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1482 lines (1136 loc) · 60.2 KB

File metadata and controls

1482 lines (1136 loc) · 60.2 KB



Add trim_quantile argument to preprocess_species() and process_rasters() to allow trimming values above a quantile in the values to the quantile's value. E.g. with trim_quantile = 0.99 any value above the 99th percentile will be trimmed to value of the 99th percentile.

The motivation is to trim high outliers when they are believed to be artifacts of the S&T models and eBird data. Robins are a good example.

Closes #198 "Outliers".



Fix #191 Date lookup now works for seasons that start and end on the same day.



Fix #168 -- allow NA in species date fields as in Magnificent Frigate bird.

  • Replace NA with $species with empty string before writing to HDF5 with export_birdflow()
  • Replace empty string with NA when reading $species items in import_birdflow().
  • Throw meaningful error within lookup_season_timesteps() when the required date in bf$species is NA. This affects lots of functions that allow specifying date ranges with season = . This includes predict(), route(), lookup_timestep_sequence(), and truncate_birdflow().



  • Updated code coverage github action in attempt to fix broken upload to despite the coverage action running and generating the coverage data.



  • Add suppress_specific_warnings() internal function.
  • Update plot_distr(), plot_route(), and plot_flux() so that they work with BirdFlow models in which the extent does not overlap the coast. bcrfin, Brown-capped Rosy-Finch is one example.
  • Add transform argument to plot_flux() and plot_distr() to allow log ("log") and square route ("sqrt") transformations prior to applying the color scale. These allow differentiating the smaller differences better. I think the square route transformation might be the way to go.



  • Update preprocess_species() crs argument so that it accepts objects of class crs as produced by [sf::st_crs()].
  • Fix bug in preprocess_species() that prevented clipping to irregular polygons.



  • Added callaghan_abundance dataset on species populations.
  • Added get_population() function.



  • Fixed bug that prevented knitting example collection index without passed parameters.



  • import_birdflow() now works with preprocessed hdf5 files. See #177
  • preprocess_birdflow() and import_birdflow() are now more consistent with some dimension names:
    • bf$geom$ext is now an unnamed vector in objects from either function. Previously one was a named vector. The ext(bf) return object is unchanged.
    • distr, dynamic_mask, uci, and lci now always have NULL rownames and "t<timestep>" column names, and the names of those two dimensions are "i" and "time".
    • import_birdflow() no longer drops two metadata items that it was losing before: ebirdst_version and birdflowr_preprocess_version these will exist in old .hdf5 files but not in old .rds files.
  • compare_lists() (internal helper) return format changed slightly.
  • import_birdflow() and export_birdflow() now work with sparse models. Marginals from these models are converted to standard matrices before writing so some of the benefits of sparsification are lost when writing to hdf5 files - but compression will probably mitigate this somewhat. Sparse Matrices are re-created when sparse models are re-imported.



Flux III

  • is_between() now uses a SparseArray::SparseArray() for the logical array. to reduce memory usage
  • Labeling updates to plot_flux() and animate_flux().



Flux II

  • Flux values are now divided by the radius to standardize units at at P/km/week/ where P is the proportion of the population.
  • Add tests for calc_flux() and is_between()
  • Add analysis of flux radius parameter's affect on flux values. It's in "test-calc_flux.R".
  • Add limit to radius argument in calc_flux() and ability to bypass it with check_radius argument.
  • Modified is_between() to only calculate the result for transitions that are non-zero (at any timestep) in bf. This provides a slight performance benefit for standard models and a large one for sparse models.
  • is_betweeen() now processes connection lines in batches, controlled by batch_size argument to it and calc_flux(). This is for memory management.


Flux I

Non-directional only, additional changes pending


  • The first argument of lookup_date() is now x instead of timestep timestep is added as a deprecated third argument so all old usage should work.

  • lookup_dates() now works with transition names (e.g. "T_01-02") marginal names ("M_02-03"), character timesteps ("T1", "T2"), and, as before, numeric timesteps. Marginal and transition dates are the midpoint between the two timesteps, this falls squarely between two dates and it is left up to base::mean.Date() to resolve this, which it does by rounding down.

  • Add internal function is_between() to determines if a set points are on the great circles connecting every possible pair of active cells in a BirdFlow model. It will be used to calculate flux. Currently it is non-directional.

  • Add get_marginal()

  • Add calc_flux(), plot_flux(), animate_flux() currently they only calculate and work with non-directional flux / net movement.

Pending flux changes

  • Test is_between()

  • Test calc_flux()

  • Test get_marginal()

  • Test plot_flux() and animate_flux()

  • Normalize? See Dan's comment in the issue.

  • Directional is_between()

  • Directional calc_flux()



  • New shrink_birdlfow() reverses extend_birdflow(), returning the model to it's original extent.
  • extend_birdflow()now can "extend" BirdFlow models to smaller extents if they have already been extended and the new extent is still larger than the original.



  • export_birdflow() gets new arguments to control output file names. Default values mimic old behavior.



  • Add get_mask()
  • Add extend_bird_flow()
  • Add internal read_geom()
  • Add internal extend_geom()
  • Make export_birdflow() a public function.
  • Update import_birdflow() so that it can re-import a BirdFlow model. Previously the only viable workflow was preprocess_birdflow(), fit model in BirdFlowPy, and thenimport_birdflow() (once). After that we wrote the model to .rda files. Now it's possible to do the above but then save it to a new hdf5 with: export_birdflow() (to hdf5) and then import again with import_birdflow(). Note, however, that the file structure of a re-exported hdf5 will not match that of the output from python, b/c on the first import R updates a bunch of data structures - for instance renaming the marginals and adding a marginal index, and the re-exported model retains those updates. Thus, the need to modify import_birdflow() to behave appropriately with both file structures.



