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Cascade Saving

2881099 edited this page Dec 7, 2023 · 12 revisions

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In practice, it has been found that N-to-1 is not suitable for cascading saving, for example: when saving the Topic, do you also save the Type information? The function of saving from bottom to top is too uncontrollable. Therefore, the following will only discuss OneToOne/OneToMany/ManyToMany cascading saves.

Savemany save manually

Completely save the specified navigation attributes, compare the existing data in the table, and calculate the execution of adding, modifying, and deleting.

var repo = fsql.GetRepository<Type>();
var type = new Type
    name = "c#",
    Topics = new List<Topic>(new[]
        new Topic { ... }
repo.SaveMany(type, "Topics"); ////Manually and completely save topics

-SaveMany only supports onetomany and manytomany navigation properties -Save only topics, not downward recursive tracing -When Topics is Empty, delete all table data of Topics that exist for type -ManyToMany compares and saves the intermediate table completely, and only appends and does not update the external table

For example:

-This table Song -External table Tag -Intermediate table SongTag

EnableCascadeSave warehouse cascade save

This function was implemented earlier and can be used to learn about the latest AggregateRoot level linkage system

Dbcontext / repository EnableCascadeSave can realize recursive tracing and save the OneToOne/OneToMany/ManyToMany navigation attributes when saving objects. This document describes the mechanism to prevent misuse.

  1. Onetoone cascade save

v3. 2.606 + support, and support cascade deletion function

  1. Onetomany appends or updates the sub table without deleting the existing data of the sub table
repo. DbContextOptions. EnableCascadeSave = true; // Manual opening required
repo. Insert(type);

-Do not delete data that already exists in the Topics subtable -When the Topics attribute is Empty, no action is taken -When saving Topics, the subordinate set properties of Topics \ [0-.. ] will also be saved, down 18 layers

For example, in the [type] table, there is set attribute [article] below and set attribute [comment] below [article].

When saving the [type] table object, it will retrieve the set attribute [article], and then if the [article] is saved, it will continue to retrieve the set attribute [comment]. Do insertorupdate operation together.

  1. Manytomany completely compares and saves the intermediate table and appends the external table

Compare and save the intermediate table completely, compare the existing data of the [many to many] intermediate table, and calculate the execution of addition, modification and deletion.

Append external tables, only append without updating.

Test 1: append and save OneToMany

class Cagetory
    public Guid Id { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }

