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Releases: hydecorp/hydejack


04 Sep 16:13
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  • Fixed Dart Sass deprecation warnings


04 Sep 12:35
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  • Reverted "Fixed deprecation warnings" which broke compatibility with the legacy GitHub Pages pipeline


04 Sep 06:27
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  • Fixed deprecation warnings
  • Updated Ruby dependencies
  • Fixed browser chrome (e.g. scrollbar) not matching dark mode


07 Feb 04:49
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  • Removed unused clap button HTML tags
  • Fixed an issue with using featured projects on the welcome layout
  • Minor style adjustments
  • Updated dependencies


30 Nov 06:45
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  • Now works with Ruby 3.0
  • Fixed theme color issue when using multiple theme colors
  • Fixed UTF-8 characters not rendering correctly in breadcrumbs
  • Fixed empty string warning in resume layout
  • Removed clap button info box


30 Mar 14:56
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  • Fixed scroll position restoration in webkit.
  • Fixed an issue that caused clap button to use canonical url incorrectly.


28 Mar 06:30
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  • Allow setting custom Google Fonts providers via google_fonts_url (#264). Defaults to


  • Merged #266 --- Fixed a bug that caused incorrect links to be rendered.
  • Merged #267 --- Fixed a bug that caused incorrect sub-titles when using multiple categories/tags.
  • Fix #262 --- Fixed a bug that causes warnings when not providing a skill level / fluency level in the resume.
  • [PRO] Fixed a bug preventing scrolling when using sticky ToC with certain aspect ratios.


  • [PRO] Adjusted calculation to dark mode background color to prevent red tint of grey colors
  • Hide underline in tooltips
  • Show clap button on collection pages
  • Show dingbat in plain layout


11 Feb 03:36
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08 Feb 10:16
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  • Added tooltips to post subtitles and last-modified-at lines.
  • Added tooltips to abberavations (<abbr> tags)
  • Added tooltips to social media icons (inside main column only)
  • Fixed KaTeX font rendering
  • [PRO] Setting clap_button: false will hide the clap button preview, even in development
  • [PRO] A overscrolling ToC will scroll itself to keep the active element in view.


05 Feb 11:01
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Version 9.1 provides minor design changes, new features, and closes multiple issues:


  • Code blocks now can have headers:

    // file: 'hello-world.js'
    console.log('Hello World!');

    To add the headers, simply make the first line a comment of the form file: "dir/filename.ext".

    • Code blocks now have a copy-to-clipboard button
  • Resumes can now have download buttons.


    Add the following to the front matter. Note that the PDF needs to be pre-generated.
    See the docs for more.

    # file: ""
      print: true
      pdf: /assets/Resume.pdf
      json: /assets/resume.json
  • Added breadcrumbs above page title:


    Note that this requires a directory-like URL pattern like /blog/:categories/:year-:month-:day-:title/ (default for Hydejack).

    Disable with hydejack.no_breadcrumbs.

  • Added "Last modified at" to post layout:

    Last modified at{:.border}

    To enable this feature, the post needs to have a last_modified_at property with a valid date. You can either set it manually in the frontmatter (not recommended), or use the jekyll-last-modified-at plugin to set it for you (Not available on GitHub Pages!).

    You can remove this element by setting hide_last_modified in the front matter. You can disable it for all posts by setting hydejack.hide_last_modified in the config file. Setting hydejack.hide_dates (PRO version only) will also remove it, together with all other time-related UI elements.

    You can customize the hover text, icon, and date format in _data/strings.yml using the following keys: last_modified_at (hover text), last_modified_at_icon (icon name, default: icon-history) and date_formats.last_modified_at (date format, default: %Y-%m-%d).

  • Added option to "invert" / darken the font colors in the sidebar. This enables use of bright sidebar images.
    Set invert_sidebar: true in the font matter to enable. Use defaults in the config file to enable this for all pages.

  • Added a demo of Clap Button during development.

  • Added option to configure border radius

  • Added dingbat to page layout

  • Added plain layout that comes without a dingbat

  • Added smaller and larger CSS classes that set the font size to the respective values.

  • Added options to change the file paths to favicon and apple touch icon in the confog file. Use favicon and apple_touch_icon respectively.


  • Added border radius to many elements
  • Modernized table design
  • [PRO] Setting hydejack.advertise: false will now remove the banner from the HTML and the JavaScript console.
  • Changed the box shadow of cards (projects, posts) to reduce the amount of painting the browser has to do on when mouse hovering them.
  • The layout when using the theme without the no_break_layout setting is now


  • Allow transparent project and post images
  • Removing/leaving out the logo key in the config file will now correctly remove the logo from the sidebar
  • [PRO] Fixed a bug that caused blog posts to be included the the search even when set to sitemap: false in the front matter.