  • Add test for preprocess_species() with a non-default CRS.



Drop "_clip"

Drop "_clip" from name when clipping with preprocess_species() See issue #165, but note I haven't added the extra metadata item yet.

Zero abundance for some timesteps

validate_birdflow() and thus also preprocess_species() now throw errors if any distribution doesn't sum to 1 or if the dynamic mask excludes all cells for a timestep. This addresses a problem discovered when attempting to fit models with species: "antnig" (Antillean Nighthawk) where for some timesteps the abundance grids from status and trends are all zero. Prior to this change it was possible to preprocess Antillean Nighthawk but then during fitting with BirdFlowPy confusing errors were thrown.

The change can be observed with:

preprocess_species("antnig", res = 150, hdf5 = FALSE, 
                    skip_quality_checks = TRUE)`



  • Fix snap_to_birdflow()

    • Now works with date column names other than "date"
    • Consistently re-formats dates with lubridate::as_date() and standardizes return date column to "date"
    • now handles empty data frame input gracefully by returning empty data frame with appropriate column names and classes.
  • Fix export_rasters() bugs when exporting TIFF files (with some combinations of arguments)



  • Fix snap_to_birdflow() now works with preprocessed (but not fit) models.



New functions:

  • snap_to_birdflow() snap movement data to a BirdFlow model week and cells and optionally aggregate the data from each week (by unique bird or track).

  • lookup_date() convert timesteps to dates.


  • lookup_timestep() gains a new argument allow_failure. FALSE, the default mimics prior behavior. Set to TRUE to return NA if the date cannot be looked up.



New function combine_transitions() combines the transition matrices from a series of timesteps into a single transition matrix that encodes the transition probabilities between the starting and ending timesteps in a single multi-week transition matrix.

New BirdFlowExtras package uses combine_transitions() to calculate migratory connectivity. That package will hold more esoteric uses of BirdFlow models, and any functions that rely on packages that are not on either CRAN or Bioconductor.



More test tweaking - all changes should be invisible to users.

  • Sped up tests, mostly by using truncated models for slow tests.
  • Added helper functions to tests/testthat/:
    • local_quiet() - Sets verbose to FALSE within a test scope
    • local_test_dir() - Creates a temporary directory that will be deleted automatically on test completion.
  • Eliminated almost all messages output during testing to improve test result legibility.



More tests and cleaner message handling. Users should be unaffected, but might see fewer messages if birdflow_options("verbose") is TRUE.

  • New test for build_collection_index()
  • New internal bf_msg() now used for messages from BirdFlowR functions.
  • New internal bf_suppress_msg() to wrap calls to other packages so that their messages are suppressed when verbose is false.



  • Updated sparsification to work with dynamically masked models
  • Added new parameter p_protected to sparsify().
    It is used with conditional sparsification to specify a proportion of the transitions out of every location that won't be zeroed out.
  • Added tests for sparsify() and related functions.
  • Added n_states statistic to distribution_performance() and thus also to $metadata$sparse$stats it reports the total number of non-zero values in the marginal derived distributions for all time steps in the model. This is the number of states (locations in time and space) that birds can occupy in the model.



  • Dropped the ability to import pre-dynamic-mask models. This was announced in but not done.

  • Fix spelling and minor documentation edits

  • Fix bug in n_parameters() for fitted models.

  • birdflow_options() now accepts a list with option names and their new values, as well as all the previously accepted argument forms.

  • Improve validate_BirdFlowR() error reporting.

  • Add tests for:

    • Date lookup on preprocessed but not fitted models. Closes #147.
    • n_paramaters()
    • load_model()
    • load_collection_index()
    • route_migration()
    • marginal_stats(), calc_pct_zero(), and sum_marginals()
    • find_threshold()
    • print() for BirdFlow and BirdFlowRoutes objects.
    • cache_path()
    • compare_geom()
    • birdflow_options()
    • build_transitions(), drop_transitions()
  • Expand testing for:

    • preprocess_species()
    • validate_BirdFlow()



Support for ebirdst 3.2022.0 added.

BirdFlowR can now fit models based on eBird 2022 data or 2021 data and will preprocess using whichever version of ebirdst is loaded. Both types of fitted models can be used with BirdFlowR. Most testing will run with either version of ebirdst installed but CRAN checks will only pass with the new version due to references to objects that don't exist in the old version.


  • get_dates()

    • Models fit using ebirdst 2.2021 have $dates columns: "interval", "date", "midpoint", "start", "end", "doy", and "week".
    • Models fit with ebirdst 3.2022 have $dates columns: "timestep", "date", "label", "julian", and "week".
    • Regardless of the $dates format in the model object get_dates() returns the newer columns: "timestep", "date", "label", "julian", and "week". Previously it returned the older columns.
    • Users should replace bf$dates with get_dates() and use new column names.
  • Inconsistent weeks. eBird changed the way dates are assigned to weeks in the 2022 version. See notes in get_dates() for details. BirdFlowR honors the date scheme used in the eBird data each model was built with and thus some dates will be assigned to a different week with a 2021 model than they are with a 2022 model this will affect lookup_timestep(), lookup_timestep_sequence(), and the many functions that rely on them.

  • Importing (old) BirdFlow models fit without a dynamic mask is no longer supported. Predicting with them is. Use BirdFlowR if you want to import an old hdf5 file which could then be saved with saveRDS(). Dynamic masks were added in (April 2023) so only models fit (but not imported) before then will be affected.


  • preprocess_species() works with both ebirdst 3.2022.0 and 2.2021.3. It will use whichever version is loaded and models fit with either eBird version year can be used with BirdFlow.

