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Flatpak Update

Marvin1099 edited this page Jul 6, 2024 · 8 revisions

Version 1.446 - now

Keep in mind that using the flatpak is not recommended,
use the regular steam version instead

Checkout Steam Flatpak Usage,
for the newest info on using the the launcher in the steam flatpak

This update adds support to use the steam flatpak,
but there are a few steps you have to follow to make it work.

Follow these steps to make it work:

  1. Follow the Quick Guide to step 6
  2. Install Flatseal to change the settings of the steam flatpak.
  3. Install flatpak-xdg-utils so the wemod-laucher can start itself outside of the flatpak
  4. Now change the following settings inside Flatseal on the steam flatpak:
    • Add the path /home/$USER/wemod-launcher to Filesystem: Other files
      Replace $USER with your username
    • Enable Socket: D-Bus session bus
    • Enable Socket: D-Bus system bus
  5. Open a Terminal / Console and run:
    sudo chmod -R ug+rw /home/$USER/.var/app/com.valvesoftware.Steam/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/compatdata
    Note: Replace $USER with your username
  6. Restart Steam
  7. Continue to Follow the Quick Guide from step 7