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Special Thanks

Nick edited this page Feb 15, 2023 · 7 revisions

Thanks to: Chippy (for creating KNHUD), Quartz (for spending months helping me get the hang of this), Sinders (for putting up with my annoying self for years upon years), Garm3n, raysfire, OMP, Hypnotize, and the HUDS.TF Discord server crew for many many HUD elements and developement help. Major shoutout to Sunflower for giving me some great ideas during development, along with many others who helped me in closed testing of v5.

Thanks to Clovervidia for the closed captions.

Further thanks to Joe Prince for the creation of Maven Pro, the core font of this HUD, and making the font available to all for free. If you want the font for yourself, the files for all of the types are in the HUD fonts folder, alternatively, you can download the font right here.

And a big thanks to everyone else not mentioned here who lent a hand or maybe some code over these 10 long years, whether you're still around in this or not. It's been an honor and a pleasure, and I wish all of you the best on your continuing paths; while I walk mine. Let's see if TF2 lives for another 10 years.