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Releases: iLCSoft/LCIO


30 Jul 09:39
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  • 2024-06-24 jmcarcell (PR#192)

    • Fix possibly wrong behavior with std::remove_if with a erase - remove idiom
  • 2024-06-24 Wouter Deconinck (PR#191)

    • fix: parentheses in


07 Jun 11:19
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  • 2024-06-07 tmadlener (PR#189)

    • Remove mentions of the removed F77 API (see #161) from the documentation
  • 2024-06-06 tmadlener (PR#190)

    • Remove the no longer used settings for the 32bit compatibility mode
  • 2024-06-06 Nazar Bartosik (PR#147)

    • Add Nholes and and subdetectorHoleNumbers to the Track for keeping track of missing hits in a Track.
  • 2024-05-08 Bohdan Dudar (PR#170)

    • Added new utility dumpmctree to draw the MC table of the event stored in the slcio file as the graphviz tree diagram, which represents parent-daughter relations visually in a easier way.
      • dumpmctree is a small wrapper script around the actual dumpmctree-dot executable. The latter produces a .dot file which is then transformed into an .svg file via the wrapper script and the dot executable.
      • The script relies on dot & xdg-open to be available on your system.
  • 2024-04-15 tmadlener (PR#188)

    • Make the PIDHandler usable as const object by marking getters that do not mutate internal state as const


06 Feb 08:36
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  • 2024-01-15 Thomas Madlener (PR#187)

    • Switch to c++20 for the key4hep nightlies based CI
  • 2024-01-11 tmadlener (PR#184)

    • Make sure that LCIO installations can be used in downstream projects if they are built with builtin SIO. Fixes #183
      • Add a test to make sure that this works as intended
    • Bump the minimum required version for SIO to v00-01 in order to have CMake targets available.
  • 2023-12-15 jmcarcell (PR#175)

    • Bump the minimum CMake version to 3.14
  • 2023-12-13 jmcarcell (PR#178)

    • Bump the SIO version to v00-02
    • Fix two compiler warnings with clang
  • 2023-12-06 Andre Rummler (PR#181)

    • Replace the copy of SIO that is used for builtin SIO support with the necessary cmake configuration to fetch it on the fly via CMake's FetchContent as this simplifies the maintenance of the vendored version of SIO greatly. This is a transparent change for users, as long as internet connection to fetch the SIO sources during building is available


06 Dec 13:18
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  • 2023-12-06 tmadlener (PR#182)

    • Also put pre-generated headers into include directories of LCIO target to make in-source builds (e.g. via. CMake's FetchContent) possible.
  • 2023-12-01 tmadlener (PR#180)

    • Populate the target_include_directories of the LCIO::lcio target to make it properly usable downstream.


16 Nov 08:10
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  • 2023-11-14 jmcarcell (PR#177)

    • Export targets and make sure they can be used by other CMake projects
  • 2023-09-07 jmcarcell (PR#176)

    • Make an alias to SIO::sio when building SIO within LCIO so that it has the same target as the standalone SIO, that has the target SIO::sio
  • 2023-08-15 jmcarcell (PR#174)

    • Make cmake respect CMAKE_INSTALL_
  • 2023-07-17 jmcarcell (PR#173)

    • Drop FindCLHEP.cmake
  • 2023-07-17 jmcarcell (PR#172)

    • Don't make the uninstall target if it already exists
  • 2023-06-13 Leonhard Reichenbach (PR#171)

    • LCRelationNavigator: add methods getRelatedToMaxWeightAndObject and getRelatedFromMaxWeightAndObject returning both the object and the weight in a tuple


02 Jun 10:36
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  • 2023-05-30 Andre Sailer (PR#168)

    • Pregenerated Headers: remove self-include from some headers (breaks include-what-you-use)
    • LCIterator, LCRTRelations: remove template syntax causing errors in gcc13/c++20
    • RunEvent, LCObject, TrackStateImpl: added default copy and move constructor and assignment operator to avoid error about "'definition of implicit copy constructor for 'LCObject' is deprecated because it has a user-declared destructor'"
  • 2023-05-12 tmadlener (PR#167)

