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e2 docs custom light

Divran edited this page Apr 22, 2021 · 4 revisions

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lightCreate(Number Index)

(25 ops)

lightCreate(Number Index, Vector Position)

(25 ops)

lightCreate(Number Index, Vector Position, Vector Color)

(25 ops)

lightCreate(Number Index, Vector Position, Vector Color, Number Distance)

(25 ops)

lightCreate(Number Index, Vector Position, Vector Color, Number Distance, Number Brightness)

(25 ops)

lightPos(Number Index, Vector Position)

(10 ops)

Vector = lightPos(Number Index)

(5 ops)

lightColor(Number Index, Vector Color)

(10 ops)

Vector = lightColor(Number Index)

(5 ops)

lightToggle(Number Index, Number Toggle)

(10 ops)

Number = lightToggle(Number Index)

(2 ops)

lightDistance(Number Index, Number Distance)

(8 ops)

Number = lightDistance(Number Index)

(2 ops)

lightBrightness(Number Index, Number Brightness)

(8 ops)

Number = lightBrightness(Number Index)

(2 ops)

lightParent(Number Index, Number Parent)

(10 ops)

lightParent(Number Index, Entity Parent)

(10 ops)

lightUnparent(Number Index)

(10 ops)

lightRemove(Number Index)

(15 ops)


(2 ops)

Entity = lightEntity(Number Index)

(2 ops)

Number = lightRemainingSpawns()

(2 ops)

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