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925 lines (764 loc) · 59.2 KB

File metadata and controls

925 lines (764 loc) · 59.2 KB


Bug Fixes:

  • Many-to-many reference broken in version 0.37.1 (#1413)
  • NPE on Enum columns initialization



  • adjustHaving, andHaving, orHaving extension methods for Query added by naftalmm

Bug Fixes:

  • Change default for logTooMuchResultSetsThreshold to 0 (no log)



  • Major test infrastructure rework by naftalmm. Now it's possible to run tests on any dialect directly from IDE.
  • Kotlin 1.6.10
  • Kotlin Coroutines 1.6.0
  • kotlinx-datetime-jvm 0.3.1
  • Spring framework 5.3.13
  • Spring boot 2.6.1
  • Detekt 1.19.0


  • Cache enumConstants values in EnumerationColumnType and EnumerationNameColumnType as it makes copy on access
  • Better handling for opened result sets


  • H2 2.x supported
  • Composite foreign key supported by naftalmm. Check the sample below.
object ParentTable : Table("parent1") {
    val idA = integer("id_a")
    val idB = integer("id_b")
    override val primaryKey = PrimaryKey(idA, idB)

object ChildTable : Table("child1") {
    val idA = integer("id_a")
    val idB = integer("id_b")

    init {
            idA, idB,
            target = ParentTable.primaryKey,
            onUpdate = ReferenceOption.RESTRICT,
            onDelete = ReferenceOption.RESTRICT,
            name = "MyForeignKey1"
        // or
            idA to ParentTable.idA, idB to ParentTable.idB,
            onUpdate = ReferenceOption.RESTRICT,
            onDelete = ReferenceOption.RESTRICT,
            name = "MyForeignKey1"
  • Now it's possible to use embedded entity initialization like:
val post = {
    parent = {
        board = {
            name = "Parent Board"
        category = {
            title = "Parent Category"
    category = {
        title = "Child Category"

    optCategory = parent!!.category
  • New DatabaseConfig.logTooMuchResultSetsThreshold param added to log when too much result sets opened in parallel in the single transaction

Bug fixes:

  • Providing a String ID to makes Exposed "forget" about the last field passed to the new call (#1379)
  • Proper column name casing change for SchemaUtils.addMissingColumnsStatement. PR by spand
  • Incorrect behavior of TransactionManager.closeAndUnregister when calling from different threads (#1387)
  • withLogs parameter on SchemaUtils#createMissingTablesAndColumns isn't passed to SchemaUtils.addMissingColumnsStatement (#1383)
  • optReference column should allow update { it[column] = nullableValue } (#1275)
  • SchemaUtils.create make app crashes on Android (#1398)
  • LocalDate from kotlinx-datetime stored in seconds instead of milliseconds. Found and revolved by Abhishek Singh.



  • Allow skipping SchemaUtils logging with help of new withLogs param on functions (#1378)

Bug fixes:

  • Prevent too aggressive entity cache invalidation
  • Foreign Key with camel-case name throws java.util.NoSuchElementException. Fixed by sultanofcardio
  • Union of queries with differently derived columns loses the derived columns (#1373)



  • NotRegexpOp/notRegexp was removed
  • ResultRow.tryGet was removed
  • ResiltSet.create(rs: ResultSet, fields: List<Expression<*>>) was removed
  • Seq data class was removed
  • EntityID, IdTable, IntIdTable, LongIdTable, UUIDTable from package were removed
  • All classes and functions from were removed in favour to
  • Column.primaryKey function was removed in favor to explicit Table.primaryKey declaration

Breaking Changes:

  • All inheritors of IdTable (IntIdTable, LongIdTable, UUIDTable) have their id and primaryKey fields are final


  • DatabaseConfig.defaultSchema was introduced to set schema before first call in transaction
  • Coalesce now accepts any number for arguments

Bug fixes:

  • EntityCache was reinitialized on explicit Transaction.commit


Bug fixes:

  • Invalid column's default value check in SchemaUtils.addMissingColumnsStatements could lead unneeded column modification



  • DatabaseConfig.explicitDialect param added to predefine dialect for a Database

Bug fixes:

  • Don't fail when getting dialectName for user's defined drivers
  • [Spring] Possible connection leak within SpringTransactionManager #1355
  • Referrers cache wasn't invalidated when statement was executed on reference table (via use-case)
  • New entity was flushed on Entity.reload(flush = false) what can lead to unexpected results
  • ResultSet stayed unclosed if Query's result was not iterated till the end



