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gh0stzk edited this page Jun 17, 2024 · 5 revisions

Hello, thanks for trying my dotfiles, I hope you like them and I hope you like it even more to modify them and leave them to your liking.

Remember that the dotfiles are only a starting point, you will probably need to modify things, if you don't know where to start, you can start here: First steps after installing the dotfiles.

I've always loved watching RICES on r/unixporn. I started to create mine, but after a while you get bored. So why have 1 if you can have 17.

You can also go through the questions and answers section and you will surely get an answer to some of your questions.

Bspwm is easy, you just have to learn shortcuts, in a week you get used to it and notice the speed with which you now do things.

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