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vaughncm edited this page Apr 29, 2013 · 1 revision

Period starting September to end of April

What went well:

  • Had a working product for CodeMash
  • Positive feedback and new features from users
  • Interest from users in close proximity has been good.
  • GitHub is great
  • Cochran's apt good for meetings
  • Group coding
  • Progress is steady
  • Keeping sustainable pace and not overworking ourselves
  • Having resources to run against that helped root out problems and improvements
  • Trello is awesome
  • Creating great product up front using Tdd, pairing, and code review has made extensibility and improvement easy
  • Cheezy's help getting initial release out the door
  • Having the experience of doing the project both from a personal and professional level

What didn't go well:

  • Nested steps shenanigans
  • Rushed HTML rework for CodeMash
  • Cochran needing to do a ton for/during Codemash solo
  • Not enough group effort for a couple months
  • Not enough visibility to community
  • Didn't follow through on feature implementation and had to pull back release to fix (tag rules)
  • Not as engaged during group coding as we could be
  • Need wireless keyboard!

What's wrong with our HTML output?

  • Original implementation has been identified as too unwieldy to use with large scrolling lists
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