  • New metadata items

    • birdflowr_preprocess_version: the version of BirdFlowR used for preprocessing.
    • ebirdst_version: the ebirdst version used while preprocessing.


  • A number of internal changes were made to preprocess_species() to work with ebirdst v. 3.2022

    • species can be set to either "example_date" or "yeseb-example" to triggering using ebirdst example data. BirdFlowR will silently switch between the two to accommodate ebirdst.
    • If ebirdst version >= 3.2022 the quality of the species model is checked using the <x>_season_quality values instead of the dropped <x>_range_modeled information and an error is thrown if any value is less than the new min_season_quality argument which defaults to 3. With ebirdst 2.2021 quality is still checked with <x>_range_modeled.
    • With ebirdst >= 3.2022 all the new trends columns are dropped from ebirdst_runs when creating the species data. The data available via species_info() (and $species) is unchanged.
    • A new dates format is now used with 2022 models.
  • Date lookup code was overhauled throughout the package.

    • Most use of $dates was dropped in favor of get_dates() to handle the two date formats in use.
  • preprocess_species() snapshot tests were updated to use eBird 2022 derived snapshots and are skipped if older versions of ebirdst are loaded, but most preprocess_species() tests are still run.

  • Several internal functions documented in ebirdst-compatibility help insulate BirdFlowR from the changes in the ebirdst API and facilitate working with both versions.



Updated tests to work with new example data and ebirdst 3.2022.0

  • Updated tests for new amewoo model in BirdFlowModels (R package) v.
  • Added formal dependency on BirdFlowModels >=
  • Updates to pass CRAN checks but not preprocess with ebirdst 3.2022.0 * Added ebird/ebirdst to remotes (to force installing development version). Revert this after changes in ebirdst
    47bbdfc87 are on CRAN * Add skip_if_unsupported_ebirdst_version() to preprocess species tests as it currently does for ebirdst 3.2022.0. * Add copy of ebirdst_weeks to BirdFlowR as internal data.



Trying to pass all CI checks while still using ebirdst 2.2021

  • Added version dependency <= 2.2021.3 for ebirdst (under imports) to avoid version 3.2022 until BirdFlowR is updated for the significant changes in ebirdst
  • Removed call to ebirdst::abundance_palette() and replaced it with the resulting values. As it was ebirdst should have been in imports. This also dodges dealing with the function name change in v. 3.2022.0.
  • Dropped code that dealt with older version of $dates.



  • Spelling

    • Checked spelling on package documentation and vignettes.
    • Added inst\WORDLIST (extending dictionary of valid words).
    • To check package spelling use devtools::spell_check()
    • Added section on spelling to ./.github/CONTRIBUTING.html
  • export_tif() renamed to export_rasters() and extended to export PNG as well as GeoTIFF files and optionally to convert small floating point numbers into larger integers for export to integer datatypes. Unit tests added.



  • Documentation editing.



Existing code should not be affected in any way by this update.

  • New functionexport_tif() facilitates exporting TIFF files of a BirdFlow model's distributions and dynamic masks. Could be used to replace functionality that used to be in preprocess_species(), my motivation for adding it is for use with Avian Flu modeling.

  • New function pad_timestep() converts a numeric timestep into a character padded with leading zeros if appropriate. Given 1 it returns "01". It is now used internally anywhere timestep or marginal names are padded. It's also used by export_tif() for file naming if exporting single band TIFF files.



  • preprocess_species now adds a week column to $dates component of BirdFlow objects. Initially this is identical to the interval column. However, after truncation intervals will be renumbered to 1:n_active() but weeks will always reference the week of the year. Closes #132.

  • linted package - fixed most issues flagged by lintr::lint_package()



  • Minor update to build_collection_index() so it works regardless of whether BirdFlowR is loaded with devtools::load_all() or library(BirdFlowR).



  • BREAKING change to column names in data frame returned by rasterize_distr(format = "dataframe")

    • Old "time" is now "label" and is an ordered factor it is derived from the column names in the distribution which are often but not always dates.
    • Old "density" is now "value".
  • New functions to visualize distributions:

    • plot_distr()
    • animate_distr()



  • New function as_distr() converts raster (terra::SpatRaster) and point (sf::sfor data frames) data into distributions. Rasters will be projected into cells that align with the BirdFlow object's cells and then cropped and masked. With default settings the resulting values will be normalized to sum to 1 and any NA values will be replaced with 0. Points are converted into a distribution for each point in which all the density is placed in the cell corresponding to the point. Projection of sf and SpatRasters is done automatically. Data in dataframes is assumed to match the coordinate reference system (CRS) of the BirdFlow object unless the crs argument is used to define the CRS. Addresses #116.

  • bug fix in xy_to_latlon() that caused it to fail when y was omitted.




This update is a major overhaul of preprocess_species() with two primary goals.

  • Adding support for preprocessing truncated models - models that cover only part of the year.
  • Cleaning up and simplifying the code by dropping some outdated parameters and breaking the function up into several functions.

Dropped arguments Breaking change

  • tiff - Prior default of FALSE is now always used and TIFF export of abundance data is no longer an option.
  • treat_na_as_zero prior default of TRUE is now always used.
  • dummy_dynamic_mask prior default of FALSE is now always used.

All three of these were a little anachronistic. TIFF output original was used in place of including the abundance data in the hdf5. The other two arguments were added during updates to allow simulating the older behavior for testing the update, and in both cases we've decided we like the newer behavior.

Although these are breaking changes in that previously supported arguments are dropped, the new behavior mimics the old default behavior and I expect in most cases the values were not set differently than the default.