    public Guid ParentId { get; set; }
    public List<Cagetory> Childs { get; set; }
public void TestOneToManyParent()
    var repo = fsql.GetRepository<Cagetory>();
    repo.DbContextOptions.EnableCascadeSave = true;
    var cts = new[]
        new Cagetory
            Name = "class1",
            Childs = new List<Cagetory>(new[]
                new Cagetory { Name = "class1_1" },
                new Cagetory { Name = "class1_2" },
                new Cagetory { Name = "class1_3" }
        new Cagetory
            Name = "class2",
            Childs = new List<Cagetory>(new[]
                new Cagetory { Name = "class2_1" },
                new Cagetory { Name = "class2_2" }
    //To create a table and insert data:
    //INSERT INTO "Cagetory"("Id", "Name", "ParentId") VALUES('5d90afcb-ed57-f6f4-0082-cb6b78eaaf9f', 'class1', '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'), ('5d90afcb-ed57-f6f4-0082-cb6c5b531b3e', 'class2', '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000')
    //INSERT INTO "Cagetory"("Id", "Name", "ParentId") VALUES('5d90afcb-ed57-f6f4-0082-cb6d0c1c5f1a', 'class1_1', '5d90afcb-ed57-f6f4-0082-cb6b78eaaf9f'), ('5d90afcb-ed57-f6f4-0082-cb6e74bd8eef', 'class1_2', '5d90afcb-ed57-f6f4-0082-cb6b78eaaf9f'), ('5d90afcb-ed57-f6f4-0082-cb6f6267cc5f', 'class1_3', '5d90afcb-ed57-f6f4-0082-cb6b78eaaf9f'), ('5d90afcb-ed57-f6f4-0082-cb7057c41d46', 'class2_1', '5d90afcb-ed57-f6f4-0082-cb6c5b531b3e'), ('5d90afcb-ed57-f6f4-0082-cb7156e0375e', 'class2_2', '5d90afcb-ed57-f6f4-0082-cb6c5b531b3e')
    cts[0].Name = "class11";
    cts[1].Name = "class22";
    //UPDATE "Cagetory" SET "Name" = CASE "Id" 
    //WHEN '5d90afcb-ed57-f6f4-0082-cb6b78eaaf9f' THEN 'class11' 
    //WHEN '5d90afcb-ed57-f6f4-0082-cb6c5b531b3e' THEN 'class22' END 
    //WHERE ("Id" IN ('5d90afcb-ed57-f6f4-0082-cb6b78eaaf9f','5d90afcb-ed57-f6f4-0082-cb6c5b531b3e'))
    //Childs.Clear After that, the operation of deleting subsets was not performed, indicating that no complete comparison was made
    cts[0].Name = "class111";
    cts[0].Childs.Add(new Cagetory { Name = "class1_33" });
    cts[1].Name = "class222";
    cts[1].Childs.Add(new Cagetory { Name = "class2_22" });
    //UPDATE "Cagetory" SET "Name" = CASE "Id" 
    //WHEN '5d90afcb-ed57-f6f4-0082-cb6b78eaaf9f' THEN 'class111' 
    //WHEN '5d90afcb-ed57-f6f4-0082-cb6c5b531b3e' THEN 'class222' END 
    //WHERE ("Id" IN ('5d90afcb-ed57-f6f4-0082-cb6b78eaaf9f','5d90afcb-ed57-f6f4-0082-cb6c5b531b3e'))
    //INSERT INTO "Cagetory"("Id", "Name", "ParentId") VALUES('5d90afe8-ed57-f6f4-0082-cb725df546ea', 'class1_33', '5d90afcb-ed57-f6f4-0082-cb6b78eaaf9f'), ('5d90afe8-ed57-f6f4-0082-cb7338a6214c', 'class2_22', '5d90afcb-ed57-f6f4-0082-cb6c5b531b3e')

Test 2: Full save ManyToMany

class Song
    public Guid Id { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public List<Tag> Tags { get; set; }
class Tag
    public Guid Id { get; set; }
    public string TagName { get; set; }
    public List<Song> Songs { get; set; }
class SongTag
    public Guid SongId { get; set; }
    public Song Song { get; set; }
    public Guid TagId { get; set; }
    public Tag Tag { get; set; }
public void TestManyToMany()
    var tags = new[]
        new Tag { TagName = "pop music" },
        new Tag { TagName = "the post-80s generation" },
        new Tag { TagName = "the post-00s generation" },
        new Tag { TagName = "Rock music" }
    var ss = new[]
        new Song
            Name = "love you forever.mp3",
            Tags = new List<Tag>(new[]
                tags[0], tags[1]
        new Song
            Name = "Li Bai.mp3",
            Tags = new List<Tag>(new[]
                tags[0], tags[2]
    var repo = fsql.GetRepository<Song>();
    repo.DbContextOptions.EnableCascadeSave = true;
    //INSERT INTO "Song"("Id", "Name") VALUES('5d90fdb3-6a6b-2c58-00c8-37974177440d', 'love you forever.mp3'), ('5d90fdb3-6a6b-2c58-00c8-37987f29b197', 'Li Bai.mp3')
    //INSERT INTO "Tag"("Id", "TagName") VALUES('5d90fdb7-6a6b-2c58-00c8-37991ead4f05', 'pop music'), ('5d90fdbd-6a6b-2c58-00c8-379a0432a09c', 'the post-80s generation')
    //INSERT INTO "SongTag"("SongId", "TagId") VALUES('5d90fdb3-6a6b-2c58-00c8-37974177440d', '5d90fdb7-6a6b-2c58-00c8-37991ead4f05'), ('5d90fdb3-6a6b-2c58-00c8-37974177440d', '5d90fdbd-6a6b-2c58-00c8-379a0432a09c')
    //INSERT INTO "Tag"("Id", "TagName") VALUES('5d90fdcc-6a6b-2c58-00c8-379b5af59d25', 'the post-00s generation')
    //INSERT INTO "SongTag"("SongId", "TagId") VALUES('5d90fdb3-6a6b-2c58-00c8-37987f29b197', '5d90fdb7-6a6b-2c58-00c8-37991ead4f05'), ('5d90fdb3-6a6b-2c58-00c8-37987f29b197', '5d90fdcc-6a6b-2c58-00c8-379b5af59d25')