    • Fix checking of collection types to make sure patching works correctly
  • 2023-05-03 Thomas Madlener (PR#166)

    • Upgrade python-lint workflow to run on ubuntu-lates since ubuntu-18.04 runners have been removed.
  • 2023-05-03 Finn Johannsen (PR#165)

    • Fixes to the on the fly collection patching that are necessary for the LCIO to EDM4hep standalone conversion.
      • Make CheckCollections check the FromType and ToType collection parameters to figure out the involved types for LCRelations. Add them to the output of CheckCollections::print
      • Make the CheckCollectoins::patchCollections parse these strings back for LCRelation collections and set them as collection parameters for collections it creates on the fly.
      • Add a --minimal flag to check_missing_cols in order to make it possible to produce outputs that can be more easily consumbed by other programs.
  • 2023-05-03 Thomas Madlener (PR#164)

    • Add Key4hep release based CI workflow
    • Fix remaining warnings to enable -Werror
    • Update checkout action to v3, since v2 is deprecated.
    • CLHEP >= 2.0 is now required for building the examples that use CLHEP functionality (test_fourvector).
  • 2023-02-10 jmcarcell (PR#162)

    • Add test dependencies so that tests can run in parallel
  • 2023-02-10 jmcarcell (PR#161)

    • Remove the deprecated C API and fortran bindings (c.f. #137 and #151)


10 Feb 09:36
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  • 2023-02-06 Bohdan Dudar (PR#163)

    • getRelatedTo(From)MaxWeightObject() and getRelatedTo(From)MaxWeight() now accept generic decode function of float(float) signature as a second argument, which specifies how to decode the weight. Default option is identity function (just compares weights as they are).
    • Helper functions to decode and encode "track"/"cluster" specific weights from PFO-MCParticle LCRelation collection are added to MarlinUtil in MarlinUtil#36.
  • 2023-02-03 jmcarcell (PR#160)

    • Fix a compiler warning about strncpy usage


14 Dec 10:50
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  • 2022-12-11 Frank Gaede (PR#158)
    • add utility class CheckCollections that allows to parse lcio files for collections that are not present in every event and to patch such events with empty collections of the given (Name,Type) for further processing
    • add example tool check_missing_cols that checks for collections that are not in every event in a set of files and prints a summary to stdout:
      • usage: check_missing_cols <input-file1> [[input-file2],...]
    • add example tool patch_missing_cols that creates a copy of the input file with the same set of collections in all events:
      • usage: patch_missing_cols <input-file> <output-file>
    • these tools are needed in cases where code expects consistent sets of collections in every event, as for example in a conversion to EDM4hep


08 Nov 07:23
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  • 2022-11-08 Thomas Madlener (PR#155)

    • Add a previously missed function declaration to the .aid file to fix the java bindings. Fixes #154
  • 2022-10-19 Thomas Madlener (PR#153)

    • Make c++17 the default and minimum c++ version for building LCIO. All "major builds" of LCIO have been using c++17 for at least a few years now, so this should not be a big issue.
  • 2022-10-19 Thomas Madlener (PR#152)

    • Remove macOS workflow since github hosted runners no longer support all necessary features. See also: AIDASoft/run-lcg-view#3
    • Update used github actions to latest available version for better caching behavior and cleaner log outputs
    • Switch to newer LCG releases for the build environments to target more recent compilers and python versions.
      • Keep one build environment that is close to the one used for the iLCSoft v02-02 to avoid accidental breaks.
  • 2022-10-19 Bohdan Dudar (PR#150)

    • Added a utility function to calculate Track momentum based on its track parameters and magnetic field
    • Added methods to the LCRelationNavigator that extract the highest weight with an option to indicate weight encoding type ("track"/"cluster").
    • Added a utility function to get an index of a provided object inside a given LCCollection
    • Added a utility function to return a leading track from ReconstructedParticle in case it has multiple tracks attached.


29 Jun 09:27
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  • 2022-05-09 Thomas Madlener (PR#146)
    • Install all the necessary headers to make the python bindings work, even if the sources are removed after installation. Fixes #106