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CIMB Clicks Payment Usage

V Sreekanth edited this page Oct 3, 2016 · 3 revisions

CIMB Clicks is payment using direct debit on CIMB. It uses Webview to handle the payment.


We provide interface for transaction callback. You just need to implement TransactionCallback when make a transaction to get transaction response. It contains three implemented methods onSuccess, onFailure and onError.

public interface TransactionCallback {
    //transaction response when success
    public void onSuccess(TransactionResponse response);

    //response when transaction failed
    public void onFailure(TransactionResponse response, String reason);

    //general error
    public void onError(Throwable error);

Start the Payment

To start the payment use snapPaymentUsingCIMBClick on MidtransSDK instance.

MidtransSDK.getInstance().snapPaymentUsingCIMBClick(AUTHENTICATION_TOKEN, new TransactionCallback() {
        public void onSuccess(TransactionResponse response) {
        //action when transaction success

        public void onFailure(TransactionResponse response, String reason) {
        //action when transaction failure

        public void onError(Throwable error) {
        //action when error

Capture Redirect URL and Handle the Webview

Redirect URL is got from TransactionResponse.

String redirect = response.getRedirectUrl();

Then you must load redirect into your webview.

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