    ss[0].Name = "love you forever.mp5";
    ss[1].Name = "Li Bai.mp5";
    //UPDATE "Song" SET "Name" = CASE "Id" 
    //WHEN '5d90fdb3-6a6b-2c58-00c8-37974177440d' THEN 'love you forever.mp5' 
    //WHEN '5d90fdb3-6a6b-2c58-00c8-37987f29b197' THEN 'Li Bai.mp5' END 
    //WHERE ("Id" IN ('5d90fdb3-6a6b-2c58-00c8-37974177440d','5d90fdb3-6a6b-2c58-00c8-37987f29b197'))

    //SELECT a."SongId", a."TagId" 
    //FROM "SongTag" a 
    //WHERE (a."SongId" = '5d90fdb3-6a6b-2c58-00c8-37974177440d')

    //DELETE FROM "SongTag" WHERE ("SongId" = '5d90fdb3-6a6b-2c58-00c8-37974177440d' AND "TagId" = '5d90fdbd-6a6b-2c58-00c8-379a0432a09c')
    //INSERT INTO "Tag"("Id", "TagName") VALUES('5d90febd-6a6b-2c58-00c8-379c21acfc72', 'Rock music')

    //SELECT a."SongId", a."TagId" 
    //FROM "SongTag" a 
    //WHERE (a."SongId" = '5d90fdb3-6a6b-2c58-00c8-37987f29b197')

    //DELETE FROM "SongTag" WHERE ("SongId" = '5d90fdb3-6a6b-2c58-00c8-37987f29b197' AND "TagId" = '5d90fdb7-6a6b-2c58-00c8-37991ead4f05' OR "SongId" = '5d90fdb3-6a6b-2c58-00c8-37987f29b197' AND "TagId" = '5d90fdcc-6a6b-2c58-00c8-379b5af59d25')
    //INSERT INTO "SongTag"("SongId", "TagId") VALUES('5d90fdb3-6a6b-2c58-00c8-37987f29b197', '5d90febd-6a6b-2c58-00c8-379c21acfc72')

    ss[0].Name = "love you forever.mp4";
    ss[1].Name = "Li Bai.mp4";
    //DELETE FROM "SongTag" WHERE ("SongId" = '5d90fdb3-6a6b-2c58-00c8-37974177440d')
    //DELETE FROM "SongTag" WHERE ("SongId" = '5d90fdb3-6a6b-2c58-00c8-37987f29b197')

    //UPDATE "Song" SET "Name" = CASE "Id" 
    //WHEN '5d90fdb3-6a6b-2c58-00c8-37974177440d' THEN 'love you forever.mp4' 
    //WHEN '5d90fdb3-6a6b-2c58-00c8-37987f29b197' THEN 'Li Bai.mp4' END 
    //WHERE ("Id" IN ('5d90fdb3-6a6b-2c58-00c8-37974177440d','5d90fdb3-6a6b-2c58-00c8-37987f29b197'))
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