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5. Homepage Sprint August 14 18

kathreenriel edited this page Nov 20, 2017 · 1 revision

This is a review of the Homepage Sprint for the EYPD Project.

There were 5 Tasks that were completed this week.

#191 Post an Event Form:Format and Post Graphic: This was completed. Once this function goes live on production, Alex will change the permissions so that Organizers will be able to post a graphic.

#203 myEYPD Page: Countdown Clock: This was completed and provides added functionality for registered Learners of the EYPD site who can now view, save, record professional development hours and keep track of how many days they have left before their professional certification expires.

#112 More viewing and sorting options for Events and Users in the dashboard: Alex added buttons to this theme and utilized an external php library so that data can be exported to an excel spreadsheet to provide more options for sorting and viewing user and event data.

#211 Homepage: Change description titles in search section: Modifications to the descriptions of the search fields were completed based on user feedback to provide clearer direction as to how to interact with the search functions.

#212 Homepage: Create a What’s trending section: Alex investigated this mechanism and more investigation is required. Questions to consider: What will the trending function display? Just text? If just text does this balance with the design of the page which at present is mostly text. If graphic and text is displayed how will training events without banner images be displayed? Where will the trending section be located on the page? Kathreen recommended this task go into the product backlog for more investigation of these questions.