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Folders and files

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Boxigo React Assignment

Project Overview

Welcome to the Boxigo React Assignment! This project demonstrates a robust and efficient React application developed to consume and display data from the Boxigo API. The goal was to create a user-friendly interface that includes inventory details, user moves, and profile management, structured within a maintainable and scalable folder hierarchy.

Folder Structure

The project adheres to a clean and modular folder structure as outlined below

  • components/: This directory houses all the reusable React components.

    • InventoryDetails/: Displays detailed inventory information.
    • MyMoves/: Manages and displays user moves.
    • Navbar/: The top navigation bar component.
    • Sidebar/: The sidebar component for additional navigation.
  • page/: This directory contains the main pages of the application.

    • GetRequest/: Handles GET requests and data presentation.
    • Logout/: Manages user logout functionality.
    • MyProfile/: Displays and manages user profile information.
  • styles/: This directory includes styling files.

    • InventoryStyle/: Specific styles for the InventoryDetails component.
    • responsiveStyle/: Styles to ensure the application is responsive across devices.


You can view a live demo of the application here.

Video Demo

A video demo of the application can be found here.

Setup and Installation

To set up and run the project locally, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository:
    git clone
    cd Boxigo
  2. Install dependencies:
    npm install

Handling CORS Issues

The provided API had CORS issues which were resolved by setting up a basic server. This server acts as a proxy, fetching data from the Boxigo API and serving it to the React application without CORS errors.

Backend Server Live on Render

You can view our Backend server live here here.

Thank You

Thank you to Boxigo for this opportunity to showcase my skills through this assignment.