Note: Although TIFF output of abundances is no longer directly supported by preprocess species any model's abundance can be exported as TIFF with:

r <- rast(bf)
terra::writeRaster(r, "abundance.tif")


This shouldn't have any effect on users.

preprocess_species() was broken into four functions. The three new functions are all internal helper functions. They are:

  • determine_resolution() does the surprisingly tricky work of figuring out what resolution yields the desired number of fitted parameters in the model.
  • process_rasters() generates the resampled and aggregated rasters used by the model from the eBird S&T rasters.
  • export_birdflow() exports a BirdFlow model as an hdf5 (or optionally .Rds)

Truncation New

preprocess_species() gains a ... argument that is used to determine model truncation, and combination of parameters supported by lookup_timestep_sequence() works here (e.g. season = prebreeding and start = 5, end = 10). The result is a non-cyclical preprocessed mode that only covers the transitions for the given time period. Truncation does not affect the resolution determination - resolution is selected such that the full model meets the desired number of parameters or GPU RAM. This means resolution isn't dependent on the truncation - facilitating possible later stitching back together several truncated models from the same species.



Minor edits to vignettes and collection index.



  • Added BirdFlowOverview vignette from @dsheldon.
  • Minor updates to BirdFlowR vignette.



  • Added size column to collection index.
  • Made model download explicitly binary (for windows).
  • load_model() and related functions now work with or without trailing slash in collection URL.
  • build_collection_url() re-uses metadata if the .Rds file hasn't changed and thus retains the same release date.



Fixed bug in 'make_cache_readme()'



Added support for model collections

New Functions:

  • load_model() User facing function to load a model from the cache - downloading it first if necessary.
  • build_collection_index() Run on a directory with model files to add index files and convert the directory into a collection.
  • cache_path() helper function. Returns the path to the (local) cache directory where model files are saved. It is specific to the collection url.
  • make_cache_readme() helper function to make readme files in both the collection specific cache directory and it's parent BirdFlowR cache directory. It writes the date of the last cache update as well so is run anytime new files are saved to the cache.


  • birdflow_options() has two new values:
    • collection_url: the base url for the collection.
    • cache: the URL for the BirdFlowR cache directory which holds the collection specific cache directories.



Most of this update was focused on allowing partial year models (#39). The bulk of the work required for that goal is done, however, it is not integrated with preprocess_species(), so in practice it's not very useful yet.

I've also split some internal code into additional helper functions which makes the package code a little cleaner but doesn't affect users.

The one change that might affect users is the ability to subset a fitted model to a date range with truncate_birdflow().

  • New function truncate_birdflow() truncates the dates a BirdFlow model covers. It works with both fitted and preprocessed models, but is not yet integrated with preprocessing, so logistically currently is only useful for fitted models.
  • New function as_transitions() converts an ordered sequence of timesteps into the names of the transitions that connect them. Used in predict(), route(), lookup_transitions(), and truncate_birdflow()
  • New public,get_dates() returns the $dates component of a BirdFlow object, replacing an old private function that was no longer used. Fixes #121.
  • New metadata item timestep_padding tracks how much timesteps are padded in transition and marginal names. preprocess_species() and new_BirdFlow() are updated to produce it.
  • New internal function get_timestep_padding() retrieves the above or, for older models figures it out from the model structure.
  • New internal function make_marginal_index() derived from code previously in import_birdflow() is used by both import_birdflow() and truncate_birdflow()
  • New internal function ts_info() determines if a timestep sequence is forward or backwards and whether it crosses the year boundary.




This update shouldn't break anything but it will change default behaviors of a few functions:

  1. preprocess_species() Models preprocessed after this update will be different then older models.

  2. lookup_timestep_sequence() now allows looking up a cyclical sequence that represents a full year of transitions and season = all returns the one more timestep then it used to c(1:52, 1)).

  3. The code in distribution_performance() is unchanged but its default behavior is affected by the change in lookup_timestep_sequence(). It now includes the transition from the last to first timesteps in the calculations with the default time arguments.


  • Fixed bug in preprocess_species() that caused it to sometimes create BirdFlow models where the pixels didn't align with the origin. There's nothing wrong with the previous behavior from a modeling standpoint but always aligning to the origin has some logistical benefits and was the original intent.

  • Fixed bug in reformat_distribution_labels() with 3 dimensional input it would erroneously change the second dimension name to "time". This caused predict() to produce confusing dimension labels when called on multiple distributions at once.

  • lookup_timestep_sequence() now allows full cycle sequence and returns full cycle sequences with season = "all". This means including all timesteps and then repeating the first timestep. This also allows setting start and end to the same timestep as well (to loop through a whole year). This will change results from distr_performance() for whole year models.

  • preprocess_species() gains a new argument and default behavior. It now replaces NA values in the distributions with zero prior to transforming and changing the resolution, and uses bilinear interpolation in place of nearest neighbor. Set treat_na_as_zero to FALSE for old behavior. The new way seems better though. See detailed explanation in Issue #12.




This update merges route_migration() into route() which can now do everything either of these functions previously did and at least one thing they couldn't (#88).

The returned object from route() is also changed: $lines are dropped and $points are now returned in a new S3 class BirdFlowRoutes. With plot_routes() I don't think returning the lines is as useful as it was. The lines can be recreated with sf:st_as_sf(rts).

This closes #103 and #88

Details follow.