  • kotlin-datetime can be used for datetime mappings with new 'exposed-kotlin-datetime' module
  • NULL FIRST/LAST sorting in queries with new SortOrder options (#478, #1343). Many thanks to erwinw for a PR
  • A new way to configure common settings for a database via DatabaseConfig ():
// An example with current available settings and their defaults
val dbConfig = DatabaseConfig {
    sqlLogger = Slf4jSqlDebugLogger
    useNestedTransactions = false
    defaultFetchSize = null // unlimited
    defaultIsolationLevel = -1 // DB specific
    defaultRepetitionAttempts = 3
    warnLongQueriesDuration = null // no long query tracing
    maxEntitiesToStoreInCachePerEntity = Int.MAX_VALUE // unlimited 
    keepLoadedReferencesOutOfTransaction = false
// databaseConfig available on each connect/connectPool functions
val database = Database.connect(datasource, databaseConfig = databaseConfig)
  • It's possible to limit the number of entities stored in EntityCache via maxEntitiesToStoreInCachePerEntity config parameter #1302
  • References can be stored within an Entity with enabled keepLoadedReferencesOutOfTransaction config parameter. It will allow getting referenced values outside the transaction block.
  • INSTERSECT and EXCEPT set operators supported (#402)
  • SchemaUtils.statementsRequiredToActualizeScheme function to get the list of statements required to actualize scheme by tables mappings



  • Supporting subqueries in insert and update statements. Added by hfazai
  • SQL highlighting in Transaction.exec with raw SQL (#1337)

Bug Fixes:

  • [SQLServer] Properly sanitize column default read from database metadata (#1341)
  • is not in record set (#1341)
  • newSuspendedTransaction often doesn't honor TransactionManager.defaultDatabase changes (#1342)
  • failed on parsing connection string with '/' in parameter list. Founded and fixed by RaySmith-ttc
  • Import of Exposed BOM failed when imported as a platform dependency. Fixed by clarkperkins



  • Kotlin 1.5.30


  • Op.nullOp() function added to allow set or compare with NULL (#1315)
  • [Spring Boot] Enable sql query logging to stdout with configuration parameter
  • Table.Dual introduced to allow queries without the real tables
  • Table.batchReplace function similar to Table.batchInsert added by pilotclass
  • Column default change detected in SchemaUtils.addMissingColumnsStatements with help of spand

Bug Fixes:

  • [PostgreSQL] GroupConcat with distinct fails (#1313)
  • UpdateBuilder inconsistently handles value set check
  • Empty update statement causes SQL Syntax error (#1241)
  • Don't call super.equals on Column.equals to prevent "toString" comparing.
  • [Oracle] count() fails on Union fixed by dakriy, also AS keyword was removed from Aliases
  • [SQLServer]Many to many relationship update breaks when updating from exposed 0.26.2 to 0.27.1 (#1319)


  • A lot of low-level improvements in different places



  • Kotlin 1.5.21
  • Kotlin Coroutines 1.5.1
  • kotlinter replaced with Detekt. Many thanks to BorzdeG for PR

Breaking Changes:

  • EntityCache internal representation was reworked to lower overhead on cache operations and to create more O(1) when working with references. EntityCache.inserts and EntityCache.referrers fields are not publicly available anymore.


  • Different math and trigonometrical functions were added. Check package
  • Bitwise AND, OR and, XOR were added by Max Rumpf
  • PrepareStatement can be cancelled, thanks Alex Shubert for supporting it
  • ForeignKeyConstraint.customFkName was added by spand
  • All types of joins now accepts additionalConstraint lambda (PR from spand)
  • InsertStatement now stores number of inserted rows in insertedCount field (#851)
  • batchInsert function now can be called on Sequences. Feature added by Philip Wedemann

Bug Fixes:

  • [MySQL/MariaDB] Restore old 0000-00-00 00:00:00 as null behavior for Mysql and MariaDb (PR from spand).
  • datetime column looses nanos part (#1028)
  • Setting value for the same column multiple times in UpdateBuilder fails (#1177)
  • [SQLite] primaryKey override ignored (#1258
  • Transaction can be unexpectedly initialized when working with coroutines
  • [PostgreSQL] REAL type will be used instead of FLOAT8 for float column. Thanks Philip Wedemann for fix
  • [Oracle] TIME is not supported on Oracle, mimic it with datetime type



  • Kotlin 1.5.10
  • Kotlin Coroutines 1.5.0
  • slf4j 1.7.30
  • Spring 5.3.7
  • Spring Boot 2.5.0
  • Bill Of Materials (BOM) available, many thanks to DRSchlaubi


  • Auto-increment columns state change detected (PR from spand)
  • Explicit statementType for Transaction.exec functions (also, EXEC StatementType was introduced). (390, 1249)

Bug Fixes:

  • Entities should be removed from the cache on update/delete made with DSL queries
  • Regression: Clientside length validation in ColumnType breaks otherwise harmless where clause (1204, 1222)
  • Using Entity.flush does not alert EntityHook subscribers (1225)
  • TransactionScope throws NullPointerException instead of IllegalStateException when used outside the transaction (1250)
  • Spring transaction connection leaks when used with non-exposed transactions (1167)




  • TIME data type support in exposed-java-time module (224). Improvement provided by vorotynsky and Jhyub
  • inList with Pairs and Triples support (643)

Bug Fixes:

  • Proper support for Sequences as default value or autoincrement (492, 1164, 1209)
  • [SQL Server] Proper support for 'DEFAULT' keyword (1207). PR by ahayanm001


  • Lower footprint on creating ResultRow from ResultSet. Fix was inspired by maio


Bug Fixes:

