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Jean Collas edited this page Oct 28, 2016 · 3 revisions

The PayPal .NET SDK Samples project is a simple WebForms application that you can use to explore and understand what each of the PayPal REST APIs can do for you. Feel free to download the samples and update them with your REST application's credentials to help you in your testing.


  • Visual Studio 2010 or later

The samples come already-bundled with the latest release of the PayPal .NET SDK and its dependencies.

Running the Samples

To run the sample project, simply open up one of the included solution files and hit F5 (or select DEBUG > Start Debugging... from the menu options).

By default, the solution files are setup to run each of the support .NET versions of the SDK:

Solution .NET Version
PayPal.SDK.Sample.VS.2010.sln 4.0
PayPal.SDK.Sample.VS.2012.sln 4.5
PayPal.SDK.Sample.VS.2013.sln 4.5.1


Have any questions or concerns regarding the samples, or have an idea for a sample that's currently missing? Open an issue!