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07. Exporting

skyslide22 edited this page Jun 30, 2022 · 3 revisions

The export will help you with configuring xml files, exporting and converting.

Configure Export Settings

  • select your game
  • select your action, export and or convert
  • select your export folder
    • default export folder is Documents?/Trackmania/Work/Items/
    • custom export folder needs to be in the default one!

if your option is selected, all selected object's collection will be exported, else all visible objects will be exported.

material stuff

Collections, not objects

The objects itself are not directly exported, but their collection. Every object needs to be in a collection!

Folder structure using collections

Collections can be nested, they act like folders, which are used for exporting, relative to Documents?/Maniaplanet/Work/Items/.... You should make a root collection named after your current project(myproject123) and put all other collection(tree_big ...) in there, that will result in:

  • C:/Users/skyslide/Documents/ManiaPlanet/Work/Items/myproject123/trees/tree_big.fbx
  • C:/Users/skyslide/Documents/ManiaPlanet/Work/Items/myproject123/trees/tree_small.fbx
  • C:/Users/skyslide/Documents/ManiaPlanet/Work/Items/myproject123/rocks/rock1.fbx
  • C:/Users/skyslide/Documents/ManiaPlanet/Work/Items/myproject123/rocks/rock2.fbx and so on...

Mesh XML File

  • required by the nadeoimporter
  • scale, materials & lights are defined in this xml file, addon takes care of all
  • you can overwrite properties of all objects here (global overwriting all, optional)
  • you can enable overwrite existing xml files with the update icon

material stuff

Item XML File

  • required by the nadeoimporter
  • stores placement parameters
  • if placement is set to 0, item will be sticky on other objects
    • autorotation can be used here
  • ghostmode will allow item to be placed inside other objects?
  • you can enable overwrite existing xml file with the update icon

material stuff


  • addon can generate icons
  • you can choose between different angles
  • style defined the blender color manipulation of renders
  • fill space will add space to the borders, so the item does not take 100% of the icon size
  • background can be a solid color or transparent
  • icon size in pixel for the icon(note, icons are not embedded in the Map.Gbx and will not shrink your embedding space)
  • you can enable overwrite existing icons with the update icon

material stuff


  • short helper for auto generating a "OK" lightmap
  • uses the (uv editor)U > smart uv project method
  • you can enable "generate only if lightmap has overlaps" with the update icon

material stuff


  • a small helper for quick texture preview of repeating textures
  • if blender crashes, your basematerial will be lost, use only in development

material stuff