  • Null Durations Convert to 0 (1196)
  • Bugs in ISqlExpressionBuilder.coalesce() affecting return value type (1199)
  • SELECT is called twice if the with method called on a Query (1202)
  • Early versions of MySQL Connector don't work with Exposed (1203). PR by MeowRay
  • Query.prepareSQL(QueryBuilder) is made public to allow preparing raw SQLs (1206



  • Artifact publishing moved from jcenter/Bintray to Maven Central
  • Kotlin 1.4.32
  • Kotlin Coroutines 1.4.3


  • UNION and UNION ALL set operations support with related union, unionAll functions (402)
  • like and notLike methods work with string expression, PR from hfazai
  • Eager loading now works with any iterable


  • Different minor memory improvements in exposed-dao module by jnfeinstein
  • Less entity cache invalidations when works with a single entity

Bug fixes:

  • MySQL text type is now treated as longtext, SQLServer is VARCHAR(MAX), thanks to Dmitry Kolmogortsev
  • Fix to support recent PostgreSQL NG driver by hfazai
  • String functions failed to work with strings longer than 255 characters
  • Query.count() and Query.empty() functions can lead to ResultSet memory leaks
  • Alias was lost in update with join queries
  • [SQLServer] Problem with blob columns when assigning null value
  • Deleting an entity after it is created does not delete it from cache (1175)
  • EnumerationNameColumnType fails with vague exception when unknown value in DB (1176)



  • Kotlin 1.4.21
  • Kotlin Coroutines 1.4.1
  • Spring Framework 5.3.3
  • Spring Boot 2.4.2


  • Now it's possible to define default Database (it will not be overridden by next Database.connect()) (1125). Fix provided by jnfeinstein. Check wiki for details.
  • New eqSubQuery and notEqSubQuery functions added by xJoeWoo to compare value with sub-query result.
  • New functions to build expressions in a chain-like manner (and, or, andNot, orNot). Idea and realisation by SchweinchenFuntik.

Bug fixes:

  • DatasourceHealthIndicator consumes all the DB connections from the pool when used with Exposed Spring Boot starter (1077).
  • Ignore internal SQLite indices on check. PR by hannesbraun.
  • Narrow scope of referring cache evictions on inserts and deletes. jnfeinstein thank you for PR.
  • At least one column should be provided in Table.slice(). Fixed by hfazai.
  • Multiple attempts to create indices that already exist (1031) fixed by gerritc.
  • "id not in record set" exception when read value by a column that has related id column (1032)
  • Read datetime fails with "No transaction in context" when called outside the transaction with already fetched data (1130).
  • Incorrect state for TransactionManager.manager after calling closeAndUnregister (1100).
  • Connection not available after exceptions with suspendable transaction (1138)
  • Entities weren't flushed when executing query with only expressions in select part. Reported and fixed by jnfeinstein.
  • Fix for exposed-jodatime module to work with MySQL ConnectorJ 8.0.23


Breaking Changes:

  • referrersOn/optionalReferrersOn is now have cache=true by default 1046. It should help to prevent excessive queries when reading referenced values withing the same transaction but may require more memory to store the cached values.
  • Default isolation level for PostgreSQL now set to READ_COMMITTED. PR by uryyyyyyy
  • [Oracle] Binary column type without length prohibited in favour to blob


  • Kotlin 1.4.10
  • Kotlin Coroutines 1.3.9
  • Spring Framework 5.2.9
  • Spring Boot 2.3.3


  • Custom jdbc-driver registration supported with Database.registerJdbcDriver function (#1023), thanks rnentjes for the improvement.

Bug fixes:

  • Confusing slice api distincts same expressions (#1020)
  • Can't read text column, if it exceeds 255 chars. (#1029)
  • SchemaUtils#addMissingColumnsStatements function made public (#1030)
  • Sum on Duration columns fails with exception (#1033)
  • Batch insert can't be used with nullable collections (#847). PR by JamiesWhiteShirt
  • Nullable columns can't have default values. Fixed by xGabrielDEV
  • A possible speedup for Schema related operations on fetching metadata
  • It was impossible to make tables join with additional constraint only, implicit join part always added to a join
  • [SQLite] Wrong datetime format used
  • [H2] Problems with creating primary keys (#841, #1051)
  • [Oracle] A lot of fixes for datatime column types
  • [Oracle] Tables weren't resolved from Scheme



  • Nullable CompositeColumn support (with CompositeMoneyColumn as a reference implementation)
  • adjustSlice now provides current FieldSet as a function parameter
  • New decimalParam and decimalLiteral introduced
  • DivideOp with BigDecimals could adjust scale with withScale function
  • Sequences updated to support Long values with nextIntVal and nextLongVal functions as replacement of nextIntVal
  • [SQLite] DateTime column representation changed from NUMERIC (with seconds precision) to TEXT (with millis)
  • Allow setting unwrapped value for EntityID columns with UpdateBuilder (insert/update/etc)

Bug fixes:

