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Robert Cochran edited this page Aug 11, 2016 · 8 revisions

##Feature And Scenario

  1. Comment comes between tag and properly executing line. This feature file cannot run!
  2. {class} has no description.
  3. {class} has numbers in the description.
  4. There are commas in the description, creating possible multirunning scenarios or features.
  5. {class} has a commented out tag
  6. {class} has too many tags.
  7. {class} has a long description.

##Feature Only

  1. Feature with no scenarios.
  2. Feature file has no content.
  3. Feature has a background with no scenarios.
  4. Feature has a background with one scenario.
  5. Same tag appears on both Feature and Scenario
  6. Tag appears on all scenarios.
  7. Feature with too many scenarios.

##Background And Scenario

  1. Commented step.
  2. No steps in Scenario.
  3. Step that is only one word long.
  4. {class} with too many steps.
  5. Invalid first step. Began with And/But.
  6. Step includes a * instead of Given/When/Then/And/But.
  7. Given/When/Then used multiple times in the same {class}.
  8. Implementation word used: {word}.
  9. Date used.

##Background Only

  1. There is a background with a tag. This feature file cannot run!

##Scenario Only

  1. Scenario Outline with no examples.
  2. Scenario Outline with no examples table.
  3. Commented example.
  4. Scenario steps out of Given/When/Then order.
  5. Scenario Outline with only one example.
  6. Scenario Outline with too many examples.

##Step Definition

  1. Recursive nested step call.
  2. A nested step should not universally match all step definitions. Dead steps cannot
  3. No code in Step Definition.
  4. Too many parameters in Step Definition.
  5. Lazy Debugging through puts, p, or print
  6. Pending step definition. Implement or remove.
  7. Nested step call.
  8. Commented code in Step Definition.
  9. Small sleeps used. Use a wait_until like method.
  10. Large sleeps used. Use a wait_until like method.
  11. Todo found. Resolve it.


  1. Around hook without 2 parameters for Scenario and Block.
  2. Around hook does not call its block.
  3. Hook without a begin/rescue. Reduced visibility when debugging.
  4. Hook that both expects and ignores the same tag. This hook will not function as Hook with no content.
  5. Hook is only comments.
  6. Hook has duplicate tags.
  7. Hook found outside of the designated hooks
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