  • Dropped row and col arguments. x_coord and y_coord are sufficient and I think preferred by users.
  • Renamed n_each argument to n.
  • Renamed x argument to bf.
  • Changed order of arguments.
  • Added from_marginals = TRUE argument that controls which distributions are used when sampling starting locations; I expect most users not to use this argument.
  • Specifying starting locations (via x_coord and y_coord) is now optional. If those arguments are NULL (the default) then n starting positions will be sampled from the species distribution for the starting timestep. This sampling was previously done only in route_migration().
  • Changes to the returned object for both route() and route_migration()
    • route() now returns aBirdFlowRoutes object, which is an extension of a data frame and almost always behaves like a data frame.
    • The $lines component of the previously returned list has been dropped, and a modified version of what was $points is returned. Use the new st_as_sf() method for theBirdFlowRoutes object to produce the sf lines.
    • The old points$route column has been renamedroute_id
    • Experimental the returned BirdFlowRoutes object has attributes that contain much of the ancillary data in the parent BirdFlow object: geom, species, metadata, and dates. Additionally, a new item is added to metadata: route_type = "synthetic". This may be useful if we also create BirdFlowRoute objects from tracking data. If you want to insulate yourself from the experimental aspects of this call on the returned routes.

Non-breaking changes

  • Edits to vignettes and readme.
  • route_migration() is deprecated. Its arguments are unchanged and it will work but now throws a warning. Please transition to using route() with the season argument. The returned object is changed - see changes to route() above.
  • A new method for st_as_sf() convert BirdFlowRoutes objects to sf objects with either points or lines. Use st_as_sf(rts) for lines or st_as_sf(rts, type = "point") to convert to an sf points object.
  • New plot() method for BirdFlowRoutes objects dispatches to plot_routes().
  • Experimental: plot_route() and plot(BirdFlowRoutes) now do not require the BirdFlow object - as long as the attributes added by route() are present. If the bf argument is used it supersedes the route attributes so including it will make your code less likely to break if we change the BirdFlowRoutes class. This is kind of nice though: route(bf, 5, season = "prebreeding") |> plot()
  • A new print method for BirdFlowRoutes is there mostly to hide the attributes while printing - but also has a new header line that states what the species and object is.
  • plot_routes() gains additional arguments to control line widths and dot sizing. animate_routes() has access to them via ....

A note about the new BirdFlowRoutes class.

This class is very much a work in progress. Here's where we stand.

  • I'm committed to route() returning a data frame like object that contains the data formerly inrts$points and I think the columns are fairly stable at this point.
  • I'm fairly committed to making it an S3 "BirdFlowRoutes" object and, at a minimum, including the CRS somewhere in the attributes.
  • I'm less committed to including all the other additional attributes. @slager is working on making BirdFlowRoutes like objects from tracking data and I hope that together we can figure out what data this object should look like.

Right now the extra information in this class is used in only three places:

  • plot_routes() and related plot(BirdFlowRoutes)
  • st_as_sf(BirdFlowRoutes)
  • print(BirdFlowRoutes)

In all other ways it should behave like a data frame. Some data frame manipulations will preserve attributes and class. Many will result in a standard data.frame.


  • Added logo


This update fixes bugs and cleans things up. It shouldn't break existing code.

  • Fixed bug in distribution_performance() that caused an error with metrics = "md_traverse_cor" and added tests.

  • Removed tests/testthat/Rplots.pdf from version control and added it to .gitignore.

  • Added gifski to imports, and moved rnaturalearthdata from suggests to imports. This should make installation smoother and prevent gganimate::animate from writing lots of image files in the working directory. Closes #102.

  • interval_log_likelihood() now returns a zero row data.frame if intervals or observations have zero rows. Care is taken to return the same column names and data types as would be returned with data. Previously zero row input resulted in an unhelpful error. Closes #95.



BREAKING CHANGES to timestep sequence arguments

  • lookup_timestep_sequence() gains new season parameter as its second argument. Previously season could be specified via start but it was confusing, especially when called via ... from other functions.
  • lookup_timestep_sequence() n argument renamed to n_steps.
  • All functions that allow specifying a sequence of timesteps (or date range) now use ... passed to lookup_timestep_sequence() to do so. Previously for predict() and route() some of these were explicit arguments that were then passed individually to lookup_timestep_sequence()

Affected functions

This impacts calls to functions that pass arguments on to lookup_timestep_sequence():

  • lookup_timestep_sequence() (directly)
  • lookup_transitions()
  • predict()
  • route()
  • distribution_performance()
  • animate_movement_vectors()

Broken usage

  • Code that passed season names explicitly to start will be broken: lookup_timestep_sequence(bf, start = "prebreeding") .
  • Code that relied on the position of start and end to pass dates or timesteps will also fail: lookup_timestep_sequence(bf, 1, 5).
  • Use of the n argument, will need to be updated to n_steps

Unaffected usage

  • Passing dates or timesteps to start and end by name should be unaffected: lookup_timestep_sequence(bf, start = 1, end = 5).
  • Passing a season by position works both before and after changes: lookup_timestep_sequence(bf, "prebreeding")

As a general rule going forward use argument names beyond the first two arguments (x and season).

Default values

  • Default values in lookup_timestep_sequence() were switched from missing to NULL - similar to changes made to preprocess_species() in [BirdFlowR]. This shouldn't affect most users but will make setting arguments programmatically slightly easier.

  • If no arguments other than the BirdFlow object are passed to lookup_timestep_sequence() it will return all timesteps. This is consistent with the change in [BirdFlowR]. This default is now inherited by all the affected functions listed above. For some of the affected functions this is a change from the prior behavior of throwing an error if the time sequence was not specified. This is unlikely to affect existing code.



  • sample_distr() has a new argument format that allows specifying distr, xy, latlon, or i (location index) as the output format.
    The default is distr which mimics previous behavior. This is in response to a comment in issue #88, the "xy" return format greatly simplifies calling route() with a sample from a distribution.
  • BirdFlow vignette updated to use sample_distr(format = "xy") and to use plot_routes().
  • Bug fixed in xy_to_latlong() where column order in returned object was backwards.
  • Index conversion functions that previously returned a two column matrix now return a two column data.frame: xy_to_latlon(), latlon_to_xy(), i_to_rc(), and i_to_xy(). I found that most often I wanted to refer to columns by name making the data.frame format easier.