  • wrapAsExpression somehow makes program fail with "debug" log level (#1006)
  • LocalDateTime miss the nanos part (#1008)
  • cannot use SEQUENCE nextVal (#1002)
  • [SQLite] WHERE clause with DateTime expressions could return wrong result. PR by hfazai.
  • [SQLServer] Don't use OUTPUT clause in inserts when shouldReturnGeneratedValues=false
  • [SQLServer ] Unnecessary limit for OUTPUT command when using batch insert (#440)



  • MySQL related tests were moved from old embedded-mxj to test-containers (#957). Kudos to KushalP

Bug Fixes:

  • Fix for java9+ returns empty string for Class.simpleName of anonymous classes, what cause an empty table name
  • Enable use of Exposed with Quarkus / GraalVM Native Image. Compile time dependency to H2 was removed (#919).
  • Between function doesn't work when run against Oracle database (#974).
  • [MySQL] Infinite recursion in match operator (#978).
  • Using exposed-java-time module on Android could end with NoSuchMethodError (#991), (#998).
  • Binary type doesn't honor max length. Client-side length validation for BinaryColumnType (#993).
  • CharColumnType equals doesn't check colLength parameter
  • Creating similar tables/indices on different schemas could fail with an error (#803).
  • [SQLite] Allow providing limit for UPDATE/DELETE statements if SQLite was compiled with optional_limit_and_order_by_clauses option (#979). harry huang, thank you for a PR.




  • New composite column type to create complex mappings to multiple columns.
  • Money column type and a new exposed-money module. This and above were implemented by encircled
  • Duration column type (exposed-java-time module only) provided by CommanderTvis
  • Transaction.exec functions accept list of parameters. PR by uuf6429.
  • [H2] Native REPLACE instead of INSERT... ON DUPLICATE UPDATE by pilotclass.
  • Other unsigned types: ubyte, ushort, uint added by kenta.koyama.
  • Index type support added by ryanpbrewster.

Bug Fixes:

  • Upgrading from 0.17.7 to 0.25.1 leading to overload resolution ambiguity, created Database.connectPool (#938
  • Impossible to refresh entity created via new(id: ID?, ...) (#925), PR by socar-bad
  • Concat function should accept any expression not only strings. PR by palevomr.
  • Irregular order of operands in generated CHECK constraint (#920)
  • [SQLite] allow NOT NULL modifier for PK column. Fixed by hfazai.
  • SchemaUtils.createMissingTablesAndColumns fails with references (#866, #934, #952). Fixed by jschmid.



  • UNSIGNED LONG column support (PR by kenta.koyama)
  • shouldReturnGeneratedValues param added to batchInsert function and statement. Useful when reWriteBatchedInserts enabled.
  • Eager loading for text columns / H2: column of 'text' type requires open transaction even if it was already read successfully (#848)

Bug Fixes:

  • Problem with suspended transaction functions and spring transaction manager
  • Using blocking transactions after a suspending transaction causes a "Connection is closed" exception
  • SQLite driver name does not recognize correctly (#905)
  • limit(0) doesn't work (#845)
  • Ignore missing fields instead of crashing
  • DatabaseDialect.modifyColumn doesn't work for H2 (#911)
  • ClassCastException when using selectBatched with integer autoinc table (PR by DarkXanteR)
  • ResultSet & Statement leaks in simple query (#871) / Possible fix for not closed inputStreams.



  • Kotlin 1.3.72
  • Kotlin Coroutines 1.3.5
  • MariaDB driver 2.6.0
  • MySQL drivers 5.1.49 and 8.0.20
  • Oracle driver replaced from Atlasian fork ( to original
  • PostgreSQL driver 42.2.12.jre6
  • PostgreSQL NG driver 0.8.4
  • SQLServer driver 8.2.2.jre8
  • SQLite driver 3.31.1


  • A lot of improvements on working with Schema (checking for existence, additional parameters like password, defaultTablespace, etc). Thanks a lot to hfazai.
  • CHAR(N) column type support (#858).
  • BYTE column type support (PR #876 from spand).
  • timestampParam, timestampLiteral and CustomTimeStampFunction added by spand (PR #876).
  • Support for javax.sql.ConnectionPoolDataSource in Database.connect (#902)
  • Allow to provide transactionIsolation level on newSuspendedTransaction/suspendedTransactionAsync

Bug fixes:

  • No need to provide explicit transaction isolation level for SQLite and Oracle
  • [PostgreSQL] Exception when using jsonb question mark operator ('?') (#890 fixed by qoomon)
  • [Spring Boot] NoUniqueBeanDefinitionException thrown (#869)
  • Do not request generated key if no autoinc/sequence columns provided in an insert statement / reWriteBatchedInserts does not work with PostgreSQL (#881)
  • castTo should return the expression of exact type (#874)
  • DateTime problem with SQLite (using / Different amount of millis stored and restored (#823)

Code specific changes:

  • SqlExpressionBuilderClass deprecated in favor to ISqlExpressionBuilder (PR #859 from Ali Lozano).
  • equals and hashCode on ColumnType (PR #860 from Ali Lozano).



  • Schema support: create/set current/drop. Many thanks to hfazai.

