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Download and Install

Jakub Šindelář edited this page Sep 2, 2020 · 3 revisions
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#c5f015 Note: Simply downloading and installing as described below usually suffices for most users. If you want to customize your installation and install additional components, head over to Deployment page and learn how to install Lazy Admin from command line.

Standard installation

  1. Head over to Releases page and download latest setup, its name follows format Lazy-Admin-Setup-X.X.X.exe.
  2. Execute the downloaded file, confirm UAC prompt and passive installer will install Lazy Admin to your computer.
  3. Launch Lazy Admin and either login with your alternate credentials, or skip login by using arrow button.
  4. Congratulations, you are (mostly) all set!

#c5f015 Note: Houby Studio is nonprofit organization and we cannot afford valid code signing certificate.
For that reason, Windows will warn you multiple times when downloading Lazy Admin installer.
If you do not trust it, you can review our code and build application yourself. That's what open source is for after all.

You should check what is required for flawless Lazy Admin experience, please go to Requirements page.

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