other online card games, I noticed a HUGE issue... The game is dead and Valve killed it. No response from the game's lead developer, or from the team managing the game. No updates, guides, or anything else Valve related anymore. Just silence and burn. This game could've been much better, but Valve didn't even try.<|endoftext|> <|startoftext|>Dead on Arrival game. Really like that game. The gameplay is awesome, the cards are awesome, and the market is awesome. But the game is dead and Valve killed it. No response from the game's lead developer, or from the team managing the game. No updates, guides, or anything else Valve related anymore. Just silence and burn. This game could've been much better, but Valve didn't even try.<|endoftext|> <|startoftext|>The game was dead and Valve killed it. No response from the game's lead developer, or from the team managing the game. No updates, guides, or anything else Valve related anymore. Just silence and burn. This game could've been much better, but Valve didn't even try.<|endoftext|> <|startoftext|>The game was dead and Valve killed it. No response from the game's lead developer, or from the team managing the game. No updates, guides, or anything else Valve related anymore. Just silence and burn. This game could've been much better, but Valve didn't even try.<|endoftext|> <|startoftext|>The game was dead and Valve killed it. No response from the game's lead developer, or from the team managing the game. No updates, guides, or anything else Valve related anymore. Just silence and burn. This game could've been much better, but Valve didn't even try.<|endoftext|> <|startoftext|>The game was dead and Valve killed it. No response from the game's lead developer, or from the team managing the game. No updates, guides, or anything else Valve related anymore. Just silence and burn. This game could've been much better, but Valve didn't even try.<|endoftext|> <|startoftext|>Dead on Arrival game. Really like that game. The gameplay is awesome, the cards are awesome, and the market is awesome. But the game is dead and Valve killed it. No response from the game's lead developer, or from the team managing the game. No updates, guides, or anything else Valve related anymore. Just silence and burn. This game could've been much better, but Valve didn't even try.<|endoftext|> <|startoftext|>Dead on Arrival game. Really like that game. The gameplay is awesome, the cards are awesome, and the market is awesome. But the game is dead and Valve killed it. No response from the game's lead developer, or from the team managing the game. No updates, guides, or anything else Valve related anymore. Just silence and burn. This game could've been much

The other day, I was playing ranked matchmaking against a better player and he invited me to play against him/her/it. I didn't really have anything going on at the time except for the fact that I love Dota and Valve has nothing but good things to say about it. I hope things will get better for Artifact!<|endoftext|> <|startoftext|>The games have been great. Creating a fun and engaging game with a focus on the player. The mechanics are solid and the game play is fast and furious. There is a free draft mode allowing you to have really fun games with a gauntlet system. Draft === ======= Even with these advantages, Artifact is still fundamentally broken as a strategy game in draft mode. The impact of some end game cards is such that no victory is guaranteed until the very end. It could be possible to take these cards into account in constructed mode while planning your next moves, but the draft really is just a huge lottery since those card are often rare and seldom picked. Strategy is still important, but all your efforts to carefully plan a 3 turns move can be put instantly to the trash in draft mode. This draft mode is full of good intentions and it did gave me 125h of play before realizing this rabbit hole is full of more fools than Arthur ends here <|endoftext|> <|startoftext|>This game made me realize how much I am addicted to Dota. It is also one of the best card games out there. This is a good game. I hope valve will make major update worth to continue to play.<|endoftext|> <|startoftext|>I still play every game after 100 hours. If you dont like the mechanics, the game is not worth to me. And yes, even with all the improvements, there is no CS:GO clone. This game is for hardcore card gamers only. There is no negotiating with terrorists, you can always buy a full deck and continue to play. This game is deeply strategic and games always feel like real nail-biters. But there is no bluffing involved, so there is no room for error. This is a game for sure, but I feel a lot of what is great about CCG's can be found in Artifact, and if you like CCG's and Dota, you might really want to cancel the auto-attack and not last hit just yet :) Artifact is deeply strategic and I have never seen a game this deep and rewarding. If you enjoy CCG's and Dota, you might really want to cancel the auto-attack and not last hit just yet :)<|endoftext|> <|startoftext|>I quite enjoyed playing Artifact. I never really played online card games because I wasn't good at it but I have to admit that Artifact is a lot of fun. I'm looking forward to seeing the game be released on mobile!<|endoftext|> <|startoftext|>I like the game better than hearthstone. I like being able to get cards directly rather than randomly. There's less random effects than hearthstone. This is a good game.<|endoftext|> <|startoftext|>Total garbage. At least I got my money back selling the cards which is nearly impossible now, since 99% of cards are worthless and you don't get 10 packs for buying the game anymore, only 5. (I know, I know, you can get packs by playing. But keep in mind this game had 60k people at launch and now it has 500). For all of you saying the game is not pay2win and it's cheaper to build a deck than Hearthstone, you're just fanboys.... I've been playing Hearthstone for a year now and I have several competitive decks, and I only bought the welcome pack, which is the cheapest. The only thing Artifact does better than Hearthstone (and basically every other card game) is that all cards you get are marketable and tradable. It's an interesting game, but Valve is greedy af. This should be free2play. Don't buy it, you will regret it.<|endoftext|> <|startoftext|>I have never written a review before, but I will make an exception for this one. The game is irritating, you get 5 card packs which makes no difference at all because it has no balance. If you dont want to spend extra money in card boosters, the only way to get boosters are either with tickets, or leveling Up. Good luck on that, because you will face opponents 20, 30 levels higher than you with way better cards. You get nearly no XP after each match (20 to 50) when you need 1000 or more to level up in the beggining. Matches can last for more than half an hour, depending on the situation, and the way that cards are deployed on