Bug fixes:

  • Spring transaction doesn't close/commit transaction at the end of transaction block (#831).
  • SpringTransactionManager has connection leak when used with transaction instead of @Transaction annotation (#831).
  • id not in record set when getting by id which alias to another column (#820).
  • Fixed tableConstraints retrieval fails for column names that need quoting fixed by t-kameyama, thank you (#839).
  • Fixed attempt to create the same foreign key constraint even if one already exists (#843).


Documentation on SQL functions was added by Juan José González Abril

Breaking Changes:

  • Return type of SizedIterable.count() (and Query.count() as an inheritor) was changed from Int to Long to support very large tables.

Also, offset parameter of SizedIterable.limit() and DeleteStatement functions were changed accordingly. limit parameter stays untouched to be in sync with Kotlin Collection.size


  • New pgjdbc-ng driver for PostgreSQL supported with help of hfazai
  • Updates with joins supported (#671), (#636), (#671).
  • Custom names for foreign keys supported by t-kameyama (#510).
  • Support for notInSubQuery expression (#791), thanks for PR, dolgopolovwork.
  • Database.connect() could be used without providing an explicit driver. It will be resolved from a connection url. Improvement provided by Ali Lozano.
  • Most of SQL operators can be called on Expressions instead of ExpressionWithColumnType #829

Bug fixes:

  • Respect schema in JdbcDatabaseMetadataImpl.tableNames (#797).
  • JavaLocalDateTimeColumnType not setting nanoseconds correctly on Timestamp (#793).
  • Correct precedence for arithmetic operators (#788) fixed by toefel18.
  • Default value was not generated in DDL for columns within a primary key (#810).
  • QueryAlias.get(original: Expression<T>) lose query's alias (#633).
  • Query.copy() doesn't clone internal lists was fixed by Ali Lozano.
  • Unable to create entity with overridden equals method due to field initialization error (#806).


Public methods and classes of database dialects, tables and columns were covered with documentation by Juan José González Abril. Thanks a lot!


  • Sequences support improved: added all parameters like startWith, incrementBy and other, nextVal expression. Thank you hfazai for such great PR.
  • CustomOperator introduced to be used when you need to create an SQL operator. PR from gelineau.
  • SchemaUtils.createDatabase and SchemaUtils.dropDatabase added by hfazai
  • GUID values could be stored in UUID columns (#767). Fixed by hfazai.

Bug fixes:

  • spring-configuration-metadata.json is not located inside exposed-spring-boot-starter.jar (#767)
  • It wasn't possible to use eq operator on nullable entity id column and base column value (#748)
  • java.lang.IllegalStateException was thrown when one table references to other by id column (#501)



Bug fixes:

  • Can't load implementation for DatabaseConnectionAutoRegistration (#748).
  • Proper length check when using Unicode strings (#743). PR from pt2121, thank you.
  • Custom enumeration not working with default value (#750)
  • [SQLite] fixing a bug that happens when creating table with autoInc column and custom primarykey constraint name (#755). Fixed by hfazai.
  • Flushing a new entity fails with an exception (#761)
  • Update event wasn't fired on Entity.flush() (#764)


Bug fixes:

  • Predefined IntIdTable/LongIdTable/UUIDTable should respect deprecated primaryKey declaration.



  • New way to define primary keys on tables were implemented by hfazai to support custom primary key constraint keys. If have to use override val primaryKey: PrimaryKey? on your table if you want to define a custom name. For all users of predefined IntIdTable/LongIdTable/UUIDTable nothing changed. Old Column.primaryKey function was depricated and will be removed in the future releases.
  • java.time.Instant supported with timestamp column type (exposed-java-time module only) (#724). Many thanks to Lukáš Křečan.
  • Support for unsized binary columns (Oracle and PostgreSQL dialects) (#716). Another great PR from hfazai.
  • A unique identifier for Transaction instance introduced and supported in EntityHooks/EntityEvents by mpe85.

Bug fixes:

  • Annoying NoSuchElementException from 0.19.3 fixed by Toshiaki Kameyama (#731)
  • Prevent defining duplicated column name in a table. Now you will get DuplicateColumnException at runtime (#709). Nice work hfazai!
  • batchInsert will throw BatchDataInconsistentException instead of NoSuchElementException when it wasn't possible to make insertion (#741).



  • Query.orderBy() functions with boolean sort parameter were removed

Bug fixes:

  • NoSuchElementException: List is empty on updating not flushed entities (#708)
  • Replace function fails on H2 in MySQL mode when using pool
  • Delayed DAO update flush causes unique constraint violation (#717)
  • Query.empty() shouldn't add LIMIT 1 if query is marked as forUpdate() (#684)


Breaking Changes:

  • EntityID, IdTable, IntIdTable, LongIdTable, UUIDTable classes from exposed-core were moved from to package along with exposed-jodatime module classes to support Java 9 module system. To help with migration, old classes were deprecated with proper replaceWith option. Read migration guide for more details.


