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Planning Session, Feb 10, 2020

yatsenko-julia edited this page Feb 10, 2020 · 3 revisions


Dave, Ana, Julia, Cindy, Krystyna, Josue, Calvin, James

Planning Session

TODO list before Release 1.0:

  • Continuous Deployment
    • Master -> always on staging
    • Tag -> production
    • PR.master
  • SSO
    • Logout
    • Seneca SS0
  • Use user info - nice to have
    • Add feed
  • UI
    • Resized images
    • Desktop
    • Mobile
    • Small CSS
    • Pages (links to other sites (CDOT, Seneca))
    • Side panel ? Should be designed
  • Search
    • Backend, index, deployment
    • UI
  • Marketing
    • Stickers
  • “Posts look proper”
    • Text, code -> format, <pre>, <code>, links, images
  • Proper support for Medium, Blogger and WP
    • Use their HTML?
  • Redis
    • Storage volumes - dev? - prod?
    • Backups ?
  • DB or cache?
    • Progressive Web App
    • Gatsby Manifest
    • Gatsby offline
  • Docs should be updated before release 1.0

TODO list for Release 0.7:

  • Logout
  • Staging, auto deployment
  • Formatting of posts (CSS)
  • Search
    • Indexing
    • API (GraphQL, REST)
  • Add feed
    • Decide on DB
    • Backend
  • UI
    • search design + prototype
    • add feed ui design and prototype
    • REACT componentents
    • CSS issues
    • GATSBY things, <link>, switch to graphQL

Task Assignee
Logout James, David
Staging, auto deploy Calvin, Josue
Format of posts(CSS) Krystyna, David
UI Miguel, Krystyna, Cindy, Ana, Julia
Search Julia, Josue, Krystyna, Cindy, Miguel
Add Feed Rafi, Calvin, James

At the end of Release 0.7 we are expecting:

  • Logout
  • Push to master / deploy
  • Prototype UI search, add feed(work in a limited way)
  • Images behave
  • UI looks closer to our design
  • FE is more Gatsby like
  • Authenticated user can post a feed to BE
  • Search posts by author and see that in UI

TODO list for Release 0.8:

  • Production ?
  • Storage volumes
  • Mobile/pwA

TODO list for Release 0.9:

  • Docs updates
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