Getting a new deck is never an easy task, but at least you can buy new cards! That's not to say it's easy to improve on the existing content, but it is much easier than it was with the GOAT. The market is a complete mess. Valve needs to decide whether this will be an open market game (if so, stop giving out free cards/packs) or to scrap either the up-front fee, or scrap the ticketing system. I'm taking a break since I can no longer get regular match ups in phantom or keeper drafts when playing for stakes, and I'm not interested in the lower competition level of the free leagues.<|endoftext|> <|startoftext|>Game is actually extremely fun and well made mechanically. Draft Mode is amazingly fun. It really doesn't require much money to play and slowly up your collection if you use card recycles intelligently, but the system could definitely be better.<|endoftext|> <|startoftext|>I think Artifact has some good ideas, it certainly is an interesting game even if it didn't work out community wise. This is an interesting attempt at converting DotA into a card game and I do hope that this doesn't deter other companies from taking such risks. I think it's worth a shot, play with the preconstructed decks with some friends (because of the tiny community)<|endoftext|> <|startoftext|>+okay mechanics +expands on Dota2 Lore -filled with microtransactions in a 20$ game -unrealistic prices -pretty fucking boring -cash grab 20$ for a shit show -i tried to refund but i couldn't Don't buy, Valve forgot who they are<|endoftext|> <|startoftext|>I was discussing the future of this game on twitch, telling them that Valve CANNOT think of keeping the game as it is. I told them that Valve WILL implement mechanics to get cards for free. I was wrong. Valve created a game with high competition already on the board, but, the competition is f2p and cards can be obtained for free. Whoever came up with the idea that the market needed another card game, but this time you have to pay for everything, is hopefully no longer working in the gaming industry.<|endoftext|> <|startoftext|>Not bad at least for me. However, lack of patches makes it boring. And as the first patch, call to arm is not really a balanced one. I recommend it because I loved it, but I really dislike valve right now.<|endoftext|> <|startoftext|>I had High expectations with the game, played it on day 1 release. after a few days I stopped playing. Just got bored with the mechanics and It's not fun to be honest. Heads should roll. Wasted money :(<|endoftext|> <|startoftext|>Game breaking bug locks up the game so you can't take any actions other than passing your turn but your opponent still can. Guess how old this bug is Valve? 3 Months! Disgustingly ridiculous. Where is the support for this game? In it for the long haul? Laughable. Link to said reported bug.<|endoftext|> <|startoftext|>Artifact Basic idea: You build an army (color pie, but lore wise, seem to be from the same faction), around leaders (heroes from Dota). You attack the enemy base, and destroy the ancient, or create a break through in the enemy lines, via blowing up the towers. The resource system of cards, and a built in sideboard of sorts, dictate how each game plays out. The bad: WAY TOO MUCH RANDOMNESS! No control, or consistent pattern on the random creeps placement. No consistent attack pattern with each individual piece. Leader pieces placement at start of the game are random, and do not reflect how they are arranged in your strategy. On top of the inherently random nature of the decks, and the shop, results in games that feel like you have little to no control on the flow of the game. (Suggested fix; Allow a player to pick between options on creep placement, when building his or her deck: whether that be more reinforcements to the weakest lane, or more to the strongest lane (Measured by number of leaders in a lane) or allowing for a random placement. In any of the cases, the player effectively controls for a randomness, that is fairly vexing in game. Please make the random attacks be consistent; Allow a player to pick between options on attacks, when building his

Reviews starting with I love

<|startoftext|>I love Artifact. Yes, even now I'm still playing and enjoying it. The issues with the game are all (in my opinion). They are not systemic and they do not affect the gameplay. They are, however, pretty boring. I'm looking forward to whatever they do with it from here. As to the financial cost, I played Magic the Gathering for years, and I've played Hearthstone for years as well, sinking more than reasonable amounts of money into both of those games than I ever intended. Rng card packs, Three $70 expansions a year, or grind, grind, grind, dailies, grind, grind, grind, dailies etc etc. At the time of writing this, it cost less than $10 to get all of the Black cards in existence, and less or around $20 for any other colour. The market took a bit to settle, but friends and free modes were there till they did. I know several friends who made money on this system. I would hope that some kind of regional version of the game could get put out though.... In it for the long Haul! o7

<|startoftext|>I love Artifact. Yes, even now I'm still playing and enjoying it. The issues with the game are all (in my opinion) solvable with time. While I understand that sometimes games don't live up to the hype, I feel a lot of what is great about Artifact can be found in other games, and if you like strategy, you might enjoy Scythe. The issues I have are all (in my opinion) solvable with better mechanics. While I understand that sometimes a game just needs an update, I feel a lot of what is great about Scythe can be found in F2P.

