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Farhan Yuda Pahlevi edited this page Oct 29, 2018 · 1 revision

Akulaku is payment using Akulaku. It uses Webview to handle the payment.


We provide interface for transaction callback. You just need to implement TransactionCallback when make a transaction to get transaction response. It contains three implemented methods onSuccess, onFailure and onError.

public interface TransactionCallback {
    //transaction response when success
    public void onSuccess(TransactionResponse response);

    //response when transaction failed
    public void onFailure(TransactionResponse response, String reason);

    //general error
    public void onError(Throwable error);

Start the Payment

To start the payment use paymentUsingAkulaku on MidtransSDK instance.

MidtransSDK.getInstance().paymentUsingAkulaku(AUTHENTICATION_TOKEN, new TransactionCallback() {
        public void onSuccess(TransactionResponse response) {
        //action when transaction success

        public void onFailure(TransactionResponse response, String reason) {
        //action when transaction failure

        public void onError(Throwable error) {
        //action when error

Capture Redirect URL and Handle the Webview

Redirect URL is got from TransactionResponse.

String redirect = response.getRedirectUrl();

Then you must load redirect into your webview.

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