Revamping performance metrics

  • DEPRECATED evaluate_performance() is now deprecated. Use distribution_performance() instead.

  • NEW distribution_performance() replaces evaluate_performance() and has several differences.

    • traverse_coris replaced by two very similar metrics st_traverse_cor and md_traverse_cor. The first is a bug free version of the old traverse_cor(). The second is identical except it makes the predictions starting with a marginal rather than a status and trends distribution.
    • *_traverse_cor metrics now utilize the dynamic mask to filter which cells are used in the correlation calculation.
    • ... arguments are passed to lookup_timestep_sequence() to allow calculating metrics for just part of the year.
  • sparsify() (which still isn't updated for dynamic masking) now uses distribution_performance() instead of evaluate_performance().

  • lookup_transitions() (private function) now has only one formal argument (x) all other arguments are now passed to lookup_timestep_sequence() via ... those other arguments are unchanged though so calling it shouldn't change.

  • lookup_timestep_sequence() now has a default value start = "all" previously there was no default. This is mostly to make use in other functions via ... easier as all is the most common default in calling functions.



  • Edited Contributing guide
  • preprocess_species() now throws better errors when there are problems with the species argument (NA, NULL, or unresolvable species names).
  • Additional tests forpreprocess_species() for error conditions and to test file output.



  • Added tests for add_dynamic_mask() #101
  • Added RMarkdown README. #104
    • Now the file is generated from the README.Rmd file (edit the .Rmd)
    • Added example plots to README.
  • Added contributing guide. #97



  • Updated plot_routes()

    • Works over year boundary
    • Color bar only shows the used date range.
    • Additional arguments to control appearance:
      use_seasonal_colors, pal, barheight
  • Updated animate_routes() added ... argument that is passed onto plot_routes() to control of appearance.



  • New animate_routes() #93
  • Updated plot_routes()
    • Added dot for stay = 1 so all segment end points are visibly marked.
    • Subtle changes to code to support animation.
  • Updated documentation of [route()] and [route_migration()] to full describe additional columns added in



  • Fixed bug in route() and route_migration() that prevented routing over year boundary.
  • New:
    • plot_routes() for plotting routes with ggplot2.
    • compareGeom() methods for BirdFlow objects, possibly mixed with terra::SpatRaster objects. See terra::compareGeom()
    • proportion_of_year() (internal function) converts a date into a number between 0 and 1.
  • Updated:
    • flatten_raster() supports multiple input formats #23
    • rasterize_distr() supports multiple output formats #23
    • route() and route_migration() output return additional columns in the points item.
  • Deprecated:
    • expand_distr() is now an internal function. Users can use rasterize_distr( format = "numeric") instead.



  • Minor change to interval_log_likelihood() for clearer code and to avoid warning when tibbles are used.



  • Dockerfile: Bump rocker image to R 4.3.0 and error out of build on package installation failure



  • preprocess_species() now defaults the res parameter to NULL, making it easier to script around preprocess_species()

  • Tweaked some tests to better run across different development environments



  • import_birdflow() now converts logical hyperparameters masquerading as factors into logical. Addresses #81.

  • Dropped legacy import functions:

    • import_birdflow_v1() for models that predate the R Package, this import required first converting a pickle file to an hdf5 and then importing from that and a TIFF file with the distributions.
    • import_prototype() for the models that were includes in the prototype shiny app.


Fixed URL.


Cleaned up bad formatting in _pkgdown.yml.


Added argument n to lookup_timestep_sequence(), an alternative to end, n indicates how many transitions should be in the resulting sequence. route(), lookup_transitions(), predict(), and animate_movement_vectors() all gained either an explicit n parameter or access to it via ....

Breaking change: The pre-existing n parameter to route() was renamed n_each to avoid conflict with the new n parameter which is passed on to lookup_timestep_sequence().

Closes #76.


Made changes to support pkgdown.

  • Added links to .yml
  • Added "BugReports" field to DESCRIPTION file
  • Added a second link to URL field in DESCRIPTION file linking to github repo
  • Switched development mode in .yml to unreleased. auto wasn't working with version 0.0.1.x. When we have our first formal release it should be switched back to auto.


  • evaluate_performance() is now exported.
  • evaluate_performance() now uses the dynamic mask when calculating correlations (excluding the masked out cells). This means a bunch of cells that were essentially forced to zero in both sides of the correlation aren't included in the calculation. Correlations will get lower and the effect will be more pronounced with lower correlations.


Added movement vector visualizations

These functions calculate and visualize the average movement out of each cell in a BirdFlow model during a particular transition.

New Functions

  • calc_movement_vectors() returns a data frame with information on the average movement out of each cell in the model for a given timestep.
  • plot_movement_vectors() plots movement vectors directly from a BirdFlow model for a given timestep. Returns a ggplot object.
  • animate_movement_vectors() creates an animation of the vectors over a series of timesteps. Returns a gganim object.


Switch to Dynamic masking


Dynamic masking is a major overhaul of the package in which the cells the model acts on will change over time and be limited to cells with non-zero value in the eBird S&T distributions. This means that the marginal dimensions will vary over time, and they will often not be square.

The intent is to isolate the user and from the changes. In particular the output and input distribution objects will still contain all the active cells and most public function arguments are unchanged.

Functions that interact with the marginals now have to convert internally between standard distributions covering all active cells, and the the dynamically masked distributions that conform to the marginal dimensions. predict(), route(), and import_birdflow() all had substantial updates.

BirdFlow objects gained a great circle distance and a dynamic mask, both created in preprocessing, and variable marginals and transitions dimensions. The great circle distance is used by python and then dropped (in python) from the fitted model, as it's fairly large and easy to recalculate with great_circle_distances().

