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03. Object Manipulation

skyslide edited this page Sep 3, 2022 · 5 revisions

This panel will help with manipulations of the current collection & objects

Collection related

  • Name: change the name of the collection (right pen icon)
  • Waypoint: change the waypoint type(none(default), checkpoint, start, finish and multilap)
  • Ignore Export will mark the collection to be ignore in the export
  • Multi Scale Export see below #scaling
  • Add Item XML Template allows you to select a item xml template(placements...) for this collection
  • BaseMaterial will show all BaseMaterial uv layers of each object in the collection
  • LightMap will show all LightMap uv layers of each object in the collection
  • BaseMaterial & LightMap pen icon will open a uv editor with the related uv layers(all objects)

Object related

  • Name: change the name of the selected object
  • Ignore Export: ignore the object during export
  • _origin_ marks the object as the origin of the collection (important for rotation)
  • _trigger_ marks the object as a trigger for waypoints
    • a waypoint needs a _trigger_ object, which has no materials & no uvlayers
    • is used to trigger the waypoint (drive through = checkpoint activated)
  • _socket__ marks the object as the spawn for waypoints
  • _Lod0 marks the mesh object as the high poly version (shown when near)
  • _Lod1 marks the mesh object as the low poly version (shown when far)
  • _notvisible_ marks the object to be invisible with a hitbox (tm2020 only)
  • _notcollidable_ marks the object to be visible without a hitbox (tm2020 only)
  • Shading:
    • shade smooth will make your object look smooth
    • shade flat will make all faces look flat
    • auto smooth will split on the defined angle (sharp between angle)


  • Location: toggle lock(position can not be changed accidentally)
  • Rotation: toggle lock(rotation can not be changed accidentally)
  • Scale: toggle lock(scale can not be changed accidentally)


In this section you can add custom scales to your collection, the object will be exported multiple times in different scales defined below.

  • From: where to start from (random number)
  • To: scale to here (random number)
  • Factor: how many scales to apply

material stuff