<|startoftext|>I love this game. It's very fun and addictive but there are many flaws in this game that makes me very angry. As it is right now, I would not recommend this game for these 4 main reasons . Problem 1: If you ever play DOTA, you know how important a TP scroll is. Well someone forgot to tell valve this because you can be stuck the whole game and not be able to buy a TP scroll even with with 1 Billion Gold. Why can't you buy a tp scroll you ask? Well someone decided to make it appear randomly in the shop so if i doesn't appear you can't buy it even with all the gold in the world. And you basically lose the game. Stupid? Yes. Solution 1: Make the TP scrolls non random by allowing players to buy it every 2 turns. Problem 2: In DOTA, creeps waves spawn in every lane which makes sense. Unlike this game, creeps appear randomly and if they don't spawn in your lane, well u basically lose. Which makes no sense. Solution 2: Make creeps spawn evenly in each lane. Problem 3: The chat mechanic in this game is so bad. There is 0 general /guild chat room. Talking to your opponent is so hard and annoying it's not even worth it. Solution 3: Make a general/guild chat room so when people log in, they can chat. Also make chatting easier for players during game play so they can communicate with their opponent and have ignore option as well in case the opponents are rude. Problem 4: There is no leaderboard or ladder ranking system for competition and rewards, aside from just gaining levels. Solution 4: Have a player ranking play system, so players who climb the ladder will have greater rewards and recognition than those who are on the lower rank.

Reviews starting with I hate

<|startoftext|>I hate to break it to you, but this is going to be a late game match for sure. I am hoping that Gwent will evolve and do something better with it, but I am not holding my breath. Dont buy it

<|startoftext|>I hate to break it to you, but this is going to be a late game match for sure. I do love the fact that creeps can be purchased in two different prices: normal for 1cents each, or more if you want to buy a "rare" unit. What is worse, instead of just letting the game die and the economy die, they actually changed the base unit price of the game! How can they do this is beyond me. I do love the fact that creeps can be purchased in two different prices: normal for 1cents each, or more if you want to buy a "rare" unit.What is worse, instead of just letting the game die and the economy die, they actually changed the base unit price of the game! How can they do this is beyond me. They should've stuck to the basic creeps and creep patches. They could've done something better with it, like a total make-over with better ways to explore the game like Gwent. Anyways, enjoy the game and don't kill it since start.

<|startoftext|>I hate to break it to you, but this is going to be a late game match for sure. I expect a shit show and a resurgence, but no, there is just silence. Words in the wind. P.S. I feel cheated.

Reviews starting with Please

<|startoftext|>Please save the artifact valve. I will not modify my review until Valve make a big update. Personally to say, it is not a bad game. Since we cannot get any information about what are the fxxking valve doing to save this game. People are less and less confidential about the game. So they just left, they could back if Valve change a lot. Please save it Valve.

<|startoftext|>Please save the artifact valve. I will not modify my review until Valve make a big update. Personally to say, it is not a bad game. Since we cannot get any information about what are the fxxking valve doing to save this game. People are less and less confidential about the game. So they just left, they could back if Valve change a lot. Please save it Valve.

<|startoftext|>Please update as soon as possible!

Reviews starting with This game has near infinite replay value

<|startoftext|>This game has near infinite replay value, and I've even started playing constructed right after I finish playing constructed. This is definitely a game for beginners, and I've gotten a lot out of it so far. But there are serious issues with the game that makes me very angry. First, the market. Valve sold the game on the premise of competitive support and tournaments and events and regular content patches, and then when people purchased their product, they wordlessly abandoned it and their audience along with it. Second, the microtransactions. Normally I wouldn't buy a game that cost money to play, but this is a bit steep for a card game. But let me say that if you don't want to spend extra money in card boosters, you can buy any of the regular boosters now. And last, the game is basically dead. There is no communication to the player base about MAJOR overhauls Artifact desperately needs to be successful and fun. But most importantly, the game is not pay2win. Valve killed the game after two months, last update was at the end of January and right now there is no info about the future of the game, they also fired RG and other members of the team. The game is dead and Valve killed it since start. There is rumors out there that maybe it will become free to play "in a few months", i will not talk about this rumor because is a rumor, i don't want rumors from a 4Chan user, i want an official statement from Valve. The game is dead and Valve killed it. (ok, ok, there is other 99 wrong things but who cares, the game is dead and Valve killed it.)

<|startoftext|>This game has near infinite replay value, and I've even started playing constructed mode.

<|startoftext|>This game has near infinite replay value, and I've never even tried to learn how to play this game, I'm just curious what the fxxking secret is behind this game that I haven't even tried. [b]How to play]: There are no mulligans, random creep lane spawns, random spawn positions in lanes, attack arrows, secret shop, TP scrolls, lack of consistent card draw, bad card / hero power balance...make games (especially close ones) feel decided by luck rather than skill.