Detailed changes

  • BirdFlow object format changes

    • New /distances/ contains values from a distance matrix of great circle distances in km between each pair of locations - converted to a vector of non duplicated values by shorten_distance_matrix() full matrix can be recreated with expand_distance_matrix() this is added to the export HDF5 by preprocess_species() but not retained in the fitted models, the distances can be recreated with great_circle_distances().
    • New /geom/dynamic_mask this is a matrix with a row for each active cell in the model (see n_active()) and a column for each timestep. The cells have a one to one relationship with the cells in `/distr' and are TRUE if the cell is included in the model for the timestep and FALSE otherwise.
    • /metadata/birdflow_version is now 3.
    • New /metdata/birdflowr_version stores the package version when preprocess_species() is/was called.
    • New metadata/hyperparameters and metadata/loss_values contain information generated during python model fitting.
  • New functions

    • get_dynamic_mask() similar to get_distr() but for dynamic mask data.
    • add_dynamic_mask() updates an old BirdFlow object (in an R session) by adding a dynamic mask. This is mainly to facilitate the transition to allow testing the package with the old models.
    • has_dynamic_mask() returns a logical.
    • import_birdflow_v3() internal function is called by import_birdflow() for version 3 BirdFlow HDF5 files.
    • great_circle_distances() creates a great circle distance matrix encoding the distance (km) between every pair of cells in a BirdFlow object.
  • Updated functions

    • import_birdflow()
      • now works with version 2 and 3 BirdFlow HDF5 files (added version 3, dropped version 1)
      • reads the dynamic mask
      • reads metadata/hyperparameters
      • read metadata/loss_values
    • get_distr() with from_marginals = TRUE now has to expand the truncated distribution calculated from the marginal out to a full distribution.
    • predict() and route() have to map from full distributions, to truncated distributions before applying the transition and then, expand back to full for output.
    • validate_birdflow() now checks the dimensions of the marginals and transition matrices against the dynamic mask cell counts for each timestep.
    • preprocess_species()
      • now calls great_circle_distances() and shorten_distance_matrix()to create "/distances" component of the HDF5
      • adds "geom/dynamic_mask" which is a logical matrix indicating which cells of "/distr" are non-zero for each timestep.
      • Has updated heuristic to set resolution based on the number of parameters given dynamic masking.
      • new argument dummy_dynamic_mask() adds a dynamic mask that is all TRUE to force fitting of the prior style of BirdFlow object.
    • sparsify() has not been updated to work with dynamic masks, but will now throw an error telling you that if you try to use it on a BirdFlow object with a dynamic mask.



Added BirdFlow methods for generics defined in sf

  • st_crs() returns an object of class crs used by sf to define coordinate reference systems (CRS).
  • st_bbox() returns an object of class bbox containing both the extent and CRS of a BirdFlow object. Can be passed to st_as_sfc() to convert to a polygon.



  • Changed behavior
    • get_naturalearth() and related functions now by default crop off the buffer after transforming the Natural Earth data so that the returned object extent matches the extent of x. Whether this cropping occurs is now controlled by keep_buffer which defaults to FALSE. Previously it was
      controlled by match_extent.



  • Changed behavior:

    • lookup_timestep() and timestep lookup throughout the package is now consistent with ebirdst::date_to_st_week() this wasn't previously true. Some dates near the edges of the week breaks will end up classified into a different timestep than previously.

    • preprocess_species() now saves the breakpoints from ebirdst::ebirdst_weeks as start and end instead of week_start and week_end.

  • New functions:

    • lookup_timestep_sequence() workhorse function for processing date range input to other functions. Generate forward or backward sequences from timesteps, dates, or season name input, possibly with a season buffer.

    • lookup_season_timesteps() narrowly focused helper, returns forward timestep sequences associated with a season possibly with a buffer (in timesteps) beyond the edge of the season.

  • Updated functions to use lookup_timestep_sequence()

    • lookup_transitions()
    • route()
    • route_migration()
    • predict()
  • Updated functions to use lookup_timestep()

    • get_distr()
  • Addresses issues:

    • Fixes bug in #66 where date lookup forward across the year boundary failed.
    • Addresses #68 by providing a function to lookup timestep series based on season names (and adds a buffer ability).
    • Closes #56 time now is processed mostly by lookup_timestep() for points in time, and lookup_timestep_sequence() for date ranges. Point lookup now uses findInterval on breaks derived from ebirdst::ebirdst_weeks rather than from which.min() on a difference from center of the nominal day for each week. This should also make time lookup compatible with partial year BirdFlow models.



  • Fixed bug introduced when ebirdst 2.2021.1 converted all columns of ebirdst_runs to character. preprocess_species() now defensively forces the columns that should be (and were) logical to logical, and numeric to numeric.



  • Added functions latlon_to_xy() and xy_to_latlon() to convert from WGS84 (EPSG:4326) and x and y coordinates in the BirdFlow objects CRS. Fixes #64.

  • CHANGED behavior in a bunch of the index conversion functions, previously, many threw errors with NA input or values out of range. Most of them now return NA in both of those situations. This made sense to me in the context of #61.



  • Switching development version number scheme. From now on I will increment the development version by one with every change in the main branch (merged pull request). Previously the version was the issue number.

  • Fixed #61 (and added test). Now interval_log_likelihood() sets exclude and not_active columns to TRUE if either of the involved observations are entirely outside of the extent of the BirdFlow object. Previously locations outside of extent resulted in an error.



  • New interval_loglikelihood() calculates log likelihood for banding and tracking data given a BirdFlow model.

  • new supporting functions:

  • drop_transitions()
  • is_location_valid(), is_distr_valid() test whether locations and distributions are valid inputs for predict() and route()
  • lookup_timestep()



  • get_naturalearth() and related functions now throw a helpful warning if the extent is empty, and, as before, return an empty sf object.

