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DeepTrane🎷 is a project-oriented deep learning library. Its main goals are:

  • Provide training setups/pipelines for PyTorch, TensorFlow, YOLOv5
  • Quickly setup new projects in custom modules
  • Fast dev cycle with remote execution (cloud/kaggle/colab) and full version control
  • Easily merge project code into master branch
  • Flexible experiment configuration

Dev Scheme

git clone
cd deeptrane
python  # pytorch test run
Quick Start
To start a new project, [fork]( the repo and create a new branch.
git clone[user_name]/deeptrane
cd deeptrane
git checkout -b [my_project]  # create new branch for you project
git push origin [my_project]  # push the branch to your github fork
Custom code and global settings for the project should be defined in `projects/[my_project].py`, whereas experiments can be configured in `configs/[experiment_name].py`. The default configuration is `projects/`. Call the training script with option `-c [experiment_name]` to update the config for your experiment. In the API, it is passed as a `cfg` namespace object. Your learning rate, for instance, will be ``.
python    -c [experiment_name]  # PyTorch or YOLOv5
python -c [experiment_name]  # Tensorflow

The project module

As minimal example, let's train an image classifier for the Cassava Leaf Disease kaggle competition using PyTorch. Project settings are specified in function init(cfg) in projects.cassava:

from pathlib import Path

def init(cfg):
    cfg.competition_path = Path('/kaggle/input/cassava-leaf-disease-classification')

    if cfg.filetype == 'jpg':
        assert cfg.size[0] == cfg.size[1]
        size = cfg.size[0]
        cfg.image_root = Path(f'/kaggle/input/cassava-jpeg-{size}x{size}/kaggle/train_images_jpeg')

    cfg.meta_csv = cfg.competition_path / 'train.csv'

Scaled input images are read as JPEGs from cfg.image_root. This path to a kaggle dataset will depend on the image size specified in the config file.

Labels are read from the official competition dataset and stored in a pandas DataFrame. The API expects classifier labels in column category_id. If present, it calls project.add_category_id(df, cfg) to generate them:

def add_category_id(df, cfg):
    return df.rename(columns={'label': 'category_id'})

The image path associated with the label will be


Where image_id is another column of the DataFrame and if present, the API calls project.add_image_id(df, cfg) to create it:

def add_image_id(df, cfg):
    df['image_id'] = df.image_id.str.split('.').str[0]
    return df

Augmentation, model, and training details are specified in the config file configs/ This kaggle notebook demonstrates how to run an experiment and evaluate the training metrics. After training, the directory cfg.out_dir contains model(s) and corresponding state(s) of optimizer and scheduler for restart.

PyTorch training

The PyTorch training script trains on GPUs or TPUs (xla) when detected. Required packages (torchmetrics, torch_xla, timm, albumentations) are installed automatically, but only if necessary, depending on config and environment. A local path with wheels can be specified in cfg.wheels_path.

Note that host machines on kaggle and colab are not suitable to feed eight TPU cores with data-heavy inputs, such as high-resolution images. For such applications, training on GPU or with Tensorflow is recommended (see below), which has access to the beefy TPU node resources.

Tensorflow training

The Tensorflow training script extracts inputs and labels from tensorflow record (tfrec) files. Instead of a filetype, the config must specify either GCS path(s) as cfg.gcs_paths or a kaggle dataset (subdir of /kaggle/inputs) as cfg.dataset, whose GCS path is detected automatically.

The features to be used from the tfrec files can be specified and mapped to their types in cfg.tfrec_format. Their keys will be mapped by cfg.data_format to default field names recognized by the encoders and the keras model (cfg.inputs, cfg.targets). These config variables should be set in the project's init() function. They will be ignored by


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