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Nick edited this page Sep 8, 2021 · 1 revision
  1. Go to tf/custom/kbnhud-master/^customizations/#hitmarkers and open hitmarkers_hudlayout.res with a text editor program (eg. Notepad, thought Notepad++ is highly recommended). The first thing you see should say ^Hitmarker.

  2. Using the guide image in the #hitmarkers folder, decide on the hitmarker shape you prefer, and then find it in the file and set "visible" to "1".

  3. Under that, find "xpos", which moves it left and right, and "ypos", which moves it up and down. DON'T TOUCH "zpos"!

  4. Now, open your game and create a normal server. Have hud_reloadscheme ready in console.

  5. Now you'll see the values for "xpos" as "c-12" and "ypos" as "c-11". If you increase the value in "xpos" (eg. "c-13)" the hitmarker will move to the left. If you increase the value in "ypos" (eg. "c-12") it will move up.

  6. Adjust both positions untill it seems centered.

  7. Every time you change the number, save the file and then enter hud_reloadscheme into your console, until it is centered or as close to centered as you can get. (You need to do this to see any changes)

  8. When you have properly centered it around the crosshair, then you have successfully made the HUD work. Congratulations!