  • get_naturalearth() has an improved, more robust way of processing the vector data that works for specific projections. Currently it is used only for Mollweide ("moll") and Lambert Equal Area ("laea") based CRSs.

  • get_naturalearth() has a new argument match_extent which if set to TRUE causes the result to be clipped to the precise extent of the input object (x). Use TRUE when plotting with ggplot2 so that the Natural Earth data doesn't result in an expanded plot extent. The default, FALSE is appropriate for base R plotting so that the Natural Earth Data runs up to and beyond the edge of the plot regardless of whether the aspect ratio of x matches the plot window's.

  • get_naturalearth() has a new argument use_old_method which, if TRUE forces the less robust method regardless of projection. It is there only for testing the function and should be left at the default for all other uses.


  • new function build_transitions(x) will populate x$transitions with both forward and backwards transitions. This is recommended before repeated forecast() or predict calls as it avoids repeatedly making transitions on the fly. It does triple the memory usage for the BirdFlow object so should probably only be done with sparse BirdFlow models. It currently will work on any but throws a warning if the BirdFlow model is not sparse.

  • previously transitions_from_marginal() produced a standard matrix. Now, if the marginal is sparse the conversion uses and preserves the sparse matrix. Similarly, if the transition matrix is sparse predict() and route() both calculate on sparse objects. This should speed those two functions up significantly.


  • replaced forecast() with a BirdFlow method for predict().


The end result of all the time stuff enumerated below is that (1) you can set the time format, (2) as before when possible the time associated with each distribution is stored in dim names, (3) when it's a single distribution and thus not possible to store the time in the dim names a new "time" attribute is added to the object to store the time associated with the distribution.

  • new birdflow_options() allows setting global options that persist for the session. Currently there are two options verbose and time_format.

  • The time_format option controls the labeling of distributions either in column names if there are more than 1 distribution or via the "time" attribute (See below) if there's a single distribution. This affects get_distr(), predict(), and rast().

  • get_distr() now adds an attribute "time" when returning a single distribution as a vector. Multiple distributions already used matrix column names to record the time associated with each distribution.

  • Similarly, expand_distr() when called on a single distribution will preserve the "time" attribute in its output matrix, and flatten_raster() called on a single distribution's raster (a matrix) will also preserve the "time" attribute in its output vector.

  • rasterize_distr() and thus also rast() now convert the "time" attribute to a layer name in the output raster when there is a single distribution. They previously and still do this with the distribution column names for multiple distributions.

  • The names for the column dimension of distribution matrices has changed from "timestep" to "time" both in the internal, stored object and in returned objects from get_distr() and forecast().

  • fix_dead_ends(), preprocess_species(), and sparsify() now honor birdflow_options("verbose") - printing progress and information only if it is TRUE.


  • Changed preprocess_species() gb argument to gpu_ram.


  • sparsify() no longer throws confusing warning (#35)
  • First argument of sparsify() changed from bf to x (consistent with #19)


  • Updated docker file to work with Apple silicon and not to use cached github repos. (commit #37)

  • Updated installation instructions for Docker (commit #37)

  • Route output snapshot testing no longer depends on the print(lines) but does check novel points in the points component of the return value. This should fix an issue currently with it failing CRAN check because sf:: changed slightly how it prints a summary of an SF object to screen and also make the snapshot test a little less hair trigger.



  • New vignette("Preprocess") covers preprocessing, importing, and

  • New vignette("Installation") covers R, RStudio, and package installation; and installing in a Docker container.

  • Updated installation instructions everywhere to use remotes instead of devtools and do not re-install packages unnecessarily.

  • Expanded "Learn More"" section in to link to all vignettes as well as the BirdFlow paper.



  • Updated preprocess_species()
    • Now only downloads the files it needs #21
    • Slight adjustment to resolution heuristic, it should take fewer steps to find the right resolution.
    • Added additional tests to cover error conditions and clipping



  • Nomenclature cleanup (round 1)

    • collapse_distr(x, bf) -> collapse_raster(raster, bf)
    • evaluate_performance(bf) -> evaluate_performance(x)
    • expand_distr(x, bf) -> expand_distr(distr, bf)
    • get_distr(which, bf, from_marginals) -> get_distr(x, which, from_marginals)
    • get_transition(x, bf) -> get_transition(x, transition)
    • lookup_transitions(start, end, bf, direction) -> lookup_transition(x, start, end, direction)
    • sample_distr(x, bf) -> sample_distr(distr, bf)
  • No longer exported:

    • evaluate_performance()
    • find_dead_ends()
    • find_threshold()
    • fix_dead_ends()
    • import_prototype()
    • lookup_transitions()
    • new_BirdFlow()
    • transition_from_marginal()
  • Added "@keyword internal" to documentation for all non-exported functions.
    This removes the documentation from the package manual and index, but it's still accessible with ?function_name.





  • Fix bug introduced by ebirdst 2.2021.0 (switch from raster to terra) #17.





  • Added "biocViews:" before "Imports:" in DESCRIPTION so that devtools can find and install rhdf5 (from Bioconductor) while installing the packages BirdFlowR needs. #13

  • Vignette now attempts to load rnaturalearthdata with utils::install.packages() instead of devtools::install_cran() in attempt to fix #11

  • Updated get_naturalearth() so that it handles some cases in which it previously failed. In particular extents that span more than 180 deg of longitude, and extents that cross the 180 deg. meridian that defines the edge of the WGS84 projection both now work. The function still doesn't handle polar projections or global extents in most projections. Fixes #14



  • Switched order of package installation in readme and added installation of rnaturalearthdata to vignette #11

  • Added a file to track changes to the package.