  • selectBatched and selectAllBatched functions added to make queries in batches (#642). Many thanks to Pin-Sho Feng for a PR.
  • Added UpdateBuilder.update expression builder version (#700). Another useful PR from spand
  • New SQL datetime functions year, day, hour, minute, second (#707). Helpful PR from hfazai

Bug fixes:

  • SpringTransactionManager doesn't properly rollback transactions in some cases (#666)
  • Compilation error Field name 'Oracle12+' cannot be represented in dex format. (#668)
  • Enable comparing(less/lessEq/greater/greaterEq) to nullable column (#694). Thank you Toshiaki Kameyama.
  • Fixed insert statements with expression as a value.
  • Do not load related entities multiple times when using eager loading with the same entities. Small but useful fix from kenta.koyama
  • Failed on create a FK for a table created in another database schema (#701)


Major changes:

  • New modules model. For more details please read dependencies section and migration guide in wiki.
  • Java 8 Time API support



  • Remove deprecated Expression.toSQL
  • newSuspendedTransactionAsync now returns Deferred instead of TransactionResult (which was removed completely)
  • TransactionResult.andThen function was removed


  • Added autoGenerate method for uuid columns to generate UUID on client side (#664). PR from Aleks.

Bug fixes:

  • [Coroutines] newSuspendedTransaction captures outer transaction and then close it before return to outer block
  • [Coroutines] IllegalArgumentException thrown when List<Deferred>.awaitAll() is used on List<TransactionResult> (#658)
  • identifierLengthLimit should not be lazy initialized
  • Immutable entities wasn't invalidated in some cases (#665). PR from Dmitry Dolzhenko.
  • Rework resolving auto increment type to handle own ColumnType implementation (#663). PR from Mateusz Śledź.
  • Fixing the month built-in function in case of all database dialects (#670). PR from hfazai
  • Compilation error Field name 'Oracle12+' cannot be represented in dex format. (#668)
  • [SQLite] Problem with autoIncrement() and primaryKey(). (#649), (#669)
  • fixes in error logging of expressions.


Critical bug fix:

  • Outer transaction wasn't restored after inner transaction failed on exception

Bug fixes:

  • ORA-00972: identifier is too long. Oracle 11g (#654)


  • shortParam/shortLiteral, floatParam/floatLiteral, doubleParam/doubleLiteral added (#648)
  • Warmup for backReferences via load and with functions was supported


Critical bug fix:

  • Transaction isolation level wasn't applied to transaction


Critical bug fix:

  • and function executed on And expression mutates expression state


  • SchemaUtils functions (create/createMissingTablesAndColumns/drop) could be executed with inBatch flag to perform related functions in a single batch (where possible)


  • Speed up scheme analysis within for MySQL in place where column constraints metadata is required



  • Kotlin updated to 1.3.50


  • Added short column type support backed with SMALLINT SQL type
  • Added greater/greaterEq/less/lessEq functions with EntityID parameter (#619)

Bug fixes:

  • CURRENT_TIMESTAMP/NOW used as DEFAULT were broken for MySQL in some cases (#631. Thanks Saeed Shahrivari for initial PR.


Bug fixes:

  • MySQL match function is broken
  • notInList function doesn't work with list of EntityID. Thank you kenta.koyama for a PR.



  • QueryBuilder and Expression were reworked to lower object allocation when preparing SQL.


This version has a broken change: Expression.toSQL was replaced with Expression.toQueryBuilder. Difference is what toQueryBuilder doesn't return String representation of an Expression but only register it in a QueryBuilder. If you need to get raw SQL value please use Expression.toString.



Bug fixes:

  • ClassCastException on an attempt to flush IdTable with reference to Table
  • Fixed needQuotes check of already quoted identifiers (#614). Thanks mpe85
  • Suspend transactions broken when working with multiple databases (#624)
  • Unnecessary select when preloading absent references (#615)
  • Updates of entities were executed in random order what could lead to unexpected behavior



  • Added rightJoin, fullJoin and crossJoin functions. Fedor Korotkov thanks for PR.

Bug fixes:

  • Connection is closed error when used suspended transactions (#601)
  • Nested transaction partially commits outer transaction since 0.16.1 (#605)


Bug fixes:

  • Connection is closed error when used suspended transactions (#601)
  • EntityHooks fails on commit from suspended transactions
  • TransactionManager.manager is public again (#599)



  • Spring Boot starter for Exposed (#582). Many kudos to Trey Bastian!
  • Nested transactions support (#534). Could be enabled via Database.useNestedTransactions property. Thanks for initial PR to Antanas Arvasevicius.
  • orWhere function added (#584)
  • neq infix function on Column<EntityID<*>> added (#590)

Bug Fixes:

  • Build LIMIT only if size is strictly positive (#586)
  • optReference fails with type inference when referenced to non-nullable column (#593)
  • Impossible to use references on Column<EntityID<*>> (#591)



  • suspendedTransaction function introduced to work within suspend functions. See wiki section for more details.
  • Custom functions support (#581). See wiki section for more details.

