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Frequently Asked Questions

Jason Ziaja edited this page Mar 5, 2015 · 2 revisions

The following are a list of frequently asked questions regarding the PayPal .NET SDK.

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How do I target the live or sandbox PayPal services?

In order to target the live or sandbox PayPal services, you will need to set the following fields in your project's web.config or app.config file:

  • Set mode to live or sandbox
  • Set both clientId and clientSecret to the corresponding credentials for either live or sandbox
For more information regarding the configuration settings, refer to the table described in the Configuring the SDK page.

I created a PayPal payment. What do I do now?

The PayPal Developer site has a great overview of the payment flow for PayPal payments. It essentially boils down to the following steps:

  1. Create a payment resource with payment_method set to paypal.
  2. Approve the payment by redirecting the buyer to PayPal via the created payment's approval_url link.
  3. Execute the payment after the user has provided their consent.

How do I lookup a transaction using a transaction ID?

Related question answered on GitHub in Issue #70.

Does Payment.List() return payments made via Classic API calls?

Related questions:

Unfortunately, no.

The SDK team has tried hard to push for this support as it makes it difficult for merchants using the Classic API to switch over to the REST API. According to the Payments API team, it is unlikely this support will be coming anytime soon, if ever, in the REST Payments API.