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Reprojection modes

Matt edited this page Aug 18, 2022 · 8 revisions

In reproject mode, Sanchez reprojects geostationary IR images into plate carrée projection. This mode allows:

  • Individual image reprojection
  • Multiple satellite stitching
  • Timelapse stitching

See Reprojection for options.

Sample usage

No stitching

With the no-stitch mode, images in the source directory are reprojected and saved individually in the output directory.

sanchez\sanchez reproject -o output -s sample-images -a


When stitching, a target timestamp must be provided. Images in the source directory are scanned and a single image per satellite with the closest timestamp is utilised.

As noted at Satellite identification, filename timestamps are UTC with the exception of Electro-L no. 2 which are Russian Standard Time.

sanchez reproject -o output\stitched.jpg -s sample-images -T 2020-08-30T03:50:20 -a

Stitched timelapse

To create a stitched timelapse, use the -I / --interval option to specify the interval in minutes between frames. The interval must be less than or equal to the tolerance. If a timestamp isn't specified with -T, all images in the source folder are targeted. An optional end timestamp may be specified with -e / --endtimestamp.

sanchez reproject -o output\stitched -s sample-images -I 60 -a

And with end timestamp:

sanchez reproject -o output\stitched -s sample-images -T 2020-08-30T03:50:20 -e 2020-09-30T00:00:20 -a