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Triage Meeting February 2nd, 2021

Royce edited this page Feb 2, 2021 · 9 revisions


Anton, Abdul, Mohammed, David, Chris, Yuan, Minh, Pedro, Ilya, Tony (came later)

Triage Leaders: Abdul (Main Leader), Royce (Writing/Logging)

Pull Request #1414:

  • Might be ready by Friday?
  • Focusing on another PR

Pull Request #1572:

  • Nobody assigned, Chris will take a look at it
  • Might no longer be an issue anymore?

Pull Request #1586:

  • Related to Mo's PR, will be reviewed

Pull Request #:

  • Needs last review

Pull Request #1583:

Pull Request #1524:

  • Needs to be tested
  • Mo can take ownership with help from David?
  • Related to a issue #1252, assignee abandoned
  • Mo taking ownership

Pull Request #1621:

  • Waiting on search page to be finished
  • Needs to be reviewed

Pull Request #1618:

  • Abdul reviewed, needs to be reverted to previous commit
  • Still being worked on, Git is the problem holding Minh back
  • Suggested to be redone from scratch

Pull Request #1446:

  • Ilya says he still has to work on this
  • Will finish his current PR and start this one right after, should finish by 1.6 release

Pull Request #1628:

  • Need to update the regex we use the
  • Need to discuss the best approach to handling this
  • Generates an extra commit which is not preferable, needs to be addressed before it's ready to go

Pull Request #1632:

  • Probably won't be for 1.6, still needs to be tested
  • Will be pushed 1.7, shouldn't take a long time once we start

Pull Request #1629:

  • Needs to be reviewed, see video in the comments
  • Is the API optimal? Needs discussion/review
  • Update: reviewed and merged
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