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v8 port

A port of Google V8 JavaScript engine to z/OS Open Tools project

The upstream for v8 is here.

Developer Notes


The manual workflow to build v8port requires the following:

  • python
    • tested with python 3.11 from base z/OS install
  • ninja from z/OS Open Tools ninjaport
  • gn from zos open tools gnport
    $ clang++ --version
    C/C++ for Open Enterprise Languages on z/OS 2.0.0, clang version 14.0.0 (build 37a9321)
    Target: s390x-ibm-zos
    Thread model: posix
    InstalledDir: /C/CCplus/LangV2GA/usr/lpp/IBM/oelcpp/v2r0/bin
  • depot_tools port zos open tools depot_toolsport
  • zoslib
    • The manual workflow provides instructions on how to install this. However, its noted here to catalog the compiler. With that said, it uses the same clang++ above and clang from the same package.
    $ clang --version
    C/C++ for Open Enterprise Languages on z/OS 2.0.0, clang version 14.0.0 (build 37a9321)
    Target: s390x-ibm-zos
    Thread model: posix
    InstalledDir: /C/CCplus/LangV2GA/usr/lpp/IBM/oelcpp/v2r0/bin

z/OS Open Tools Workflow

This is the workflow for building v8 using the z/OS Open Tools framework.

  1. install depot_tools
    • $ zopen install depot_tools
  2. Currently v8port is still in developer form
    • $ cd ${HOME}/zopen/dev
    • $ git clone
  3. The build process will use git via ssh. If you have a passphrase for your ssh key, do the following:
    • $ eval \ssh-agent``
    • $ ssh-add ${HOME}/.ssh/some_private_ssh_key
  4. Start the build process
    • $ cd ${HOME}/zopen/dev/v8port
    • $ rm -rf ~/.local v8base install ${HOME}/zopen/usr/local/zopen/v8 venv log; zopen build > out.log 2>&1

It will create a venv in ${HOME}/zopen/usr/local/zopen/v8/v8-DEV/venv. The v8port buildenv file will setup config the environment to fetch the v8 source code. Afterwards, source this venv via . ${HOME}/zopen/usr/local/zopen/v8/v8-DEV/venv/bin/activate to work on the repo.

This can be done in a convienece script via

$ . ./

or if you want to preserve the hidden v8base/.gclient and v8base/.gclient_entries

$ . ./ -resume