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This module provides a set of cmdlets to manage RabbitMQ through the REST API. It was originally written by @mariuszwojcik, with slight modifications from @ramblingcookiemonster.

A brief walk through on some basic components of this module are included in the RabbitMQ and PowerShell post.


Download, unblock, and copy the module folder to a valid module path.

# Download RabbitMqTools
# Unblock the archive
# Copy the RabbitMQTools module to one of your module paths ($env:PSModulePath -split ";")

# Alternatively, with PowerShell 5, or PowerShellGet:
    Install-Module RabbitMQTools

#Import the module
    Import-Module RabbitMQTools -force

#Get commands from the module
    Get-Command -module RabbitMQTools

#Get help for a command
    Get-Help Get-RabbitMQOverview
#Can you hit the server?
    Get-RabbitMQOverview -BaseUri "" -Credential (Get-Credential)


#Import the module
    Import-Module RabbitMQTools -force

#Define some credentials.  You need an account on RabbitMQ server before we can do this
    $credRabbit = Get-Credential
#Convenience - tab completion support for BaseUri
    Register-RabbitMQServer -BaseUri ""
#I don't want to keep typing those common parameters... we'll splat them
    $Params = @{
        BaseUri = ""
        Credential = $credRabbit
#Can you hit the server?
    Get-RabbitMQOverview @params
#This shows how to create an Exchange and a Queue
#Think of the Exchange as the Blue USPS boxes, and a queue as the individual mailboxes the Exchanges route messages to
    $ExchangeName = "TestFanExc"
    $QueueName = 'TestQueue'
#Create an exchange
    Add-RabbitMQExchange @params -name $ExchangeName -Type fanout -Durable -VirtualHost /
#Create a queue for the exchange - / is a vhost initialized with install
    Add-RabbitMQQueue @params -Name $QueueName -Durable -VirtualHost /
#Bind them
    Add-RabbitMQQueueBinding @params -ExchangeName $ExchangeName -Name $QueueName -VirtualHost / -RoutingKey TestQueue
#Add a message to the exchange
    $message = [pscustomobject]@{samaccountname='cmonster';home='\\server\cmonster$'} | ConvertTo-Json
    Add-RabbitMQMessage @params -VirtualHost / -ExchangeName $ExchangeName -RoutingKey TestQueue -Payload $Message
#View your changes:
    Get-RabbitMQExchange @params
    Get-RabbitMQQueue @params
    Get-RabbitMQQueueBinding @params -Name $QueueName
#View the message we added:
    Get-RabbitMQMessage @params -VirtualHost / -Name $QueueName
        # = the number in the queue
        Queue = name of the queue
        R = whether we've read it (blank when you first read it, * if something has read it)
        Payload = your content.  JSON is helpful here.
              # Queue                R Payload
            --- -----                - -------
              1 TestQueue            * {...
#View the payload for the message we added:
    Get-RabbitMQMessage @params -VirtualHost / -Name $QueueName | Select -ExpandProperty Payload

        JSON output:

            "samaccountname":  "cmonster",
            "home":  "\\\\server\\cmonster$"

#Example processing the message
    $Incoming = Get-RabbitMQMessage @params -VirtualHost / -Name $QueueName -count 1 -Remove
    $IncomingData = $Incoming.payload | ConvertFrom-Json
    #If something fails, add the message back, or handle with other logic...

    #It's gone
    Get-RabbitMQMessage @params -VirtualHost / -Name $QueueName -count 1
    #We have our original data back...
    #There are better ways to handle this, illustrative purposes only : )
#Remove the Queue
    Remove-RabbitMQQueue @params -Name $QueueName -VirtualHost /
#Remove the Exchange
    Remove-RabbitMQExchange @params -ExchangeName $ExchangeName -VirtualHost /
#Verify that the queueu and Exchange are gone:
    Get-RabbitMQExchange @params
    Get-RabbitMQQueue @params

What can I do with it?

There is a set of cmdlets to manage the server, such as:

  • Get-RabbitMQOverview
  • Get-RabbitMQNode
  • Get-RabbitMQConnection
  • Get-RabbitMQChannel
  • Get-RabbitMQVirtualHost, Add-RabbitMQVirtualHost, Remove-RabbitMQVirtualHost
  • Get-RabbitMQExchage, Add-RabbitMQExchange, Remove-RabbitMQExchange
  • Get-RabbitMQQueue, Add-RabbitMQQueue, Remove-RabbitMQQueue
  • Get-RabbitMQMessage

To learn more about a cmdlet, or to see some examples run get-help cmdlet_name