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Poly Symmetry Command

Ryan Porter edited this page Feb 25, 2018 · 2 revisions



    [mesh or polySymmetryData]

polySymmetry is undoable, queryable, and NOT editable.

Returns a component symmetry table for a polygon mesh.

If constructionHistory is on, the symmetry table is baked into a polySymmetryData node. Otherwise, it is encoded as a JSON string.

In query mode, return type is based on queried flag(s) and the node argument.

Long name (short name) Argument types Properties
constructionHistory (ch) boolean [C]
If true, bake the symmetry table to a node and return the node. Otherwise, encode the symmetry table as a JSON object and return it. Default: true.
exists (ex) boolean [Q]
Return true if a polySymmetryData node exists for the selected mesh.
leftSideVertex (lsv) component [C]
Component name (eg, vtx[7]) of a vertex on the left side of the mesh. There must be at least one left side vertex.
symmetry (sym) componentList [C]
Components (eg, f[13] f[37] e[41] e[7] vtx[3] vtx[501]) that are known to be symmetrical. Must provide exactly two faces, two edges, and two vertices. Each vertex must be on one of the edges, and each edge must be on one of the faces. The edges must have two adjacent faces.


// This command create the symmetry table. The constructionHistory flag is on by default.
polySymmetry -symmetry f[354] f[603] e[775] e[1103] vtx[350] vtx[503] -leftSideVertex vtx[0] head_MESH;
// Result: polySymmetryData1 // 
// Turning the construction history flag off will return the symmetry table as a JSON object.
polySymmetry -symmetry f[354] f[603] e[775] e[1103] vtx[350] vtx[503] -leftSideVertex vtx[0] -ch 0 head_MESH;
// Result truncated for brevity.
// Result:: { "e": { "symmetry": [...], "sides": [...] }, "f": { ... }, "vtx": { ... }} //
// polySymmetryData nodes are cached in memory based on a checksum of the mesh's topology. 
// You can query the cache with a mesh to retrieve the matching polySymmetryData node.
// If there is no match, an empty string is returned.
polySymmetry -q myMesh;
// Result: polySymmetryData1
// You can query the cache with a mesh to ascertain whether or not there is a matching polySymmetryData node.
polySymmetry -q -ex yourMesh;
// Result: 0
// You can query a polySymmetryData node to get the symmetry table as a JSON object.
polySymmetry -q polySymmetryData1
// Result { "e": { "symmetry": [...], "sides": [...] }, "f": { ... }, "vtx": { ... }} //
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