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0. Sprint Retrospective Notes

kathreenriel edited this page Nov 20, 2017 · 1 revision

Notes on Sprint Tasks Accomplished

Version 9.1 March 13- March 24

Reoccurring Events on Homepage Brad: All reoccurring events are now separated as separate events so that if the occur over several days and they may show up in the upcoming events section of the homepage.

Kathreen: This was activated and accessible in the dashboard. This feature works in that it shows what keywords users are searching for.

Add New Domains Brad: All sub-domains of were taken out (such as school district sub-domains) so that now all domains that end in are in the database.

SPAM Filter and Investigate SPAM filter Paula: Fewer SPAM (11 presently) are getting through. Paula will monitor and report on SPAM and re-CAPTCHA will be reinvestigated in problem persists.
Kathreen to combine the two tasks into one and put them back in the Product backlog

Make professional Development mandatory on Post An Event form (14 hours) This task became two tasks.

  1. Make the field mandatory
  2. Make statement appear based on selection of 'yes' or 'no' in mandatory field. Given the time taken to complete 1 decision agreed upon to Make the statement a permanent phrase on the form not conditional upon the mandatory field.

Investigate Collaborative Environment This was added on the last day of Spring backlog due to ongoing discussions about the comments sprint item. Scope of this task bigger than anticipated. Kathreen will move this back to the product backlog. Alex offered suggestions about the SCRUM process, purpose and parameters of Sprint backlog to clarify what gets posted, assigned and affirmed as a Sprint item and when. Kathreen will document this in Confluence for future reference.

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