Bug Fixes:

  • Duplicated columns in the parameter list of slice() caused unexpected value in ResultRow (#581)


Bug Fixes:

  • concat function doesn't work with Oracle (#509)
  • SQLServer metadata already closed issues (#580)



  • Now it's possible to create Entities from aliased tables/queries. Corresponded wrapRow/wrapRows functions were added to EntityClass (#404)
  • Support for regexp function (both case-sensitive/insensitive) was provided on every database which provided it
  • concat function was introduced (#509)

Performance optimizations:

  • Unnecessary string escaping in registerArguments was removed when used prepared statements


  • Mysql 8.0 tests added
  • Oracle tests were reanimated



  • InsertStatement.generatedKey field removed


  • like operator for Column<EntityID<String>> (#117)

Bug Fixes:

  • SQLServer dialect fails on loading extraNameCharacters from DatabaseMetadata
  • insertIgnore with get id on result fails for MySQL (#574)
  • Oracle dialect improvements


  • Run MySQL tests on MySQL 5.7+ with jdbc driver 8.0.16 (#171)
  • Oracle tests reanimated on Oracle 18 XE


Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed support for H2 1.4.198+ (CVE-2018-10054) (#530, #558)
  • LazySizedCollection.limit() produce StackOverflowError exception (#569)
  • Explicitly specify constraint name in create table statement (PR #570 from vetrovosk)


Kotlin updated to 1.3.31


  • logger field removed from Transaction (#447)
  • Deprecated functions removed: wrapRow, createIndex, groupConcat (with boolean order param), join
  • enumeration/enumerationByName with Class<*> param removed


  • ANSI keywords list actualized to SQl2003.2 (PR #551 from boonshift)

Bug fixes:

  • Only warn of schema/db mismatch if its the case. It isn't on left join. (PR #541 from spand)
  • Warn full column name in "Column ... is marked as not null" message
  • Escape collate in Text and Varchar columns (PR #554 from doyaaaaaken)
  • Aliased tables had use their original names in ON part



  • Attempt to fetch not only autoincrement values but all returned from insert/batchInsert
  • New method (TransactionManger.closeAndUnregister) to close and unregister a database connection (PR #529 from Max Rumpf)

Bug fixes:

  • [MySQL] Constraints fails when table names are in lower case (PR #539 from valepakh)
  • [H2, SQLite] SchemaUtils.createMissingTablesAndColumns doesn't correctly check constraints (#535)


Bug fixes:

  • Initialize client defaults only for target entity table columns (was broken in #0.13.4 with #526



  • Finished moving to Gradle Kotlin DSL. Many thanks to Thanks for PR goes to Vladislav Tankov (@tanvd).


  • InsertStatement.generatedKey is forbidden to use now in favour to resultValues and insertAndGetId


  • InsertStatement.get function was split into get and getOrNull to simplify get use. Thanks for PR goes to Johannes Jensen (@spand)

Bug fixes:

  • clientDefault is called multiple times gives incorrect value (#526)
  • Fix composite PK bugs (Thanks Aidar Samerkhanov (@Darych) for PR): incorrect evaluation of last column index in PK and missed column description DDL in ALTER TABLE for non H2 databases.
  • forUpdate value was ignored in warmUp* functions when was applied to mapLazy/cached references
  • Join on two tables with more than one foreign key constraint fails even with additionalConstraint (#522)


Bug fixes:

  • Unable to create index on column that also has a foreign key with createMissingTablesAndColumns, fix for MySQL (#498)
  • Use memberProperties instead of declaredMemberProperties in with/preloadRelations.


Bug fixes:

  • Wrong values returned from warmUp* functions which leads to N + 1



  • Eager Loading (#420). More information and how to use it could found at wiki.

Bug fixes:

  • Unable to create index on column that also has a foreign key with createMissingTablesAndColumns (#498)
  • Using createMissingTablesAndColumns() generates a spurious WARN message in log files (#480)
  • Unexpected value of type Int: 26 of (#501)
  • More proper handling of forUpdate/notForUpdate/orderBy on LazySizedCollection
  • Problems on comparing binary types (bit from MySQL) (#491)


Kotlin updated to 1.3.21


  • DAO: It's possible to call orderBy on SizedIterable to sort entities (#476)
  • DSL/DAO: Self join many-to-many relationships (#106). See wiki page for example.
  • DSL: Allow to apply groupConcat on expressions (#486). Thanks for PR goes to Edvinas Danevičius (@Edvinas01).
  • Log every SQLException thrown inside inTopLevelTransaction with warn instead of info level
  • SQLServer dialect will now use uniqueidentifier for UUID columns
  • Compound operations introduced: compoundAnd/compoundOr(#469)
  • Op.TRUE/Op.FALSE expressions added
  • OR operator was optimized to use less braces
  • Oracle: Speedup extracting tableColumns metadata

Bug fixes:

  • Impossible to set default value with nullable column (#474)
  • UUID value not read correctly (#473)
  • No key generated exception thrown when trying to insert row to IdTable using insertAndGetId with explicit id and then make search by returned id (#432)


  • orderBy with boolean sort parameters was deprecated



  • MariaDB support
  • Suspending transaction functions (#418)
  • DAO: It's possible to specify forUpdate state in warmup* functions

