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Model Extension

Peter Jekel edited this page Feb 10, 2013 · 1 revision

The Store Model Extension, as the name implies, extends the functionality of the CheckBox Tree Store Models. The Store Model Extension can be loaded and used with the TreeStoreModel, the ForestStoreModel and the FileStoreModel.

The model extension allows the user to programmatically manipulate checkbox trees. You can simply check/uncheck a single store item or a set of store items using a store query.

         "cbtree/model/StoreModel-EXT",    // Load model extension
        ], function (TreeStoreModel, StoreModel-EXT, ... ) {


addParent( storeItem, parentId )

> Add a new parent to a store item.

storeItem: Object

parentId: String

check( query, onComplete?, scope?, storeOnly? )

> Check all store items that match the query.

query: Object | String

A query object or string. If query is a string the idProperty attribute of the store is used as the query attribute and the query string assigned as the associated value. (See The Query Argument for more details).

onComplete: Function

If an onComplete callback is specified, the callback function will be called just once, after the last storeItem has been updated as: onComplete(matches, updates) were matches equates to the total number of store items that matched the query and updates equates to the number of store items that required an update.

scope: Object

If a scope object is provided, the function onComplete will be invoked in the context of the scope object. In the body of the callback function, the value of the "this" keyword will be the scope object. If no scope is provided, onComplete will be called in the context of the model.

storeOnly: Boolean

If the store model property checkedStrict is enabled this parameter will be automatically set to true.
See fetchItemsWithChecked() for details.

fetchItem( query, onComplete, scope? )

> Get the store item that matches *query*.

query: Object | String

An object or string used to query the store. If query is a string its value is assigned to the store idProperty in the query. (See The Query Argument for more details).

onComplete: Function

User specified callback method which is called on completion with the first store item that matched the query argument. Method onComplete() is called as: onComplete(storeItem) in the context of scope if scope is specified otherwise in the active context (this).

scope: Object

If a scope object is provided, the function onComplete will be invoked in the context of the scope object. In the body of the callback function, the value of the "this" keyword will be the scope object. If no scope object is provided, onComplete will be called in the context of tree.model.

fetchItemsWithChecked( query, onComplete, scope?, storeOnly? )

> Get the list of store items that match the query and have a checked state, > that is, a property identified by the models [checkedAttr](Model-API#wiki-checkedattr) property.

query: Object | String

An object or string used to query the store. If query is a string its value is assigned to the store idProperty in the query. (See The Query Argument for more details).

onComplete: Function

User specified callback method which is called on completion with an array of store items that matched the query argument. Method onComplete is called as: onComplete(storeItems) in the context of scope if scope is specified otherwise in the active context (this).

scope: Object

If a scope object is provided, the function onComplete will be invoked in the context of the scope object. In the body of the callback function, the value of the "this" keyword will be the scope object. If no scope is provided, onComplete will be called in the context of the model.

storeOnly: Boolean

Indicates if the fetch operation should be limited to the in-memory store only. Some stores may fetch data from a back-end server when performing a deep search. When querying store item properties, some properties may ONLY be available in the in-memory store as is the case with a File Store. As an example, the checked state of a store item is an attribute in the in-memory File Store, custom created by the store model but not available on, or maintained by, the back-end server.

Limiting the fetch operation to the store will prevent it from requesting, potentially large, datasets from the server that don't have the required properties to begin with. However, limiting a fetch to the in-memory store may not return all possible matches if the store isn't fully loaded. For example, if lazy loading is used and not all tree branches have been fully expanded the result of a fetch may be incomplete.

The default value for storeOnly is true.

removeParent( storeItem, parentId )

> Remove a parent from a store item.

storeItem: Object

parentId: String

uncheck( query, onComplete?, scope?, storeOnly? )

> Uncheck all store items that match the query.

query: Object | String

A query object or string. If query is a string the idProperty attribute of the store is used as the query attribute and the query string assigned as the associated value. (See The Query Argument for more details).

onComplete: Function

If an onComplete callback is specified, the callback function will be called just once, after the last storeItem has been updated as: onComplete(matches, updates) were matches equates to the total number of store items that matched the query and updates equates to the number of store items that required an update.

scope: Object

If a scope object is provided, the function onComplete will be invoked in the context of the scope object. In the body of the callback function, the value of the "this" keyword will be the scope object. If no scope is provided, onComplete will be called in the context of the model.

storeOnly: Boolean

If the store model property checkedStrict is enabled this parameter will be automatically set to true.
See fetchItemsWithChecked() for details.