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MSC harvester

DOI python workflow

The MSC harvester obtains Open Mathematics Subject Classification (MSC) data from the zbMATH Open OAI-PMH-API using the Sickle client. The data is written in a CSV file. See sample.csv for an example.

The meaning of the columns is the following:

de: Eight-digit internal zbMATH identifier (not to confuse with the public zbl identifier in the form Zbl 0910.34036)

msc: MSC of the article

keywors: keywords of the article

title: title of the article

refs: MSCs occurring in the references

By default, only columns are exported with all values present.

Notes on the de-indentifier

One can navigate to the corresponding article in the zbMATH open web interface by prefixing the string For example for de=1209934 navigate to In rare cases, there are de values below 1000000; if so, as many zeros have to be prefixed so that the final number in the URL has eight digits. To retrieve the de from the zbMATH Open website, a little trick is required: One can obtain the DE by clicking on the BibTeX button below the article. A BibTeX entry with the key zbMATH01209934 will be downloaded for this example. The DE number is the number after the word zbMATH, i.e., 1209934.

Links and references