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed condition when IllegalStateException should be thrown on LazySizedCollection forUpdate/notForUpdate
  • inTopLevelTransaction accepts Database instead of TransactionManager (#448)
  • LIMIT is not supported in DELETE SQLite message (#455)
  • Limit propagate is same entity (#439)
  • forIds/forEntityIds wont return partially cached values
  • Accessing enum field in Entity created using causes ClassCastException (#464)
  • NoClassDefFoundError when creating table on Android (#461)
  • exec(String) throws SQLException: ResultSet already requested (#414)
  • SQLite autoincrement table is not created correctly (#328)


  • Deprecate InsertStatement.generatedKey (#424)
  • Using ofTransactions.logger is prohibited
  • SchemaUtils.createIndex with columns and isUnique parameters is prohibited
  • groupConcat with boolean sortOrder is replaced with similar SortOrder version
  • join is replaced with innerJoin
  • enumeration/enumerationByName with java Class replaced with kotlin KClass


  • Kotlin #1.3.0
  • Fixed bug that call for createMissingTablesAndColumns could lead to exception while trying to add an index which already exists in db (MySQL only problem)



  • Support entity references by non-ID column (#282)
  • groupConcat function reworked and supported on all databases (except SQLite)
  • Now it's possible to create cyclic depended tables in single SchemaUtils.createTable() call. Relates to Defer Foreign references during creation (#384)
  • Introduced SchemaUtils.checkCycle() function to check tables for cyclic references
  • MOD (%) operator support (#391)
  • Set RepetitionAttempts in TransactionManager (to set globally) (#393)
  • Fail with KNPE on not null columns with null
  • Throw exception when trying to change onUpdate state for loaded LazySizedCollection
  • Database.dialect field is now public

Bug fixes:

  • BatchUpdateStatement results in IllegalStateException: Table.columnName is already initialized (#386)
  • BatchUpdateStatement expects set(..) calls in alphabetical order and fails when given more than 2 batches (#388)
  • autoIncrement carries to referencing column (#385)
  • Query fails when same column/expression provided in slice multiple times
  • columnConstraints() returns wrong map with keys in wrong order (target instead of referee)
  • Try to expand Query in ExposedSQLException even if it wasn't able to use current transaction.
  • Autoinc column does not necessarily need to be the first column in the table (#398)
  • "No transaction in context" when using SpringTransactionManager (#365, #407)
  • uuid values are not properly escaped in subquery (#415)
  • Foreign Key Constraints being recreated (#394)



  • Added DOUBLE column type (#358). Thanks go to Jonathan Shore (@tr8dr).
  • Entity.refresh() introduced to update its state from database (see kdoc)
  • All statements classes become open to allowing inheritance (#350)
  • where part made optional in UPDATE statement (#115)
  • andWhere function introduced to help in constructing complex queries (#375). See "Conditional where" section on Wiki.

Bug fixes:

  • Varchar column doesn't validate length / Validate length only before execute update (#300)
  • sqlState doesn't available on ExposedSQLException (#331)
  • [SQLite] ClassCastException when reading from VARCHAR column (#369)
  • Use ::class instead of for enumerations (#370) Previous functions enumeration/enumerationByName were deprecated with quick fix to new ones. Both functions will be removed on next releases.
  • Multiple join produce "DSL SYNTAX ERROR" (#366)
  • Entities flush to a database after a DROP table (#112)
  • Entity id is not generated properly when using clientDefault on related column (#313)
  • ClassCastExpection when using alias on a expressions (#379)
  • [MySQL] Entity ids were not generated properly with rewriteBatchedStatements flag is on.
  • [Oracle] LONG type replaced with CLOB for text columns (#382)



  • ON UPDATE reference constraint added
  • All dialects made public and open for extensibility
  • Transaction.addLogger() function introduced as replacement to logger.addLogger() approach
  • Strings will be validated against column max length before inserting to database (#300)
  • Overriding the fetch size for a Query (#327)

Bug fixes:

  • Extended sql exception logging available only in debug mode
  • [PostgreSQL] Table with customEnumeration column doesn't work with Entity/DAO API (#340)
  • Table with composite key created only with specific prop order (#343)
  • allTableNames in VendorDialect returns only from current database (#339)
  • "ORA-00972: identifier is too long" on creating table with long name



  • Floating point columns
  • Check constraint functionallity (kudos to @SackCastellon)
  • Possibility to provide custom names for contraints and indexes (thanks to @mduesterhoeft)
  • Added support to delete with limit and offset (thanks @Mon_chi for initial PR)
  • Full SQL will be now logged on any SQLException (#288 [Suggestion] Log the SQL query when an exception is thrown)
  • Postgres support for ignore + replace
  • H2 support for INSERT IGNORE for new H2 version
  • Statement interceptors now allow triggering on before commit and rollback
  • Database ENUM types supported (read more here)

Bug fixes:

  • #279 'SELECT MAX(datetime)' throws ClassCastException
  • #289 UUID's are not shown in logs
  • #284 Postgres, DSL Approach: primary key with custom names beside `...