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Connect to your GHDL simulation via JTAG! GDB <-TCP-> OpenOCD <-remote bitbang-> vhpi_jtag <-VHPI-> GHDL


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Connect to your GHDL simulation via JTAG!

Got tired of looking at those pesky waveforms while ultimately debugging your VHDL softcore in simulation? Ever wished you could just use the glory that is the gnu debugger GDB without actually having to use any real hardware? Well here is your answer. With the magic that is VHPIDIRECT, we can interface from the GHDL simulation to other software.

The communication channel from gdb to your softcore roughly looks like this:

+-----+     +---------+     +-------------+     +---------------+     +---------------------+
| GDB | <-> | OpenOCD | <-> | vhpi_json.c | <-> | vhpi_json.vhd | <-> | JTAG TAP / softcore |
+-----+  :  +---------+  :  +-------------+  :  +---------------+  :  +---------------------+
        TCP         UNIX socket          VHPIDIRECT              JTAG

[        outside GHDL <<] [>> inside GHDL                                                   ]

This repository contains a simple VHDL entity vhpi_jtag with a corresponding C-API that exposes a named UNIX socket. The VHDL entity can be used wherever you want to drive the typical tdo, tck, tms and tdi JTAG signals. During simulation a named UNIX socket is created to which OpenOCD can connect via the lovely remote bitbanging protocol. GDB can then connect to OpenOCD as usual and off you go!

Getting started

The following assumes prior knowledge about the general use of ghdl, openocd and gdb. For a more complete example see test subfolder. Especially examine the script that brings it all together.

First, instantiate the vhpi_jtag entity in your design (probably an testbench) and drive your JTAG TAP with its signals.

  -- example:
  vhpi_jtag_inst : entity work.vhpi_jtag
    port map (
      clk => clk,
      tdo => con_jtag_tdo,
      tck => con_jtag_tck,
      tms => con_jtag_tms,
      tdi => con_jtag_tdi,
      trst => open,
      srst => open

Next, analyze and elaborate the design files. But while elaborating, also link in the C-API in vhpi_jtag.c.

Note: GHDL with the mcode backend does currently not support VHPIDIRECT. Elaboration is expected to fail. Use LLVM or GCC backends.

ghdl -a vhpi_jtag.vhd <other VHDL sources> # analyse design files
ghdl -e -Wl,vhpi_jtag.c <toplevel entity> # elaborate toplevel

Now you should have a ghdl compiled executable with the name of your toplevel, lets name it top. Run it as you usually do run your simulations.

./top # run simulation

While the simulation is running, a named UNIX socked is created in /tmp/vhpi_jtag.sock. Connect to that socket with OpenOCD by selecting the remote_bitbang adapter in your config files.

adapter driver remote_bitbang
remote_bitbang_port 0
remote_bitbang_host /tmp/vhpi_jtag.sock

<other config lines for jtag tap(s) and target(s)>
openocd -f openocd.cfg

Compared to running on a real target a simulated JTAG connection can be quite slow. So OpenOCD might complain about timeouts. You can increase the timeout for commands with the following in the config:

riscv set_reset_timeout_sec 120
riscv set_command_timeout_sec 120

If everything has been successful so far, OpenOCD should print out something like this:

Info : Initializing remote_bitbang driver
Info : Connecting to unix socket /tmp/vhpi_jtag.sock
Info : remote_bitbang driver initialized
Info : JTAG tap: riscv.cpu tap/device found: 0x00000003 (mfg: 0x001 (AMD), part: 0x0000, ver: 0x0)
Info : Examined RISC-V core; found 1 harts
Info :  hart 0: XLEN=32, misa=0x40901103
Info : starting gdb server for riscv.cpu on 3333

All that's left to do is start up gdb and debug away:

gdb-multiarch -ex 'target extended-remote localhost:3333'


Further Documentation

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MIT © N. Leuenberger.


Connect to your GHDL simulation via JTAG! GDB <-TCP-> OpenOCD <-remote bitbang-> vhpi_jtag <-VHPI-> GHDL








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